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Message from the Ambassador

In the 20 years since Lithuania re-established its independence, the United States has worked closely with Lithuania to help rebuild democratic institutions and a market economy. Today our economic ties are stronger than ever before, and more and more American companies look for opportunities to partner with Lithuanian businesses. 

We continue widening and deepening our relations in all areas, including commercial and economic cooperation.  The U.S. Embassy is proud to support the American Chamber of Commerce in its initiatives, such as the first ever Department of Commerce certified Gateway Trade Mission to Lithuania held in September 2011. The goal of our cooperation is to highlight Lithuania as a gateway to the 500 million strong combined markets of Scandianvia, the European Union, and former CIS countries to the east, supported by stable political, financial, monetary and judicial systems that provide a sound platform for U.S. goods and services.

In today's global economy, trade and investment are both bi-directional and often complementary. By encouraging U.S. companies to export products and services to Lithuania and the region we expect to form new business relationships that will ultimately lead to investments by U.S. companies in Lithuania, and exports and investments by Lithuanian companies to the U.S. 

We are also working closely with Lithuanian partners, such as Invest Lithuania and Enterprise Lithuania to support the start and development of competitive businesses, help them create measurable added value and establish a network which would strengthen business ties between our two countries. 

For current highlights please visit

Recent Events

  • URS Reception
    URS Reception

    On December 7th, Chargé d'Affaires Anne Hall hosted a reception introducing URS to more than 50 people from government ministries and senior management staff from local infrastructure companies. 

  • Lecture on importance of effective communication
    Lecture on importance of effective communication

    On December 7th, Acting Deputy Chief of Mission and Political/Economic Chief A. Hamilton spoke to about 30 students at ISM University during International Week on “International language in Politics”. 

  • U.S. Patent attorney highlights the importance of IPR to small business formation in Lithuania
    U.S. Patent attorney highlights the importance of IPR to small business formation in Lithuania

    During Global Entrepreneurship Week November 12-16th, U.S. Embassy Vilnius hosted U.S. Patent and Trademark Attorney Ellen Hollcroft for a week of events highlighting the importance of patents and intellectual property rights to small business formation, growth, and development of a knowledge and innovation driven economy. 

  • Baltic Investors Forum
    Baltic Investors Forum

    On October 25-26th, U.S. Embassy Vilnius hosted an exhibition booth at the Baltic Investors’ Forum, which brought together over 500 business and political leaders from around the world to discuss future opportunities in the Lithuanian economy. 

  • Reception to support TEDx Vilnius Conference
    Reception to support TEDx Vilnius Conference

    On October 5th, Acting Deputy Chief of Mission and Political/Economic Chief Joseph A. Hamilton hosted a reception to support the 2012 TEDx Vilnius conference. 

  • U.S. Department of Agriculture Food Safety and Inspection Service Completes Initial Audit as Part of Lithuanian Equivalency Application
    U.S. Department of Agriculture Food Safety and Inspection Service Completes Initial Audit as Part of Lithuanian Equivalency Application

    On September 26th, a team of inspectors led by Office of International Affairs Veterinary Medical Officer Faiz Agarib completed a 16 day evaluation of five meat processing plants and the Lithuanian State Food and Veterinary Service oversight mechanisms. 

  • Life Sciences Baltics 2012
    Life Sciences Baltics 2012

    On September 14th, Deputy Chief of Mission Anne Hall hosted a reception at her residence to support Life Sciences Baltics 2012 and US companies interested in the Lithuanian medical sciences market. 

  • Embassy Vilnius Marks Global Economic Statecraft Day
    Embassy Vilnius Marks Global Economic Statecraft Day

    On June 14th, Embassy Vilnius marked GESD with a series of events and activities. Ambassador Derse hosted a roundtable discussion with journalists, Embassy Economic/Commercial staff, staff from the local American Chamber of Commerce, Invest Lithuania, Investor’s Forum and focussed on areas of mutual interest and how to move the economic relationship forward over the next year. 

  • DCM Opens Vyno Klubas Annual Wine Fair Vyno Dienos
    DCM Opens Vyno Klubas Annual Wine Fair Vyno Dienos

    On May 25th, DCM Anne Hall gave opening remarks at the Vyno Dienos (Wine Days), the largest annual wine degustation event in the Baltic States. The Embassy’s booth served as a unique opportunity to experience a wide selection of excellent wines from California.  Photo Gallery »

  • Visit of Foreign Agricultural Service Biotechnology Speaker Dr. Robert Bolla
    Visit of Foreign Agricultural Service Biotechnology Speaker Dr. Robert Bolla

    On May 22nd, Dr. Bolla, a Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry at Bradley University gave lectures at Aleksandras Stulginskis University, Vytautas Magnus University, and Vilnius University as a part an Embassy outreach program that seeks to explain the advantages of science driven agriculture to young scientists and students. 

  • Warsaw Foreign Agricultural Service Attaché attends Pan-Baltic Agricultural Fair in Kaunas
    Warsaw Foreign Agricultural Service Attaché attends Pan-Baltic Agricultural Fair in Kaunas

    On May 10th, Warsaw Foreign Agricultural Service Attaché Michael Henney and Specialist Piotr Rucinski visited Kaunas to attend largest Pan-Baltic Agricultural fair "AgroBalt 2012". During his visit, Mr. Henney also met with government officials to discuss Lithuania’s effort to receive permits to export meat products to the U.S. 

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