16 February 2011
Fort Detrick's workers have a new tool to make work easier, and help save money with the recently delivered Grove TM500E-2 crane.
Posted by PAO

A Commentary
The Army has continually built on the desire to keep Soldiers, civilians and families safe. "Accidents represent a serious problem, accounting for more deaths, disability and loss of productivity in DoD than any other cause.
Posted by Webmaster

In an effort to continue to lead the nation as one of the top one percent in Safety, Fort Detrick Safety Management Office is asking again for nominations for the annual Safety Award.
Posted by PAO

Antiterrorism and Contracting Awareness
The theme for 2nd Quarter, Fiscal Year 2011 is Antiterrorism and Contracting Awareness.
Posted by PAO

One inch ended Maj. Andy Ingalsbe's service in theater. In September 2009, a sniper's round struck him in the back, one inch below his Kevlar vest. The reservist and his civil affairs team had just completed a humanitarian mission in Afghanistan's Paktika province. The well-placed projectile inflicted extensive damage.
Posted by PAO

The 302nd Signal Battalion, 21st Signal Brigade, changed leadership Jan. 31, saying farewell to Col. Douglas Orsi, who led the unit, providing and defending Global Network Enterprise Capabilities for the President of the United States, Secretary of Defense, Joint Chiefs of Staff, warfighting Combatant Commanders, the Military Services, and other Federal Agencies.
Posted by PAO

He's as likely to break into a song as discuss networks and bandwidth, and has been known to grow a mean pumpkin or two, and while Dwayne Oland is the chief techno-geek for Fort Detrick, his easy-going persona and gentle smile might seem more apppropriate to a kindly preacher or favorite teacher.
Posted by PAO

Dizziness and balance issues are the most frequently report symptoms following exposure to an improvised explosive device.

A measure was needed not only for the original assessment of Soldiers following an IED event, but also to follow the progress of the Soldier during rehabilitation and to determine when the Soldier is ready to return-to-duty.

Posted by PAO

01 February 2011
Reformatted town hall offers broader glimpse of partners, missions
Following public comments regarding the format of previous community town hall meetings, U.S. Army Garrison Fort Detrick officials rethought how to invite the public to learn about the installation's various missions and people. The answer was tested Jan. 31 at the Whittaker Campus Center, Hood College in the form of an exhibition-style event.
Posted by PAO

MRMC's top NCO reflects on life of icon
More than 100 people received an education about equality, service and the need to treat others with dignity and respect as they listened to Command Sgt. Maj. Kevin B. Stuart, Command Sergeant Major of the Medical Research and Materiel Command at the celebration of the life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Jan. 20.
Posted by PAO