Electronic Reading Room

Contract DE-FE0004006 has been awarded to Smart Data Solutions, LLC in response to Support Administrative Services (SAS) solicitation (DE-SOL-0000332).

DE-SOL-0001086 Communication Support Services: NETL has re-evaluated its requirements for communication services and has determined that the needs of the organization have significantly changed since this notice was originally posted. Specifically, NETL has determined that the majority of the re-evaluated requirement can be met through other available contractual vehicles. The Sources Sought published under DE-SOL-0001086 is therefore canceled and no further information shall be posted.

Contract DE-FE0004003 has been awarded to KeyLogic Systems Incorporated in response to the Project Execution and Integration (PEI) Support Services solicitation (DE-SO26-08000662).   

Contract DE-FE0004000 has been awarded to The Washington Division of URS Corporation (URS Washington Division) in response to the Research and Engineering Services solicitation (DE-SO26-08000665).   

Contract DE-FE0004001 has been awarded to Booz Allen Hamilton, Incorporated in response to the Energy Sector Planning and Analysis solicitation (DE-SO26-08000664).  

Contract DE-FE0004002 has been awarded to Leonardo Technologies, Incorporated in response to the Program Performance Management (PPM) Support Services solicitation (DE-SO26-08000663).  

Contract DE-FE0004005 has been awarded to Platinum Solutions, Incorporated in response to the Information Technology and Engineering Support (ITES) Services solicitation (DE-SO26-08000537).

In accordance with the procedures of FAR Part 19.805-1, the follow on requirement for Site Operations Services (SOS) is being issued non-competitively to an Alaska Native Corporation (ANC), 8(a) small business entity.

The electronic reading room is part of NETL’s strategy to provide information that may benefit potential offerors in preparing their proposals.  The information is provided to assist the reader in gaining an enhanced understanding of the requirement.  

In order to provide all potential offerors as much information as possible to begin preparing for the developing solicitations, the following links are provided to the FOIA released versions of the current contracts.  The electronic reading room is under development and changes should be expected throughout this process and up to the issuance of each solicitation.  It is expected that this reading room will be the link to future information provided for each of the follow-on contracts.

Summary Information  
The current contract structure represents five major site support contracts: Research and Development Support (which includes R&D, Program, Analytical, and Project support); Technical and Management Support; Site Administration Support; Site Operations Support; and Information Technology and Engineering Support. 

It is expected that the follow-on contracts will be restructured to meet the NETL current and future requirements.  NETL is in the early planning stages for these follow-on contracts. NETL expects to continue to have the need for Research and Development Services/Support, Program Support, Analytical Services/Support, Project Support, Information Technology and Engineering Support, Administrative Support, and Facility Operation Support. Once available, the restructured contract requirements will be posted to this reading room site.  The reading room will also be the location for future information regarding these requirements including any releases of Draft Statement of Works and preliminary data for the various solicitations.  It is planned that this reading room will work in conjunction with FEDBIZOPPS for release of offeror notifications as we progress through the solicitation process.

This information should always be viewed as being "draft" until the solicitations are officially released to the public later this year (expected release dates are around December 2008).




On June 4th and 5th, 2008, NETL held an Open House for potential offerors on the follow-on contracts for Research and Development Support and Technology and Management Support contracts. This was not a pre-solicitation conference and attendance was not mandatory. No questions and answers were discussed during this open house. NETL has included virtual tours of the Open House, all information that was provided during the on-site tours, and a copy of the register/attendance sheet.


Support Administrative Services

Contract DE-FE0004006 has been awarded to Smart Data Solutions, LLC in response to Support Administrative Services (SAS) solicitation (DE-SOL-0000332).

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL), intends to issue an 8(a) Competitive Solicitation for obtaining Support Administrative Services for NETL.

The objective of this solicitation is to obtain contractor services that will provide support to span all NETL sites, except where noted in the Statement of Work. The primary functions performed under this service contract will include administrative support in the following areas:
  • Acquisition & Assistance Division (AAD) Support
  • Financial Management Division (FMD) Support
  • Office Management (OM) Support
    • Clerical Support
    • Receptionist Support
    • Word Processing Support
  • Information Management Support
    • Records Management
    • Library Services
    • Copy Center & Fax Services
    • Audio/Visual & Conference Room Support
  • Event Management Support

Project Execution and Integration Support

Contract DE-FE0004003 has been awarded to KeyLogic Systems Incorporated in response to Project Execution and Integration (PEI) Support Services solicitation (DE-SO26-08000662).
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL), intends to issue a Competitive Solicitation Set Aside for Small Business for obtaining Project Execution and Integration Support Services for NETL.

The objective of this solicitation is to obtain technical and administrative support services to complement the efforts of federal staff to administer, execute, implement, monitor, manage and evaluate internal and external projects and provide general assistance for other project related activities, such as acquisition planning, validation assessments and studies, outreach, and training.

To effectively execute work assignments, the contractor must effectively assess and adjust staffing to respond to the changing requirements inherent to cutting-edge research organizations such as NETL. Flexibility in staffing is a key objective of the overall contract and requires that managers and staff remain current on requirements and technical advancements. The Contractor shall have a sufficient level of expertise to successfully support the management and integration of all stages of science and technology development leading to commercially viable solutions. Through this solicitation, NETL seeks to access a best in class RD&D support service organization that can assist NETL in conduct of its mission.

In addition, NETL requires that the Contractor uses effective and efficient management structures, systems, and operations that are cost effective. The Contractor shall plan and execute work in a manner that will foster the objective demonstration of competence in management areas such as (1) development of approach, (2) problem resolution, (3) coordination, (4) innovation, and (5) manpower management. All work shall be conducted in a manner that shows continual improvements.

Program Performance Management Support

Contract DE-FE0004002 has been awarded to Leonardo Technologies, Incorporated in response to the Program Performance Management (PPM) Support Services solicitation (DE-SO26-08000663).  

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL), intends to issue a Competitive Solicitation Set Aside for Small Business for obtaining Program Performance Management Support Services for NETL.
The objective of this solicitation is to obtain services to complement the efforts of federal staff to administer, execute, implement, monitor, manage and evaluate RD&D programs and provide general assistance for other program-related activities.
NETL program management functions are accomplished in conjunction with established planning groups such as Technology Managers and crosscutting teams at NETL, as well as HQ DOE Program Managers. NETL project management divisions provide support and input to program activities in accordance with their areas of technology or programmatic responsibilities. Project management division personnel will primarily oversee the work assignments initiated by NETL Offices. Program Management activities require significant internal interactions and communication among other NETL staff, including Technology Managers, Technology Teams, other NETL Managers, personnel involved in program development and other support activities/services. Therefore, maintaining (and developing) seamless and compatible communication and information transfer systems, internal and external to NETL, should be considered a primary requisite under this solicitation (which includes all existing and future computer software systems).

Energy Sector Planning and Analysis Services

Contract DE-FE0004001 has been awarded to Booz Allen Hamilton, Incorporated in response to the Energy Sector Planning and Analysis solicitation (DE-SO26-08000664).  
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL), intends to issue a Full and Open Competitive Solicitation for obtaining Energy Sector Planning & Analysis Services for NETL.
ESPA services for NETL including expert services that will complement and support the efforts of federal staff in strategic energy sector analysis and planning, engineering analysis using state of the art simulation and modeling tools, R&D benefit analyses, life-cycle analysis, natural resource development impact assessment, e.g., water resources, and energy infrastructure analyses. Resources include: a personnel-mix having technical expertise in scientific, engineering, business and policy disciplines needed for in-depth understanding of advanced technologies and complex systems and legislative and policy issues; and advanced/specialized tools, expertise, and protocols that make it possible, to facilitate, and accelerate anticipated analyses as further described in the Statement of Work (SOW).

Research and Engineering Services

Contract DE-FE0004000 has been awarded to The Washington Division of URS Corporation (URS Washington Division) in response to the Research and Engineering Services solicitation (DE-SO26-08000665).   
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL), intends to issue a Full and Open Competitive Solicitation for obtaining Research and Engineering Services for NETL.
The objective of this contract is to support NETL in its implementation of authorized energy research in a manner that: 1) protects the safety and health of the public, the contractor and its subcontractor’s employees, and DOE personnel; 2) respects and protects the environment; 3) instills public confidence; 4) fortifies and increases the Nation’s engineering, scientific, and educational foundations; 5) effectively supports DOE’s efforts to provide energy security; 6) effectively transfers NETL’s technology to U.S. industry and firms. To achieve these objectives, the contractor shall utilize the best available management, engineering, scientific, and research practices from both the Government and commercial sources. A successful contract will enhance performance of NETL’s current mission, provide for a robust technology transfer process, and extend NETL research capabilities to better serve future mission needs.

Information Technology and Engineering Support

Contract DE-FE0004005 has been awarded to Platinum Solutions, Incorporated in response to the Information Technology and Engineering Support (ITES) Services solicitation (DE-SO26-08000537).
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL), intends to issue an 8(a) competitive solicitation for obtaining Information Technology and Engineering Support Services for NETL.
The goal of this solicitation is to obtain quality professional support for NETL’s Information Technology function. The support will align IT resource expenditures with business goals and objectives and will enable an IT environment which is responsive to organizational requirements. This contract will facilitate access to a cadre of personnel with the experience and skills to identify, document, and satisfy these requirements in an ever-changing, complex IT environment. This contract will also satisfy the need to augment the core contract personnel with specialized skills as necessary to ensure the above is accomplished in an efficient, secure, and timely fashion. A comprehensive, overarching project management approach will be required to ensure that costs are controlled, schedules are met, return on investment (ROI) is maximized, and business/program objectives are attained.

Site Operations Services (SOS)

In accordance with the procedures of FAR Part 19.805-1, the follow on requirement for Site Operations Services (SOS) is being issued non-competitively to an Alaska Native Corporation (ANC), 8(a) small business entity.
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