Tag Archives: PTSD

I have PTSD

Iraq War Veteran

Through this poem, I have PTSD, Wesley hopes that other veterans and their family members will be driven to seek the help they may need.

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The Fight to Provide Veterans with the Best Mental Health Care Possible

It wasn’t so long ago that the idea of post-traumatic stress wasn’t taken seriously. From a time when troops were slapped for being “shell-shocked” and some leaders within VA were dismissive, we’ve come far. And today, expanding access to mental …

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Johnny Get Your Textbook

U.S. Army Veteran

With a half empty bottle of cheap wine in one hand (my third of the evening) and a DVD remote in the other, I sat on the sofa—eyes glazed over—numb. Somewhere in that drunken fog the night before I promised myself I was done drinking and I intended to keep that promise.

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The Art of Showing Your Stripes at Work

As I walked the parking lot and aisles of Costco as an employee, I kept something from many of my coworkers. Something that prevented glances of worried suspicion and morbid curiosity that have met me many times over the last …

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Another Way to Treat PTSD

It’s difficult to find the right treatment for post-traumatic stress after its diagnosed. Experiences and intensities vary from person to person, and everyone responds differently to treatment. Many Veterans have reported, at an alarming rate, about their reliance on prescription …

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Overload: Finding the VA Information You Need

Our yearlong deployment to Iraq was officially over. I stood at attention with my fellow soldiers for the last time before being thrown back into the civilian world. It was finally time to shed my desert camouflage uniform. It was …

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Finding Solace in Companion Dogs

Early this spring I attended a briefing about the importance of dogs in the medical treatment, recovery, and quality of life of Veterans. Not having been around this much, I had no idea the integral role that animals, particularly dogs, …

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Breaking Down Stigmas on PTSD Awareness Day

Infantrymen don’t get post-traumatic stress. We’re tough and we train for combat, and mental stress affects only the weak and unprepared. The only things that can hurt us are bullets and bombs. Before I left for Iraq, I believed every …

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Mobile App Helps Veterans with PTSD

Clinical Psychologist for the National Center for PTSD

Teams at VA’s National Center for PTSD and DoD’s National Center for Telehealth and Technology have collaborated to create a mobile phone application (app) to help Veterans and Service Members who have, or may have PTSD.

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Training to Fight PTSD

When PTSD is discussed, it always seems to be about treatment–after the wounds have been made. From medication to group therapy and now adventure therapy, the means to cope follow weeks, months and often years after traumatic events, when the …

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