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Filing Software & Tools

November 9, 2012: FERC Staff to Convene a Technical Conference on EQR Reporting Requirements under Order No. 768 on December 12, 2012 Event Details | Notice PDF

    Software EXE - FERC-provided software that must be used to file Electric Quarterly Reports. The current EQR version is 2.5.0.

    EQR System Users Guide PDF - Assistance in downloading, installing and operating the software.

    Import Templates:

    Sample CSV Files - An example of accurate data submission.

    EQR Data Dictionary PDF - Valid entries and definitions for all EQR fields.

    Form Communications Test Application - Used to analyze installation and communications problems with the EQR software.

    April 8, 2009 - Technical Notice: The IP address of the forms service has changed. The direct IP address is now, and the DNS entry to use for that address should be eforms1.ferc.gov. Please note that rimsweb2.ferc.gov is no longer a valid DNS entry and should not be used. If forms users are having difficulty communicating please check the FERC Address setting in the software as well as the corporate firewall settings to ensure eforms1.ferc.gov (or the new IP address) is being used.

EQR (FERC-516)
Email: eqr@ferc.gov
Astrid Rapp

System Issues:
FERC Online Support
Email: ferconlinesupport@ferc.gov

Telephone Numbers

Updated: November 9, 2012