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Centers of Expertise

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The Aircraft Hangar Fire Protection Center is capable of providing the following functions: (1) Technical review of aircraft hangar designs performed by, or administered by USACE commands. (2) Review of contractor submittals, including equipment data, shop drawings, and calculations applicable to fire protection systems. (3) Assist USACE commands in conducting final acceptance testing of hangar fire protection systems. (4) Provide consultation services for design, installation, testing, and maintenance of aircraft hangar fire protection systems. (5) Develop technical guidance and guide specifications for hangar fire protection systems.
The Army Geospatial Center (AGC) provides a single focal point for the Army Geospatial Enterprise, focusing on all Army geospatial information and services functions from policy to warfighting. The AGC mission is to coordinate, integrate and synchronize geospatial information requirements and standards across the Army, develop and field geospatial enterprise enabled systems and capabilities to the Army and the Department of Defense, and to provide direct geospatial support and products to Warfighters.
The MCX for RTLP is established to maintain state-of-the-art technical expertise for the planning, programming, design, and construction of Army training ranges and selected indoor training facilities. Technical expertise in this area includes (1) ballistics analysis, facility planning, design, and construction (2) facility safety review, and (3) Army/USMC Standard Designs.
The Automated Performance Monitoring of Dams is capable of providing the following functions: (1) ADVISORY ASSISTANCE FOR AUTOMATING MONITORING OF DAMS: Management of resources: programming, phasing and scheduling time, funds, expertise to obtain a functional product Determining the extent of automation Approach to data analysis Methods of procurement (2) TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE FOR AUTOMATING MONITORING OF DAMS: System planning; configuration, compatibility System design/specifications Review designs/specifications by others Assess new or existing instrumentation for proper functionality, location, automatibility. System installation and integration Data management: software integration, database development/conversion, training Maintenance: troubleshooting, recalibration, repair, replacement.
The CAD/BIM Center offers a full range of technical and professional services for geospatial technologies including computer-aided Design (CAD), building information modeling (BIM), geographic information systems (GIS), and computer-aided facility management (CAFM) systems. The Center also provides centralized procurement vehicles for products and services to agencies and users of these systems.
The CEEIS (Corps of Engineers Enterprise Infrastructure Services) Processing Centers provide a source for reporting, and resolving customer problems, or needs that will enhance productivity and quality. The CEEIS Processing Centers also maintain the operating standards which facilitate Corps-wide data administration and information exchange. The CEEIS Mission is to provide the necessary world-wide automation and communications environment for the development, deployment, operation and maintenance of ISMP resources and legacy systems 24 hours per day 7 days per week.
The Centers of Standardization (COS) disseminates all necessary information related to Military Transformation process and standard design development. On this site you will find internet website links to other pertinent information; all pertinent policy and procedure documents; points of contact at all the USACE COS and USACE Headquarters; and all the necessary information pertaining to each standard facility type.
The CRDX combines the unique research capabilities of CRREL with the highly specialized cold regions design and construction expertise of the Alaska District, resulting in a greatly enhanced capability to address cold regions’ challenges across the USACE Civil Works, Military, Environmental, and Interagency and International Support Programs. This partnership will strongly contribute to the USACE campaign plan, supporting Army and MILCON Transformation by leveraging our organizations' combined skills to address DOD and USACE cold regions infrastructure needs. On the civil side of things, cold regions-specific challenges include permafrost impacts on shoreline erosion, sea ice processes, and river, glacial processes, and lake ice effects on hydrology, flooding, navigation, and port design. The CRDX will also support USACE’s enabling capabilities in the area of learning organizations by helping us attract, develop, and maintain the world-class workforce that we will need to support the Army and the Nation in the future.
Provides hands-on support for planning, design, construction, testing, forensics, O&M, repair & rehabilitation, independent technical review and problem solving for USACE Districts, Military Commands and Installations, other agencies and governments, as well as criteria development support, for a wide variety of concrete structures and pavements. CTDX personnel provide expert technical assistance and testing services to USACE Districts, Military Commands and Installations, other agencies and governments in the areas of concrete materials, concrete structural and materials design, concrete construction technology, forensic studies, and repair and rehabilitation of concrete structures. Typical projects include dams, hydraulic structures, bridges, airfield pavements and roads, and buildings. The concrete involved in these projects include mass concrete, roller compacted concrete, conventional structural concrete, high performance concrete, shotcrete, slip form paving and special concretes. Services available from CTDX associates include: Concrete materials planning, investigation, design and testing Construction support RCC studies Special concrete studies (high performance concrete, shotcrete, fibrous concrete, silica fume, pavements, admixtures, etc.) Thermal analysis Dam/lock/hydraulic structure design Specifications Independent Technical Reviews (ITR) and technical peer reviews Repair & rehabilitation Forensics Instrumentation Pavement materials design Criteria preparation, coordination and review training.
This center assists the the Corps in the collaboration, partnering, and public participation in water resources decision making. It's expertise includes conflict resolution, public participation, and the Conflict-resolution & Public-participation Center (CPC). CPC’s mission is to help Corps staff anticipate, prevent, and manage water conflicts, ensuring that the interests of the public are addressed in Corps decision making. The center achieves this mission by developing and expanding the application of collaborative tools to improve water resources decision making.
The Construction Equipment/Cost Index Database Directory of Expertise (DX) is established to provide the sole government source of technical data in construction equipment cost methodology in the MCACES environment for the development of all planning, design and contract award cost estimates, as well as construction modifications and claims. The center provides guidance on the use the Civil Works Construction Cost Index System.
Upon request, the designated DX is capable of providing the following functions on the Corrosion Control and Cathodic Protection Systems and their related matters: (1) Production of corrosion control and cathodic protection system designs. (2) Consulting services in all phases of corrosion control and cathodic protection system planning, design, construction, final acceptance testing, operation, and maintenance. (3) Technical review of corrosion control and cathodic protection system designs performed by, or administered by USACE commands. (4) Review of contractor submittals, including equipment data, shop drawings, and calculations. (5) Inspect, survey, test, evaluate, and develop technical reports on existing cathodic protection systems maintained by the government for both military and civil works projects. (6) Develop technical guidance and guide specifications upon request by the HQUSACE.

The Civil Works Cost Engineering and Agency Technical Review Mandatory Center of Expertise (MCX) with Technical Expertise (TCX) duties, located at the Walla Walla District Cost Engineering Branch, is comprised of multiple levels of roles and responsibilities. These roles include items within a TCX that are structured to provide technical support and assistance, various cost tools, and resources to Headquarters (HQ) U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE); division command or Major Subordinate Command (MSC) and/or district command or operating MSC; and MSC elements on cost engineering issues. The cost center includes technical expertise related to cost product development including current regulations and guidance, estimate development, scheduling, and cost and schedule risk development. The MCX is structured to provide a mandatory agency technical review (ATR) center and Support for Others Program for Civil Works Projects.


Website can be found at:  http://www.nww.usace.army.mil/Missions/CostEngineering.aspx

The Curation and Management of Archaeological Collections Center (CMAC) MCX mission areas consist of the following: a. Curation of archaeological materials. b. Curation of associated documentation. c. Collections management. d. Collections management database development. e. Special purpose design and construction requirements of curation facilities. f. Assistance, when requested and on a cost-reimbursable basis, other Army major commands, Department of Defense services and agencies, and other federal, state, and local government agencies. g. Interagency coordination for the curation of archaeological collections.
The Defense National Relocation Program is designed to provide the following functions: 1. Hotline Service: 1-800-344-2501 2. Client services counselor 3. Destination services 4. Guaranteed home sale service with marketing assistance 5. Property management
The Electronic Security Center (ESC) is responsible for reviewing all design and test submittals for Army electronic security systems, including intrusion detection, CCTV alarm assessment, and entry control systems. The Center can provide complete electronic security planning and design services upon request.
The U. S. Army Corps of Engineer Research Laboratory (USACERL), is the Center of Expertise for Engineered Management Systems (EMS). The following reimbursable services are provided: a. Complete turnkey implementation of EMSs b. Inspection and condition assessment surveys c. Technical support for EMS users d. Training for EMS inspectors and software users, to include information briefings for Commanders e. Development of annual and long range work plans and providing reports based on installation ‘s data base f. Budget forecasting and justification g. Development of GIS presentation of inventory, condition, and work plans h. Generation of other analysis using EMSs, including “what-if” analysis, condition prediction, and life-cycle cost analysis i. Customization of EMS software to meet the specific analysis or reporting requirements of an installation, MACOM, or other organization. Providing back-up for installation EMS databases.
As of Nov. 11, 2007, the Hazardous, Toxic and Radioactive Waste Center of Expertise (HTRW CX) out of Omaha aligned with the U.S. Army Engineering and Support Center, Huntsville’s Military Munitions Center of Expertise (MM CX) to form the Environmental and Munitions Center of Expertise (EM CX). The organizational move did not require the Omaha employees to relocate to Huntsville. It is a virtual realignment. There are four divisions in the EM CX:
- Environmental Engineering and Geology Division, CEHNC-CX-EG
- Environmental Compliance and Management Division, CEHNC-CX-EC
- Environmental Sciences Division, CEHNC-CX-ES
- Military Munitions Division, CEHNC-CX-MM
The center supports USACE in the development of criteria, research and development and technology transfer. Upon request, the center will provide complete design and construction support services and advisory assistance to others.
The Homeowners Assistance Program is capable of providing the following functions: a. Hotline Service Numbers: Savannah 1-800-861-8144; Fort Worth 1-888-231-7751; Sacramento 1-800-811-5532 b. Applicants counselor c. Government acquisition d. Private sale benefits e. Foreclosure benefits
The Hydroelectric Design Center (HDC) exists to service the Corps in executing its hydroelectric and large pumping plant missions. HDC does all size projects, from non-routine maintenance design to major rehabilitation and total plant design. It has extensive expertise in rehabilitation programs, testing of major equipment and systems, failure analysis, seismic design, power plant control and data acquisition, and more. It also works closely with the Hydropower Analysis Center in Portland, Oregon, for analysis of power system operation and economics. HDC was established to maintain the capability and proficiency required for the planning, engineering, design, and criteria development for all existing and new hydroelectric power plants and large flood control or water supply pumping plants. Engineering Regulation (ER 1110-2-109) provides, in detail, the Corps requirements to use HDC and provides guidance for interfacing the resources of HDC with the requesting field office.
The Hydrologic Engineering Center (HEC), an element of the Institute for Water Resources, US Army Corps of Engineers, exists to support the Corps Civil Works water resources management responsibilities by increasing the Corps technical capability in hydrologic engineering and water resources planning and management. HEC provides services of research, training, and technical assistance that reflect the state-of-the-art in hydrologic engineering and closely associated planning analysis. Major products are technical methods documents, computer software and user’s manuals, and technical assistance. The products are developed for the Corps; however, they are available to the public.
The Power Branch, Water Management Division, Northwestern Division, serves as the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers HAC (formerly known as "Hydropower System Analysis and Economic Evaluation Mandatory Center of Expertise"). The purpose of the HSA MCX is to maintain the expertise and capability to perform power system analysis regarding hydropower project outputs and economic benefit evaluations for existing and new hydropower projects of all Corps of Engineers powerplant installations. Expertise and services are available to help other Corps of Engineers offices to satisfactorily accomplish their study objectives or any level of analysis. The HAC works closely with the Corps of Engineers Hydroelectric Design Center (HDC) on studies involving the evaluation of hydropower generating equipment. In addition, the URL below is the HSA homepage. Located in the "Documents" box below is more information on the Hydropower Analysis Center.
The IWR provides the following services: studying and evaluating water resources policy issues; conducting national-scope studies on various aspects of water resources development; examining potential new civil works missions; performing program analysis and evaluation studies; R&D of new techniques to address economic, social, institutional, and environmental issues; training and technical assistance in the use of innovative formulation and evaluation approaches; and, developing and maintaining navigation planning data bases and models.
The Center's work can be categorized into the following types of services: • Building Related, Furniture Related and Comprehensive Interior Design services including planning, scopes of work, design, design review, procurement, and placement. • Advise commands on establishing interior design capability within their offices. • Monitor technological advancements relative to furniture, furnishings, and finish materials through liaison with industry and Government agencies. Participate in continuous training to maintain staff qualified to provide in-house design and review services to others. • Attend and participate in technical meetings and conferences to develop industry, agency, and professional association contacts and to keep abreast of current technology. • Assist HQUSACE proponent and CEHR in the development and presentation of interior design training. • Assist HQUSACE in developing and updating planning, programming, design, Unified Federal Guide Specifications, and execution guidance related to interior design. • Provide technical advice to the HQUSACE, USACE activities, and other federal customers.
The Joint Airborne Lidar Bathymetry Technical Center of Expertise (JALBTCX) mission is to perform operations, research, and development in airborne lidar bathymetry and complementary technologies to support the coastal mapping and charting requirements of the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), the US Naval Meteorology and Oceanography Command, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). JALBTCX staff includes engineers, scientists, hydrographers, and technicians from the USACE Mobile District, the Naval Oceanographic Office (NAVOCEANO), the USACE Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC), and NOAA National Geodetic Survey.

JALBTCX executes survey operations using the Compact Hydrographic Airborne Rapid Total Survey (CHARTS) system and industry-based coastal mapping and charting systems. CHARTS is our in-house survey capability that includes an Optech, Inc., SHOALS-3000 lidar instrument integrated with an Itres CASI-1500 hyperspectral imager. CHARTS collects either 20 kHz topographic lidar data or 3 kHz bathymetric lidar data, each concurrent with digital RGB and hyperspectral imagery. Survey operations support the USACE National Coastal Mapping Program and NAVOCEANO nautical charting missions. Survey personnel include contracted employees of Fugro Pelagos Inc.

JALBTCX research and development supports and leverages work in government, industry, and academics to advance airborne lidar and coastal mapping and charting technology and applications. Collaborations currently include the US Geological Survey, NASA Wallops, US Naval Research Lab, ERDC System Wide Water Research Program, NOAA NGS, Optech International, Office of Naval Research, ERDC Topographic Engineering Center, the University of Southern Mississippi, Ohio State University, the University of Florida, University of New Hampshire, and Duke University.
The Marine Design Center is the Corps of Engineers center of expertise and experience for the development and application of innovative strategies and technologies for naval architecture and marine engineering. They provide total project management including planning, engineering, and shipbuilding contract management in support of Corps, Army, and national water resource projects in peacetime, and augments the military construction capacity in time of national emergency or mobilization.
The U.S. Army Engineering and Support Center, Huntsville, Medical Facilities Mandatory Center of Expertise and Standardization (CEHNC-ED-MX), is designated as the Medical Facilities Mandatory Center of Expertise (MCX) for medical facility design. The MCX is established to support engineering, planning, design, evaluation, and criteria development for the execution of Department of Defense Medical (DoDM), Army, designated Air Force and Navy, and Support for Other (SFO) medical and medical research facilities design programs (Category Code 500, including hospitals, dental and/or health clinics, medical research and laboratory facilities, veterinary facilities, and other designated special medical related facilities).
The Paint Technology Center advises subordinate commands on design, installation, and maintenance; provides consultation on painting problems; improved paint and coating performance; surface preparation and application; and paint inspection techniques and standards. In addition, it performs R&D, training, and maintains painting guide specifications and manuals.
The Petroleum, Oils and Lubricants Center is capable of providing the following functions: (1) Preparation of POL Systems designs. (2) Review POL Systems design submittals. (3) Telephone and on-site consulting services in all phases of POL Systems design, construction, operation and maintenance. (4) Review of DD 1391's that identify POL Systems during the MSC DD 1391 review and certification process. (5) Perform POL Systems surveys. (6) Provide advice on expansion of existing POL Systems. (7) Review shop drawings and other technical submittals.
Photogrammetric mapping services include the following: 1. Airborne GPS Controlled Photogrammetry 2. LIDAR Data Acquisition and Processing 3. GIS Development 4. Digital Orthophotography 5. Large & Small Scale Topographic Mapping 6. Remote Sensing 7. Land-use Classification 8. Softcopy Photogrammetry 9. Historical Photography Searches 10. Cost Estimating.

In August 2003, the Director of Civil Works designated five national Planning Centers of Expertise to enhance the Corps' planning capability for inland navigation, deep draft navigation, ecosystem restoration, hurricane and storm damage reduction, flood damage reduction, and water supply and reallocation.

The role of the Planning Centers is to focus on plan formulation and the complex technical evaluation associated with formulation. Each Planning Center is led by a team of experts specialized in plan formulation, environmental sciences, economics, and related technical disciplines.

USACE Flood Risk Management Center of Expertise

USACE Ecosystem Restoration

USACE Inland Navigation

USACE Deep Draft Navigation

USACE Hurricane and Storm Damage Reduction

USACE Water Supply and Reallocation 

The Center's work can be categorized into the following types of preservation services: • Architectural Services • Consultation and assistance on all architectural, legal, and technical issues regarding preservation • Project Plans & Specifications • Material Science • Training & Workshops • Structural Analysis • Inventories & Evaluations • Recordation & Documentation • Maintenance Plans • Compliance Assistance • Preservation Studies • Historic Landscape Preservation • National Register Nominations The Center also provides liaison assistance between the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, the National Park Service, and other various preservation organizations along with state and local governments.
The mandatory center of expertise (MCX) for protective design was created to maintain state-of-the-art technical expertise in, and provide expert support to, the following mission areas:
- Design to resist the effects of conventional weapons.
- Design to resist the effects of accidental explosions and design of munition and ammunition storage, maintenance, and production facilities.
- Design to resist the effects of nuclear weapons.
- Design that provides protection from chemical agents, biological agents, or radiological agents.
- Design that provides electromagnetic pulse (EMP) protection and design that mitigates electronic emanations from systems processing classified data (TEMPEST)
- Design for security engineering, including physical security and force protection/anti-terrorism. This design also includes threat and vulnerability assessments and identifying the need for electronic security systems (ESS), but does not include ESS design. For expertise in ESS design, refer to the Electronic Security Systems Mandatory Center of Expertise.
- Support to HQDA physical security program as assigned by AR 190-13.
The Rapid Response Center of Expertise is capable of providing the following special functions: 1. Time critical Remediation/Removal Project Execution 2. Rapid Response Site “Start Up” and Transition to traditional District for final execution 3. HQUSACE “Tiger Team” Support 4. Cost Reimbursable Contract Management Training 5. Cost Reimbursement Contract Oversight Assistance 6. Site Support to USACE Team 7. Site Support to Other Federal Agencies
The Center for Readiness Support serves as a resource for planning and preparedness activities within the Corps of Engineers. The main emphasis is to assist in the planning, hazard reduction, training, exercise programs, and research and development including technology transfer. The center also provides disaster response operations, documentation of effected areas, management of Urban Search and Rescue cadre operations and supports the development of other USACE activities related to the Federal Response Plan. The mission is to develop and / or execute a comprehensive and integrated all-hazards Readiness Training, Exercise, and Evaluation and Corrective Action program, designed to enhance Nationwide USACE capabilities to respond to disasters or emergencies anytime, any place.
Provides functional support, quality assurance, quality control, and training to support the Divisions and Districts that utilize REMIS, RECIS, HAPMIS & RFMIS-RD for their real estate business activities. Technical support and quality assurance of contract support services to operate and maintain the systems will be provided by CE-CI. RESNC, assisted by the support contractors, will continue to update and provide hotline service for REMIS, RECIS, HAPMIS and RFMIS-RD, manage their integration or interfacing with other systems, and manage additional Real Estate system enhancement work. REMIS Hotline Support: hotline@engeniusinc.com or (256) 722-1303/ (866) 780-4204.
The Roller Compacted Concrete Directory of Expertise (RCC DX) provides technical assistance and services for planning, design, testing and construction of RCC for mass and structural concrete, pavements, fill sections, slope protection, foundations, and other applications. The directory is organized as a virtual center that offers a very cost effective and world recognized technical resource to organizations involved in an RCC project.
The MCX provides technical guidance and support to districts to comply with and implement the Sign Standards Program for Civil Works Projects, as set forth in ER 1130-2-500. In addition, the Center provides engineering for lock and dam and other waterway signs.
The U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC) in Vicksburg, Mississippi, is the premier research and development laboratory complex for the Corps of Engineers. ERDC does critical research in the Tri-Service Reliance areas of Civil Engineering, Environmental Quality, and Environmental Sciences. Originally established as an Army Supercomputer Center in 1989, ERDC became the first High Performance Computing (HPC) Major Shared Resource Center (MSRC) in 1993 as part of the DoD HPC Modernization Program (HPCMP). The name was changed to the ERDC DoD Supercomputing Resource Center (DSRC) in 2009. Physically located in the Information Technology Laboratory (ITL) at ERDC, the ERDC DSRC is one of six DSRCs supported by the HPCMP. International access to the ERDC DSRC HPC systems is provided through the Defense Research and Engineering Network (DREN) and the Internet.
The Survey Engineering and Mapping Center is capable of providing the following functions:

1. Technology consulting
2. Application of new technology to projects
3. Custom software development
4. A-E contracting assistance
5. Training
6. Engineering documentation
The MCX for Transportation Systems Center was established to support the Army's mission for training, operations, and mobilization by providing expertise in the design, construction, and evaluation of military airfields, railroads, and roadways. The engineering of military transportation systems is a highly specialized field and is critical to the security and readiness of the Nation.
The MCX for Utility Monitoring & Control Sytems (UMCS) is responsible for reviewing all design and test submittals for UMCS and similar computer based monitoring and control systems. The MCX can provide complete planning and design services upon request for virtually any type of distributed computer based monitoring and control system.
The Water Resources Remote Sensing/GIS Technology Center is the Corps’ center of expertise for civil works remote sensing and GIS. The Center’s mission is to provide assistance to the FOAs in the application of remote sensing and GIS to Corps water resources mission requirements. This includes: 1. Assisting the Corps user community in applying remote sensing and geospatial data management and analysis techniques to meet mission requirements; 2. Improving understanding of satellite, aircraft, and in situ sensors; 3. Demonstrating the use of sensor data through cooperative development of application; 4. Integrating remotely sensed data into spatial data management systems and models; 5. Analyzing geospatial data and developing applications; 6. Improving data throughput to increase benefits from the use of geospatial and multitemporal data; 7. Establishing cooperative programs with districts, other programs, and other agencies to leverage expertise and funding; 8. Transferring the technology through training and publications; 9.Providing one stop assistance through the RSGISC from Corps and non-Corps sources; 10. Providing no cost short term assistance.