at Forest Products Laboratory
Contact Information
Forest Products Laboratory
One Gifford Pinchot Drive
Madison, WI 53726
Phone: (608) 231-9200
Fax: (608) 231-9592


You are here: FPL Home  / Research  / Units  / Economics and Statistics Research  / Mission


Provide economic analysis, and projections that indicate the impacts of changing wood products use, and apply modern statistical methods to enhance the integrity and efficiency of FPL research.

Economics and statistics is a critical component to the success of research at FPL. Economists provide information indicating how and why the markets and technologies for wood products change over time, implications for natural resources management, and selected broad environmental and social impacts, and statisticians apply modern statistical methods to enhance the integrity and deficiency of utilization research.

This unit supports other research projects by providing statistical methods that help develop innovations that expand the competitive use of wood to meet needs and conserve resources; evaluating the role of market trends and innovations on competitiveness of U.S. firms with foreign firms; and evaluating the impact on forests of possible forest industry or forest management policies and initiatives that provide new values for wood or conserve wood.