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Northern Ireland

Economic Envoy and U.S. Chamber of Commerce To Host NI Business Brief on March 16 in Washington, D.C.

04 March 2011

The U.S. Economic Envoy to Northern Ireland Declan Kelly today announced that he, in conjunction with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, will be hosting a Northern Ireland business briefing entitled “Northern Ireland Economic Update – New Opportunities for Transatlantic Trade and Investment” on March 16th in Washington, D.C.

Confirmed speakers include First Minister Peter Robinson, deputy First Minister Martin McGuinness, senior executives from existing U.S. corporate investors in Northern Ireland, and executives from Northern Ireland companies that have invested in the U.S.  “The event provides an excellent forum to present the Northern Ireland business case to senior corporate leaders from a wide range of industries including the key sectors for Northern Ireland. The event will highlight the opportunities for foreign direct investment and also for increased trade links between the United States and Northern Ireland,” stated Envoy Kelly.

He added: “Northern Ireland today is one of the most attractive locations in the world for inward investment, and companies have continued to invest in the region despite challenging global economic conditions. The Chamber of Commerce event will allow business leaders to hear firsthand from the regions political leaders, and most importantly to hear from companies that have already made the decision to invest.” “I am grateful to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce for hosting this event. The Chamber does vital work promoting U.S. business interests around the world, and I am confident that U.S. companies looking to expand internationally will benefit greatly from the talent, infrastructure and operating environment available in Northern Ireland,” concluded Envoy Kelly.


Note: The U.S. Chamber is sponsoring this event, as it does similar events, to encourage the exchange of information on topics important to its members.  By sponsoring this event, the Chamber is not advocating the views expressed by any particular speaker or participant in the event.