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Bufkit version 12

October 10, 2012



BUFKIT is a forecast profile visualization and analysis tool kit. It is targeted as a training and forecast tool for the decision makers of the National Weather Service. It is also available to anyone that would like to explore very high vertical and temporal resolution model output for specific point locations.

BUFKIT 12 provides support for ensemble means, access to profiles with missing data fields (e.g. 4km NAM), and exporting forecast profiles into AWIPS2.

Download and Install

Option 1: Full Installation

Download the Bufkit 12 distribution package. Unzip the three files in the distribution package. Note the location of the file "Setup.exe".

1) If you install on a PC that has never run Bufkit before, just perform a standard install by running the program "Setup.exe" and run BUFKIT/BUFGET.
2) If you install on a PC that currently has BUFKIT installed:

  • Uninstall the previous version of BUFKIT
  • Install this version by running the unzipped program "Setup.exe"
  • Run BUFKIT and BUFGET.
  • Use the “Training” button to access the BUFKIT training videos.

Option 2: If you want to upgrade your existing Bufkit 11 to Bufkit 12

Download the Bufkit 12 upgrage package. Unzip the files in the distribution package. Copy all the files into your existing Bufkit installation directory. You will be overwriting the old files with the new Bufkit files.

Bufkit 12 Specifics:

  1. Interpolating/extrapolating missing data. If a profile is missing a few data fields at a specific forecast hour, Bufkit will attempt to interpolate (or extrapolate) the missing fields. This allows Bufkit to plot model profiles previously undisplayable such as the 4km NAM.
    Example display where missing data are interpolated in BUFKIT 12

  2. Exporting to AWIPS-2. Bufkit 12 can export a Bufkit forecast profile for a specific forecast hour into AWIPS-2. Just press the “Export” button (under the “Control Panel”) and the display forecast profile is exported to a “.nsp” file that the AWIPS-2 sounding tool can import.
    Example of window used to export BUFKIT profiles into AWIPS-2
    Screen Shot of Export button
    Windows Explorer window with exported AWIPS-2 files

  3. Ensemble Means. Bufkit supports ensemble mean visualization available for SREF Bufkit profiles generated at NWS forecast offices. All Bukit displays can be used with the ensemble mean (e.g. see the ensemble mean hodograph at the top of this page).
    Example plot of ensemble members with ensemble mean plotted in a different color
    Time-Height plot showing individual ensemble members with ensemble mean highlighted as a bolder curve

  4. Buget can now archive ensemble profiles. The Bufget profile download application can now archive compressed ensemble profiles.
    Example display showing SREF profiles available in BUFKIT for archiving

  5. User-define Overview time scale. The “Set Up Panel” now allows the user to define the 4 time scales on the Overview display by model type. You can access this option by clicking on the “Scale Extension” check box under the “Advanced Options.”
    Displaying showing four configured time scales in Set Up Panel for several different models

  6. SE Linux Support. In additional to standard Linux support using WINE, Bufkit 12 can now run in those Linux distributions that has Security Enhanced Linux installed.
  7. Storm Motion Calculations. The storm motion calculations no longer use pressure weighting to calculate mean storm motion. The change allows for better compatibility with published techniques.


NWS staff can contact me via e-mail: E-mail address for Ed Mahoney

Archived Versions

BUFKIT 9.06 Release
BUFKIT 9.07 Technology Preview
BUFKIT 10.11 Release
BUFKIT 11 Release

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Page last modified: November 6, 2012 16:19

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