Database Management Policy


Policy Owner: Manager, Computer Operations

Note: An owner must be a PCES-level manager or higher.

This policy provides formally documented management expectations and intentions.


This policy supports system usability and reliability, consistency of database design and implementation, interoperability among applications, and reduction of system development and maintenance time.  Database policies support the day to day business and record keeping of Postal Service business functions and their supporting databases.


This policy is applicable to all Postal Service personnel and contracted vendors that create, maintain, or use Postal Service corporate databases.

This policy applies to all database systems within the Postal Service technology environment, including all new system development projects, as well as modifications to existing systems.


All Postal Service employees and contractors shall adhere to the following policies, processes and standards related to Database Management.

Database Setup

Instance Management

Documentation must be created and maintained to provide the logical description and physical implementation of the databases within the environment.

Database Standards

All Postal Service databases must be setup and configured in conformance to Postal Service database standards and operating processes.  A comprehensive set of data standards are detailed in the Database Management Standards document and the operating processes documents.

Access Privileges

Access privileges must be closely monitored and in accordance with policies and standards defined in the Corporate Information Security policies.  Overarching policies include the following requirements:


Security policies and standards must be in accordance with policies and standards defined in the Corporate Information Security policies.

Changes & Modifications

Within the production system, change requests are required to alter data outside of the transactional/batch schedule.

Due to the security and risks, changes must adhere to the following policies:

Backup & Recovery

Database Recovery

Standards for Database Recovery will be found in Database Management Standards.


Trend analysis and real-time capture activities will take place throughout the database maintenance lifecycle.

All production databases will be monitored as described by documented operating processes.


For access to the following documents, contact the US Postal Service. See Publication 5, Let's Do Business for further information about local US Postal Service contacts.


Version #1.0
Section(s) Revised:        N/A
Revision Description:      Baseline
Revision Date:               

Version #1.1
Section(s) Revised:        All
Revision Description:      Updated the look and feel to be consistent with the other policies, processes, and standards.
Revision Date:                08/25/2010

Version #1.2
Section(s) Revised:        All
Revision Description:      • Section 1: Updated ownership to reflect current organization
                                    • Section 4: Removed high level heading for Access Privileges; combined text for “Monitoring” and “Database
                                    Monitoring” under the “Maintenance” heading.
Revision Date:               11/23/2011

Version #1.3
Section(s) Revised:        Policy and Supporting Documentation
Revision Description:      Updated “Application Performance Standards” and “Database Management Standards” links.
                                    Note: This document was made Section 508 compliant and was converted to HTML.
Revision Date:               FY12/Q3