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Notification of convictions for driver violations.

Regulations current to Aug 30, 2012
Examples: Medical Form, 391.53, 391
Up All Regulations
Up Part 383
< 383.25 383.33 >
Subpart C - Notification requirements and employer responsibilities

Code of Federal Regulations§ 383.31Notification of convictions for driver violations.(a) Each person who operates a commercial motor vehicle, who has a commercial driver's license issued by a State or jurisdiction, and who is convicted of violating, in any type of motor vehicle, a State or local law relating to motor vehicle traffic control (other than a parking violation) in a State or jurisdiction other than the one which issued his/her license, shall notify an official designated by the State or jurisdiction which issued such license, of such conviction. The notification must be made within 30 days after the date that the person has been convicted.(b) Each person who operates a commercial motor vehicle, who has a commercial driver's license issued by a State or jurisdiction, and who is convicted of violating, in any type of motor vehicle, a State or local law relating to motor vehicle traffic control (other than a parking violation), shall notify his/her current employer of such conviction. The notification must be made within 30 days after the date that the person has been convicted. If the driver is not currently employed, he/she must notify the State or jurisdiction which issued the license according to §383.31(a). (c) Notification. The notification to the State official and employer must be made in writing and contain the following information: (1) Driver's full name;(2) Driver's license number;(3) Date of conviction;(4) The specific criminal or other offense(s), serious traffic violation(s), and other violation(s) of State or local law relating to motor vehicle traffic control, for which the person was convicted and any suspension, revocation, or cancellation of certain driving privileges which resulted from such conviction(s);(5) Indication whether the violation was in a commercial motor vehicle;(6) Location of offense; and(7) Driver's signature.[52 FR 20587, June 1, 1987, as amended at 54 FR 40787, Oct. 3, 1989]

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