Unsolicited Proposals

The Department of Energy's (DOE’s) central  point of receipt for all  Unsolicited Proposals is the National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) as outlined in the link below which includes all DOE Program Research Areas.

The "Guide for the Submission of Unsolicited Proposals" (PDF-201KB) provides more information on the unsolicited proposal process.

DOE encourages organizations and individuals to submit self-generated, unsolicited proposals that are relevant to NETL's research and development mission.

An unsolicited proposal is an application for support of an idea, method, or approach, which is submitted by an individual, business, and organization solely on the proposer's initiative, rather than in response to a DOE solicitation. Funding of unsolicited proposals is considered a noncompetitive action.

The proposal document should persuade the staff of DOE and other qualified members of the scientific and engineering community who review the proposed work, that the project represents a worthwhile approach to the investigation of an important, timely problem. Each proposal should be self-contained and written with clarity and thoroughness.

The proposal must present:

  • Objectives that show the pertinence of the proposed work to DOE
  • Rationale of the approach
  • Methods to be pursued
  • Qualifications of the investigators and the institution (if applicable)
  • Level of funding required to attain the objectives.

A number of regulations relate to criteria governing acceptance and funding of an unsolicited proposal:

  • Title 48 Code of Federal Regulation (CFR), Chapter 1, The Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Subpart 15.6 Unsolicited Proposals
  • Title 48 CFR, Chapter 9, the Department of Energy Acquisition Regulation (DEAR) Subpart 915.6 Unsolicited Proposals; and
  • Title 10 CFR, Part 600 Financial Assistance Rules.

DOE considers proposals in all areas of energy and energy-related research and development with emphasis on long-term, high-risk, high-payoff technologies.  DOE may accept an unsolicited proposal if it:

  • Demonstrates a unique and innovative concept or a unique capability of the submitter
  • Offers a concept or service not otherwise available to the Federal government
  • Does not resemble the substance of a pending competitive solicitation.

For more information on Unsolicited Proposals, please contact John Augustine.
John N. Augustine, Mail Stop 921-107
Unsolicited Proposal Manager
U.S. Department of Energy
National Energy Technology Laboratory
626 Cochrans Mill Road
P.O. Box 10940
Pittsburgh, PA 15236-0940


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