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Western Europe and Canada

Foreign Relations of the United States, 1961–1963, Volume XIII, Western Europe and Canada

List of Persons

  • Acheson, Dean, former Secretary of State and Chairman of the President’s Advisory Committee on NATO
  • Adenauer, Konrad, Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany until October 1963
  • Alphand, Hervé, French Ambassador to the United States
  • Armstrong, Willis C., Minister in Canada until August 1966; thereafter Director of the Office of British Commonwealth and Northern European Affairs, Bureau of European Affairs, Department of State
  • Beaudry, Robert M., International Relations Officer, Office of Western European Affairs, Bureau of European Affairs, Department of State
  • Beigel, Edgar J., International Relations Officer, Office of Western European Affairs, Bureau of European Affairs, Department of State
  • Blue, William L., Deputy Director of the Office of Western European Affairs, Bureau of European Affairs, Department of State, until July 1961; Director until January 1962
  • Blumenthal, W. Michael, Deputy Special Representative for Trade Negotiations from December 1962
  • Bohlen, Charles E., Ambassador to France from September 1962
  • Bowie, Robert, Director of the Center for International Studies
  • Bowles, Chester B., Under Secretary of State until December 1961
  • Brasseur, Maurice P., Belgian Minister of Trade
  • Brentano, Heinrich von, Foreign Minister of the Federal Republic of Germany until October 1961; thereafter Chairman of the CDU faction in the Bundestag
  • Brosio, Manlio, Italian Ambassador to the United States until May 1961
  • Bruce, David K.E., Ambassaor to the United Kingdom from March 1961
  • Bundy, McGeorge, Special Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs
  • Burdett, William C., Director of the Office of British Commonwealth and Northern European Affairs, Bureau of European Affairs, Department of State, until September 1962; Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs thereafter
  • Butterworth, W. Walton, Representative to the European Communities until October 1962; Ambassador to Canada thereafter
  • Caccia, Sir Harold, British Ambassador to the United States until October 1961
  • Carlson, Delmar R., Officer in Charge of Canadian Affairs, Office of British Commonwealth and Northern European Affairs, Bureau of European Affairs, Department of State, until September 1963
  • Castiella y Maiz, Fernando Maria, Spanish Foreign Minister
  • Chayes, Abram, Legal Advisor, Department of State, from February 1961
  • Cleveland, Harlan, Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs, from February 1961
  • Cleveland, Stanley M., Director of the Office of Atlantic Political-Economic Affairs, Bureau of European Affairs, Department of State, from August 1962
  • Couve de Murville, Maurice, French Foreign Minister
  • Debré, Michel, Prime Minister of France until April 1962
  • de Gaulle, Charles, President of France
  • de Staercke, Andre, Belgian Permanent Representative to NATO
  • Diefenbaker, John G., Prime Minister of Canada until April 1963
  • Dillon, C. Douglas, Secretary of the Treasury
  • Dowling, Walter C., Ambassador to Germany until April 1963
  • Elbrick, C. Burke, Ambassador to Portugal until August 1963
  • Erhard, Ludwig, Vice Chancellor and Minister for Economic Affairs of the Federal Republic of Germany until October 1963; Chancellor thereafter
  • Fanfani, Amintore, Prime Minister of Italy until April 1963
  • Feldman, Myer, Deputy Special Counsel to the President
  • Fenoaltea, Sergio, Italian Ambassador to the United States from May 1961
  • Fernandes, Luis E., Portuguese Ambassador to the United States until June 1961
  • Fessenden, Russell, Director of the Office of European Regional Affairs, Bureau of European Affairs, Department of State, until August 1962; Minister at Brussels thereafter
  • Finletter, Thomas K., Permanent Representative to the North Atlantic Council from March 1961
  • Franco y Bahamonde, General Francisco, Chief of the Spanish State
  • Freeman, Orville L., Secretary of Agriculture
  • Furnas, Howard E., Executive Director of the MLF Negotiating Team
  • Gaitskell, Hugh T.M., Leader of the British Labour Party
  • Galbraith, J. Kenneth, Ambassador to India, April 1961–July 1963
  • Gammon, Samuel, Officer in Charge of Italian Affairs from July 1962
  • Garrigues, Antonio, Spanish Ambassador to the United States from June 1962
  • Gavin, James M., Ambassador to France, March 1961–September 1962
  • Gorbach, Alfons, Chancellor of Austria
  • Green, Howard C., Canadian Secretary of State for External Affairs until April 1963
  • Grewe, Wilhelm, German Ambassador to the United States until September 1962
  • Gronchi, Giovanni, President of the Italian Republic until May 1962
  • Hallstein, Walter, President of the Commission of the European Economic Community
  • Hare, Raymond A., Ambassador to Turkey from March 1961
  • Harriman, W. Averell, Ambassador at Large, February–November 1961; Assistant Secretary of State for Far Eastern Affairs, November 1961–March 1963; Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs from April 1963
  • Heath, Edward, British Lord Privy Seal
  • Heeney, Arnold D.P., Canadian Ambassador to the United States until April 1962
  • Heller, Walter W., Chairman of the President’s Council of Economic Advisors
  • Herter, Christian A., Special Representative for Trade Negotiations from December 1962
  • Hillenbrand, Martin J., Director of the Office of German Affairs, Bureau of European Affairs, Department of State
  • Hodges, Luther H., Secretary of Commerce
  • Home, Alexander Frederick Douglas, British Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs until October 1963; Prime Minister thereafter
  • Horsey, Outerbridge, Deputy Chief of Mission to Italy until November 1961
  • Imhof, Johannes V., International Relations Officer, Office of Western European Affairs, Bureau of European Affairs, Department of State
  • Johnson, Lyndon B., President of the United States from November 22, 1963
  • Johnson, U. Alexis, Deputy Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs from May 1961
  • Kaysen, Karl, member of the National Security Council Staff
  • Kennedy, John F., President of the United States, January 21, 1961–November 22, 1963
  • King, James E., senior analyst, Institute for Defense Analysis, 1961
  • Kitchen, Jeffrey C., Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Political-Military Affairs from May 1961 and from December 1962, Chairman of the Steering Group on Implementation of the Nassau Decisions
  • Knappstein, K. Heinrich, German Ambassador to the United States from October 1962
  • Knight, William E., II, Office of Western European Affairs, Bureau of European Affairs, Department of State
  • Kohler, Foy D., Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs until August 1962; Ambassador in the Soviet Union thereafter
  • Komer, Robert, member of the National Security Council Staff
  • Kranich, Robert H., International Relations Officer, Office of European Regional Affairs, Bureau of European Affairs, Department of State
  • Kreisky, Bruno, Austrian Foreign Minister
  • Lee, Rear Admiral John M., member of the MLF Negotiating Team, 1963
  • Leone, Giovanni, Prime Minister of Italy, July–December 1963
  • Lilienfeld, Georg von, German Minister to the United States
  • Luns, Joseph, Netherlands Foreign Minister
  • MacArthur, Douglas, II, Ambassador to Belgium from February 1961
  • Macmillan, Harold, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and First Lord of the Treasury until October 1963
  • Magill, Robert N., Deputy Director of the Office of European Regional Affairs, Bureau of European Affairs, Department of State, until February 1962
  • Mansholt, Sicco L., Vice President of the Commission of the European Economic Community
  • Marjolin, Robert E., Vice President of the Commission of the European Economic Community
  • Martin, Paul, Liberal Party member of Parliament and from April 1963 Canadian Minister of External Affairs
  • Mattei, Enrico, Chairman of the Italian State Oil Corporation (ENI), until 1962
  • Matthews, H. Freeman, Jr., Second Secretary in the Embassy to Spain from September 1963
  • McBride, Robert H., Director of the Office of Western European Affairs, Bureau of European Affairs, Department of State, until June 1961; Deputy Chief of Mission to Spain thereafter
  • McCone, John A., Director of Central Intelligence from November 1961
  • McGhee, George C., Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs from December 1961; Ambassador to Germany from May 1963
  • McNamara, Robert S., Secretary of Defense
  • McNaughton, John, General Counsel in the Department of Defense
  • Meloy, Francis E., Jr., Director of the Office of Western European Affairs, Bureau of European Affairs, Department of State, from June 1962
  • Merchant, Livingston T., Ambassador to Canada, Marchl961–May 1962; Head of the MLF Negotiating Team, 1963
  • Messmer, Pierre A., French Minister of Defense
  • More Otera, José Antonio, Secretary General of the Organization of American States
  • Moro, Aldo, Secretary of Italian Christian Democratic Party, 1961–1963; Prime Minister of Italy from December 1963
  • Nenni, Pietro, Secretary of Italian Socialist Party, 1961–1963; Vice President of Council of Ministers from December 1963
  • Nitze, Paul, Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs
  • Nogueira, Alberto Franco, Portuguese Foreign Minister
  • Nolting, Frederick E., Jr., Deputy Chief of the Mission to the European Communities
  • Norstad, Lieutenant General Lauris, Supreme Allied Commander, Europe, until December 1962
  • Ormsby Gore, Sir William David, British Ambassador to the United States from October 1961
  • Owen, Henry D., Deputy Chairman of the Policy Planning Council from November 1962
  • Pearson, Lester B., Leader of the Canadian Liberal Party and from April 1963, Prime Minister of Canada
  • Pereira, Pedro Theotonio, Portuguese Ambassador to the United States from August 1961
  • Piccioni, Attilio, Italian Foreign Minister May 1962–December 1963
  • Pisani, Edgard, French Minister of Agriculture
  • Pitblado, David D., Economic Minister in the British Embassy in the United States
  • Platzer, Wilfried, Austrian Ambassador to the United States
  • Pompidou, Georges J.R., Prime Minister of France from May 1962
  • Popper, David H., Director of the Office of Atlantic Political-Military Affairs, Bureau of European Affairs, Department of State, from September 1962
  • Ramsbotham, Peter E., Counselor in the British Foreign Office
  • Reinhardt, G. Frederick, Ambassador to Italy from May 1961
  • Rey, Jean, European Economic Community Commissioner for External Relations
  • Ricketts, Admiral Claude, Vice Chief of Naval Operations
  • Ritchie, Charles, Canadian Ambassador to the United States from May 1962
  • Roijen, J.H. van, Netherlands Ambassador to the United States
  • Rostow, Walt W., Deputy Special Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs until December 1961; thereafter Counselor of the Department of State and Chairman of the Policy Planning Council
  • Rusk, Dean, Secretary of State
  • Salazar, Antonio de Oliveira, President of the Council of Ministers of Portugal
  • Saragat, Giuseppe, Secretary of Italian Social Democratic Party until December 1963; Italian Foreign Minister from December 1963
  • Schaetzel, J. Robert, Special Assistant to the Under Secretary of State for Economic Affairs until September 1962; Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Atlantic Affairs thereafter
  • Scheyven, Louis, Belgian Ambassador to the United States
  • Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr., Special Assistant to the President
  • Schroeder, Gerhard, Foreign Minister of the Federal Republic of Germany from November 1961
  • Seaborg, Glenn T., Chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission
  • Segni, Antonio, Italian Foreign Minister until May 1962; President of the Italian Republic thereafter
  • Smith, Bromley, Acting Executive Secretary of the National Security Council until August 1961; Executive Secretary thereafter
  • Smith, Gerard C., Consultant to the Policy Planning Council, Department of State and, in 1963, member of the MLF Negotiating Team
  • Spaak, Paul-Henri, Secretary General of NATO until February 1961; Belgian Foreign Minister thereafter
  • Spiers, Ronald I., Director of the Office of Atlantic Political-Military Affairs, Bureau of European Affairs, Department of State, from November 1962
  • Stikker, Dirk U., Secretary General of NATO from April 1961
  • Stoessel, Walter J. Jr., Political Adviser to the Supreme Allied Commander, Europe, April 1961–July 1963
  • Strauss, Franz Joseph, Minister of Defense of the Federal Republic of Germany until October 1961
  • Sweeney, Joseph, Officer in Charge of United Kingdom-Ireland Affairs, Office of British Commonwealth and Northern European Affairs, Bureau of European Affairs, Department of State, July 1961–August 1962
  • Taylor, General Maxwell D., President’s Military Representative, July 1961–July 1962; Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff thereafter
  • Thompson, Llewelyn E., Ambassador to the Soviet Union until July 1962; Ambassador at Large thereafter
  • Thorneycroft, George Edward Peter, British Minister of Defense from 1962
  • Trezise, Philip H., Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Economic Affairs from October 1961
  • Tuthill, John W., Representative to the European Communities from October 1962
  • Tyler, William R., Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs until August 1962; Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs thereafter
  • Van Hollen, Christopher, International Relations Officer, Office of Atlantic Political-Military Affairs, Bureau of European Affairs, Department of State
  • Vine, Richard D., International Relations Officer, Office of European Regional Affairs, Bureau of European Affairs, Department of State, until July 1963
  • Von Hassel, Kai-Uwe, Minister of Defense of the Federal Republic of Germany from June 1962
  • Weiss, Leonard, Director of the Office of International Trade, Bureau of Economic Affairs, Department of State, September 1961–February 1963
  • Weiss, Seymour, Special Assistant to the Secretary of State from November 1961
  • Williams, G. Mennen, Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs
  • Wormser, Olivier B., Director General of Economic Affairs, French Foreign Ministry