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Watershed Academy

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The Watershed Academy is a focal point in EPA's Office of Water for providing training and information on implementing watershed approaches. The Academy's self-paced training modules, webcast seminars and live training courses provide current information from national experts across a broad range of watershed topics.

Recent Additions

Archived Version of "'How's My Waterway?' and Other Water Quality Apps" is now available!

Watershed Academy Web

Screen shot from training module

Watershed Academy Web offers more than 50 self-paced training modules that provide a broad introduction to the watershed management field.

A Watershed Management Training Certificate is available to trainees who complete 15 modules and pass the module self-tests. More than 2,500 trainees have received certificates to date.

Webcast Seminars


EPA's Watershed Academy sponsors free Webcast seminars. Offered on a monthly basis, live webcasts are conducted by expert instructors on a range of watershed topics including low impact development, the Clean Water Act, watershed protection and planning, nutrient management, and much more. Participants can register to participate in a live webcast or view the presentations and listen to the streaming audio of archived webcasts.

Live Watershed-Related Training Courses

people attending the training course

The Watershed Academy teaches several courses, and also provides contact information on many watershed courses taught by others.


The Watershed Academy houses several types of watershed-related publications.

Information Transfer Series documents are technical references that supplement our live and internet based training courses.

The Watershed Academy

Water | Wetlands, Oceans, & Watersheds | Watershed Protection

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