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Military to Civilian: Starting a Federal Job Search


Veteran uncovered to reveal a businessman

MyCareer@VA offers Veterans tools and resources to build and grow a federal career. Bring your future into focus with information you need to start a federal job search and more. There is also guidance for VA hiring managers to better assist Veterans with the federal employment process.

Get started with these tip sheets and gain insight on a variety of topics – from improving your interviewing skills and understanding Veterans’ Preference, to adjusting to federal workplace culture.

Find a federal career that is right for you and start your path to success at VA.

From Military to Civilian: Tips for Service Members Transitioning to Federal Civilian Careers

You have completed military service and are ready to start a career in the federal workforce. Review these tips to prepare for a smooth transition from military to civilian culture as you plan for career success.

Assessing Employment Readiness

Taking your career to the next level requires planning. Whether you are transitioning from active duty service to a civilian career or looking to grow in your current occupation, get tips to help you successfully begin your career search.

Introduction to Veterans’ Preference for Veterans 

Veterans’ Preference can give you an edge when applying for competitive federal positions. Learn more about these special Veterans’ preferences and when they apply to you.

Professional Networking in the Federal Government

Finding solid career opportunities goes beyond searching job listings. Discover the power of networking, and connect with other agency and industry professionals who can help you move your career forward.

Writing a Federal Resume

Build a resume that reflects your knowledge, skills, and abilities, and you will be one step closer to joining the federal workforce. Whether you are seeking a competitive or non-competitive position, learn to create a resume that stands out. First, set yourself apart by translating your military experience into a civilian resume; then, print out and complete our resume worksheet to add that extra layer of polish.

Interviewing for Success 

Beginning a civilian career starts with a successful interview. Follow these interview tips to show potential employers that your military experience matches their needs and that you are the right candidate for the position.  

Hiring Preferences and Services for Disabled Veterans 

The federal government recognizes the extraordinary sacrifices disabled Veterans have made, and it is dedicated to helping you find civilian employment. Learn about hiring preferences and VA assistance for Veterans with service-connected disabilities.

Tips for Women Veterans 

VA is committed to building a diverse workforce for all Veterans, while proving specific resources for women who have served in the military. Find out more about programs and opportunities for women to advance their federal careers.

Military Culture Awareness for Hiring Managers 

Our Veterans bring a wide range of skills to the workforce, making them valuable additions to any team. Hiring managers who understand military culture are best able to match Veterans’ talents to the right civilian job skills. Start with our tip sheet to increase your awareness of some of the differences between military and civilian culture. Then, take your knowledge of Veterans and their noble mission to the next level, by stepping into the world of the armed services with VA’s interactive Military Cultural Awareness course.

Veterans’ Programs for Hiring Managers 

Hiring managers play a key role in recruiting and retaining talented Veterans seeking federal career opportunities. Check out these Veterans’ Programs as you begin the hiring process for positions in your organization.

Learning Resources
