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Remarks to the Press by Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Public Affairs

Remarks to the Press by Philip J. Crowley Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Public Affairs

09 March 2010

Washington, DC

Finally, you’ve seen the statement released by the Secretary a short time ago regarding the affirmation of the Hillsborough Agreement. Devolution will mark a major milestone in achieving the aspirations of the Good Friday Agreement, and the St. Andrews Agreement will help cement the hard-won gains over the past decade. Obviously, for a milestone like this, a number of players have played significant roles. We, the United States, including Secretary Clinton, have been actively engaged in helping Northern Ireland reach this point, as have a number of officials in the British Government, including not only the Brown government but also the strong support that David Cameron and the Conservative Party have given to the Hillsborough Agreement.

With that, your questions.

QUESTION: A question about Northern Ireland, actually. Can you confirm this Guardian report that Declan Kelly urged former President Bush to make a call to David Cameron last week about the vote?

MR. CROWLEY: He did not. We were not involved in – with the – former President Bush’s phone call.

QUESTION: Were there any contacts by the Administration on this other than the calls by the former president? I mean, was there anything by this Administration to push it one way or the other?

MR. CROWLEY: Clarify, Kirit. Try --

QUESTION: Was there anything from this government that’s actually tried to contact one side or the other to push them on this vote? Not – I know that you said it didn’t involve the former president at all, but --

MR. CROWLEY: Well, yeah. I mean, the Secretary has been engaged with all of the parties. She talked recently to the leading figures in Ireland, including Peter Robinson, Martin McGuinness, also Reg Empey. So we have been actively engaged, but we did not have anything to do with President Bush’s phone call.

 • Statement by Secretary Clinton on Northern Ireland Assembly Vote on Devolution