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February 12, 2013 What is the state of our union?

February 8, 2013: Do you support sequestration or an alternative spending reduction plan?

February 5, 2013: Do you support the Senate plan for immigration reform?

January 25, 2013: As the 113th Congress begins, which three issues do you believe are most critical for Congress to address?

January 18, 2013: Which viewpoint best represents your views on the debt ceiling?

January 11, 2013: Do you believe the Defense of Marriage Act, which defines marriage as the union between one man and one woman is constitutional for purposes of federal law?

December 21, 2012:  In light of last week's shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School, which of the following statements represent your views?

December 5, 2012: Do you support the continuation of current law, which prohibits detainees from Guantanamo Bay from being transferred to prisons in the United States?

November 30, 2012:  Given China's Growing Military Capabilities, do you consider China...

November 20, 2012: Do you think Israel has the inherent right to defend itself from Hamas rocket attacks?

November 15, 2012: Do you support legislation requiring an investigation into what happened in Benghazi and why calls from our diplomats on the ground for additional security went unanswered?

November 9, 2012:  Which "Fiscal Cliff" issues are you most concerned about?

October 23, 2012:  What do you believe are the most serious negative impacts of having a Navy that is at it's smallest size since 1917?

October 15, 2012:  Do you support the administration using taxpayer dollars to re-imburse legal fees to defense companies for failure to comply with the WARN Act?

October 4, 2012: Which immigration reform proposals do you support?

September 27, 2012:  Which of the following solutions do you support to improve our elementary and secondary education system?

September 21, 2012:  In the wake of recent violence, unrest and protest against the United States, what should be the foreign policy response from the United States to countries like Egypt or Libya?

September 7, 2012:  Which measures do you support to address our National debt problem?

August 30, 2012:  What proposals aimed at strengthening Medicare do you support?

August 17, 2012:  Do you support tapping into the Strategic Patroleum Reserve to attempt to temporarily alleviate gas prices at the pump?

August 10, 2012: What aspects of the "fiscal cliff" most concern you?

August 6, 2012: With Iranian nuclear programs posing serious threats to the security of both Israel and the United States, what courses of action do you support in preventing Iranian efforts to develop nuclear capabilities?

July 25, 2012:  With the Fed's growing influence in the private sector, do you support a congressional audit of the Federal Reserve?

July 19, 2012:  Do you believe an independent investigator should be appointed to investigate the recent flurry of leaks of classified national security information?
July 14, 2012:  Do you support the President raising taxes on 1.2 small business owners?

June 29, 2012:  In light of this week's Supreme Court ruling, what course of action do you support?

June 22, 2012:  Do you support the President's new immigration policy that would allow young, illegal immigrants to legally live and work in the U.S.?

June 14, 2012: To avoid a European-like fiscal crisis, which of these measures do you support to stop our exploding debt?

June 8, 2012:  Do you agree with the NYC Mayor's proposed ban on sugary drinks over 16 ounces?

May 30, 2012:  Do you believe the United Nations should be given expanded authority to regulate the internet?

May 23, 2012:  Do you believe the executive branch should resume defending the Defense of Marriage Act in court?  

May 17, 2012: Do you believe religious groups should have the ability to choose leaders consistent with their organizational beliefs?

May 9, 2012:  With defense cuts imminent, what measure are you most concerned about?

May 2, 2012:  As the 2011 term of the Supreme Court comes to an end, what case are you most interested in?

April 25, 2012:  Should states be allowed to regulate illegal immigration?

April 18, 2012:  Do you think the President is on the right course by proposing to raise taxes?

April 9, 2012: What do you think the U.S. Corporate tax rate should be?

March 30, 2012:  Do you support the U.S. building regional shields against ballistic missiles in Asia, the Middle East and Europe?  

March 23, 2012:  Do you support Rep. Ryan's budget proposal?

March 15, 2012: Which of the following tax reforms do you support?

March 9. 2012: If Iran continues with its nuclear research, which of the following actions do you believe is the most appropriate for the United States?  

February 29, 2012: What solutions do you support to reduce American dependence on foreign oil?

February 22, 2012: What's on your mind?

February 16, 2012: Do you support the President's budget request for Fiscal Year 2013?

February 8, 2012: Should religious institutions be forced to provide abortion-inducing drugs?

February 1, 2012: Do you support the STOCK Act to address possible insider trading in Congress? 

January 28, 2012: Do you support bold proposals like the 414 Plan to cut through the red tape and speed up construction projects? 

January 19, 2012: Do you support the Administration's decision opposing construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline?

January 14, 2012: Should the FCC still monitor public programming? 

January 6, 2012: Do you support increased federal regulations of young farm workers?

December 28, 2011: What changes would make you more optimistic about our country's future? 

December 22, 2011: Do you support a full year extension of the payroll tax cut? 

December 16, 2011: Should foreign law be used in U.S. courts? 

December 8, 2011: Should we hold the Attorney General accountable for Operation Fast and Furious?

December 2, 2011:  Do you support U.S. sanctions intended to pressure Iran to abandon its nuclear program?

November 16, 2011: Should the Administration approve construction plans of the XL pipeline running from Canada to Texas to create jobs and provide U.S. energy security? 

November 10, 2011: Do you support the efforts of the House Judiciary Committee to hold the Administration accountable for failing to detain and remove over 300,000 illegal and criminal immigrants? 

November 3, 2011: Do you support legislation to stop U.S. taxpayer-funded bailouts of European nations? 

October 24, 2011: Do you support Congressman Forbes' efforts to stave off drastic defense cuts that could result in a loss of jobs?

October 13, 2011: Do you support the 414 Plan that suspends regulations hindering the construction of roads and bridges?

October 6, 2011: Do you support use of force against terrorists?

September 29, 2011: Do you support ongoing congressional investigations of Solyndra?

September 21, 2011: Should US restrict funding to UN if it interferes with peace talks?

September 6, 2011: How prepared were the federal, state, and local governments for Hurricane Irene?

August 25, 2011: Do you support halting indirect attempts at amnesty?

August 13, 2011: What are your thoughts and concerns regarding the S&P's recent downgrade of the United States' credit rating?

August 4, 2011: With a rising China and a strained force, can we afford to cut our national defense?

July 28, 2011: Which plan do you support to address our nation's debt crisis?

July 20, 2011: Do you support the Cut, Cap and Balance Act?
July 14, 2011: Do you support the President's call to increase taxes as a way to address our national debt?

July 7, 2011: Have federal regulations inhibited America's economic recovery and job creation?
June 30, 2011: Do you support reforming the military retirement system to trim DoD's budget?

June 23, 2011: Congressional Oversight of Military Operations in Libya

June 16, 2011: Should a pro-union federal panel dictate manufacturing practices?

June 8, 2011: Do you support a Balanced Budget Amendment to the Constitution?

June 1, 2011: Do you support raising the nation's debt ceiling without further spending cuts?

May 24, 2011: Do you support long-standing U.S. security and financial commitments to Israel?

May 19, 2011: Are you concerned about the future of America's space program?

May 12, 2011: Do you support the DREAM Act?

May 6, 2011:  Should funding to Pakistan be temporarily suspended?

April 28, 2011: Are you concerned about a growing dependence on the federal government?

April 20, 2011: How are high gas prices affecting you and your family?

April 14, 2011: Next fight to be about trillions, not billions?

April 6, 2011: Would you support a government shutdown?

March 30, 2011: How can the government best enable job growth?

March 24, 2011: Do you support U.S. military involvement in Libya?

March 15, 2011: Should Congress eliminate federal funding for National Public Radio (NPR)?

March 9, 2011: Where should the United States focus its efforts to reach energy independence?

March 2, 2011: Should the House have accepted a short-term budget deal to avoid a shutdown?

February 24, 2011: Do you support the $61 billion in cuts passed by the House last week?

February 15, 2011: Where is the first place that federal spending cuts should be made?

February 8, 2011: With the unemployment rate dropping to 9.0%, is the economy improving?

February 2, 2011: What is the appropriate role for the U.S. in the developing situation in Egypt? 

January 25, 2011: What is the State of our Union?