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Office of Cancer Nanotechnology Research (OCNR) OCNR Homepage

Director: Piotr Grodzinski, Ph.D.

OCNR directs the NCI Alliance for Nanotechnology in Cancer, a program to pioneer the development and deployment of nanotechnology-based interventions which hold enormous promise for advancing all aspects of cancer research and medicine. OCNR:

  • Established a network of cancer nanotechnology centers that have achieved seminal advances – moving new nanotechnology-enabled cancer diagnostics, imaging, and treatments through preclinical development and into clinical trials.
  • Established the Nanotechnology Characterization Laboratory, which creates assay protocols and characterizes nanoparticles through a collaboration with the FDA and the National Institute of Standards and Technology to facilitate regulatory review of nanotechnology-based cancer interventions.
  • Created unprecedented teams of academic researchers and entrepreneurs who have formed more than 50 companies to expedite commercialization of mature nanotechnology-based interventions.