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Systems Analysis Branch (Code 8220)

This branch is responsible for the research and development of mechanical space systems. This includes integrated conceptual design trade studies, engineering design and analysis, test planning and correlation, prototype and experimental hardware development. The branch also provides space systems engineering and integration for new missions.

National Programs Staff (8220.1):
NRL staff assigned to support National program office activities on and off site.

Thermal Systems Section (Code 8221):
Provides research, concept development, engineering design, analysis, fabrication, integration, test, and on orbit support of thermal systems and subsystems for spacecraft.

Structural Systems section (Code 8222):
Provides research, concept development, engineering design, analysis, test planning and correlation of structural systems and subsystems for spacecraft.

Mission Integration and Development Section (Code 8223):
Provides systems engineering and integration for new space missions. This includes conceptual development and analysis of new systems and applications, budget and schedule estimation and development methods, mission assurance and risk assessment, and project/program management.

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