Research Associate Appointments at NETL

NETL offers research associate appointments to members of the academic community from undergraduates through faculty. At each level of education, NETL hopes to inspire and educate new scientists and engineers about the challenges and opportunities in energy research. Members of the academic community interested in research associate appointments should first familiarize themselves with NETL’s research program. We highly recommend that interested parties contact the NETL education coordinator and/or NETL staff to learn more about research opportunities. Appointments are very competitive.

Undergraduate appointments at NETL introduce students to research and encourage them to pursue advanced degrees. Undergraduates should have completed core courses and preferably some course work in their field of interest.

Graduate, post-graduate, and faculty appointments are intended to allow participants with an established skill set to apply them to energy-related problems.

Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE)

The ORISE program provides opportunities for undergraduate students, recent graduates, graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, and faculty researchers. Most ORISE appointments at NETL are made within the Office of Research and Development.

Current Research Opportunities Available

E-mail Nancy Andres, the NETL ORISE program contact, for more information.

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