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USACE Castle
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SMART planning is:
     S: Specific
    M: Measurable
    A: Attainable
    R: Risk Informed
    T: Timely

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Final Report Milestone

Last updated: 30 June 2012

    The final report milestone is the MSC Commander’s submittal of the final report of the district engineer and NEPA document to HQUSACE. Between the Agency Decision Milestone and the Final Report Milestone, the PDT is developing the design and cost detail to reduce risk of uncertainty with cost data, engineering effectiveness, environmental impacts, and economic benefits.

    What Does a SMART Feasibility Study Look Like
    The submittal of the final report to HQUSACE initiates a series of Washington-level actions that would ideally culminate in the authorization of the recommended project. Final decision documents recommending the authorization of new projects and/or modification of existing projects must be transmitted to HQUSACE for review and approval prior to the execution of design agreements or project partnership agreements (PPAs), and the subsequent obligation and expenditure of funds for design or construction.

    District Quality Control (DQC), Agency Technical Review (ATR), and independent external peer review (IEPR, if necessary) will be completed prior to District Commander signature of the final decision document. Once the District Commander signs the recommendations in the final decision document, the USACE district will forward the final report, final NEPA document, and related materials to the MSC. The District Commander’s signature is for the recommendation and does not constitute the project decision in accordance with ER 2-2-200. Therefore, the Record of Decision (ROD) or Finding of no Significant Impact (FONSI) will not be signed at or before this time. The Division Commander's transmittal letter will provide the submittal package to HQUSACE for review.

    Upon receiving the MSC submittal materials (ER 1105-2-100, Appendix H, Exhibit H-7), the HQUSACE policy review team will briefly assess the compliance of the materials with previous guidance and the decision log to identify any obvious concerns that may warrant delaying the release for state and agency review. The Office of Water Project Review (OWPR) review lead will summarize these and any other remaining policy and legal concerns for the DCG-CEO.

    Provided that all policy issues have been addressed and the recommended plan does not vary significantly from the selected plan endorsed at the agency endorsement milestone, the DCG-CEO may choose to approve release of the final report and NEPA document and draft report of the Chief of Engineers for S&A and final NEPA review. If all policy issues have been addressed and the recommended plan varies significantly from the agency-endorsed plan, the DCG-CEO may choose to convene a Civil Works Review Board as a corporate checkpoint for determining that the final decision and NEPA documents, and the proposed Report of the Chief of Engineers are ready to release for state and agency review and final NEPA review.