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Session Ideas and Proposals

The Legal Services Corporation (LSC) is requesting session proposals for the 13th Annual Technology Initiative Grants (TIG) Conference in Jacksonville, FL, January 16-18, 2013. The 2013 TIG Conference is partnering with the MIE National Conference for Legal Services Administrators, which will be held January 15-16, providing one day of collaborative sessions for TIG and MIE Administrator attendees.

Please click here to submit a 2013 TIG Conference Session Proposal. The deadline for submissions is August 17, 2012.

Session proposals should relate to how the use of technology can: provide tools to assist persons whom legal services providers are not able to represent to more adequately represent themselves; improve the efficiency and effectiveness of access, triage, intake, and internal legal services delivery operations; encourage and support pro bono; address Limited English Proficiency (LEP) and other special needs populations; or provide legal services staff and pro bono advocates with better litigation and case development support. Proposals could explore new technology trends or showcase innovative projects to encourage replication.

Presenters for sessions selected may receive travel assistance from LSC.