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STAR Planning Matrix

This matrix provides links to the documents and the organizations that author them, to depict the relationship between the planning and activities of NOAA, NESDIS, STAR, and JCSDA.

NOAA Next Generation
Strategic Plan

image of the cover - NOAA Strategic Plan

Through its long-standing mission of science, service, and stewardship, NOAA generates tremendous value for the Nation--and the world--by advancing our understanding of and ability to anticipate changes in the environment, by improving society's ability to make scientifically informed decisions, and by conserving and managing ocean and coastal resources.

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20-Year Research Vision

image of the cover - NOAA 20 Year Research Plan

NOAA Research Council 20-Year Research Vision
(PDF, 26MB, 5/26/2005)

Provide the public with easy-to-use, integrated products and information services that will vastly improve the way Americans lead their daily lives and the nation manages its natural resources.

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5-Year Research Plan

image of the cover - NOAA 5 Year Research Plan

NOAA Research Council
5-Year Plan

(PDF, 4MB, 1-14-2008)

Support mission goal areas identified in NOAA Strategic Plan -- Ecosystems, Climate, Weather and Water, and Commerce and Transportation -- while underscoring the importance of research that cuts across traditional disciplinary boundaries.

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NESDIS logoNESDIS Strategic Plan

image of the cover - NESDIS Strategic Plan

NESDIS Strategic Plan, (PDF, 182KB, 1/10/2005)

Leverage unique role as leaders, innovators, and integrators, to support NOAA in achieving an integrated Earth observations and data management system.

  • Ecosystem observation
  • Corals
  • Climate Observation and analysis
  • Coasts, estuaries, and oceans
  • Satellite Services
  • Polar satellite acquisition
  • Geostationary satellite acquisition
  • Weather and Water Science, Technology & Infusion Program
  • Environmental Modeling
  • Marine Transportation Systems
  • NOAA Emergency Response
  • International Activities
  • Satellite Services
  • Commercial Remote Sensing Licensing
  • Space Weather
  • Regional Decision Support
  • NOAA Library
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NESDIS Strategic Satellite Plan

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Satellite Flyout Schedule

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JCSDA Roadmap

thumbnail of JCSDA Roadmap
Web version & PDF - 6-15-2009

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Program Plan

image of the cover - STAR Road Map

STAR Road Map
(PDF, 5.6MB, 8-2006)

Revised program plan in progress.

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Division Roadmaps

Last revised 2006

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Research Project Plans

2007 Research Project Plans
STAR Intranet

cover image: Research Project PlansThe 2007 version of these plans is available on the STAR intranet, but a redacted version will be publicly available for the 2010 plans.

STAR shield STAR Strategic Plan

image of the cover - STAR Strategic Plan

STAR Strategic Plan,
(PDF, 4MB, 9/24/2008)

Provide NOAA with scientific research and development to accelerate the transition of state-of-the-art satellite products, data systems, and services to operations for use by land, atmosphere, ocean, and climate user communities.

  • Air Quality
  • Aviation Weather
  • Climate and Ecosystems
  • Climate Data Records
  • Climate Observations and Analysis
  • Climate Observations and Monitoring
  • Coasts, Oceans, and Estuaries
  • Ecosystems
  • Environmental Monitoring
  • Fire
  • Geostationary and Polar Satellite Acquisitions
  • Hydrology
  • Local Forecasts & Warnings
  • Marine Transportation Systems
  • Observing System / Simulation
  • Search & Rescue
  • Severe Weather
  • Space Weather
  • Tsunami
  • Water Resources
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image of the cover - JCSDA Strategic Plan

Strategic Plan for the JCSDA, FY 2009-2013
(PDF, 1.4MB, 01/09/2009)

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Program Plan

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Operating Plan

image of the cover - JCSDA Operating Plan

Annual Operating Plan

(PDF, 31KB)


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