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Publications - Of General Interest

Below are the 535 publications sorted by year. You may re-sort the listing by: Title,  Publication Series,  Date Posted  -or- Publication Year.

Publication Year: 2013
Title: Chapter 13:Wood/Nonwood Thermoplastic Composites
Source: In: Handbook of Wood Chemistry and Wood Composites, Second ed., Roger Rowell, Editor, by CRC Books, 2013. pp. 473-508.
Author(s) Clemons, Craig M.; Rowell, Roger M.; Plackett, David; Segerholm, B. Kristoffer
Year: 2013   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Chapter 1: Wood and Society
Source: In: Handbook of Wood Chemistry and Wood Composites, Second ed., Roger Rowell, Editor, by CRC Books, 2013. 7 p.
Author(s) Risbrudt, Chrisopher D.
Year: 2013   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Chapter 5:Biological Properties of Wood
Source: In: Handbook of Wood Chemistry and Wood Composites, second edition, CRC press. 2013. pp. 99-126.
Author(s) Ibach, Rebecca E.
Year: 2013   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Chapter 8:Surface Characterization
Source: In: Handbook of Wood Chemistry and Wood Composites, Second ed., Roger Rowell, Editor, by CRC Books, 2013, pp.217-252.
Author(s) Tshabalala, Mandla A.; Jakes, Joseph; VanLandingham, Mark R.; Wang, Shaoxia; Peltonen, Jouko.
Year: 2013   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Fabrication and Characterization of Polyvinyl Alcohol (PVA)/Nanofibrillated Cellulose (NFC) filaments
Source: In: Proceedings of the ANTEC 2013 Conference; 2013. 5 p.
Author(s) Peng, Jun; Srithep, Yottha; Sabo, Ronald; Pilla, Srikanth; Peng, Xiang-Fang; Turng, Lih-Sheng; Clemons, Craig
Year: 2013   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Colorimetric micro-assay for accelerated screening of mould inhibitors
Source: Biodeterioration & Biodegradation , 77 (2013) pp. 68-71.
Author(s) Clausen, Carol A.; Yang, Vina W.
Year: 2013   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Sulfite (SPORL) pretreatment of switchgrass for enzymatic saccharification
Source: BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY, 129 (2013) 127-134
Author(s) Zhang, D.S.; Yang, Q.; Zhu, J.Y.; Pan, X.J.
Year: 2013   view abstract, download publication »

Publication Year: 2012
Title: Wood preservative testing
Source: McGraw-Hill Yearbook of Science & Technology; pp.317-319; 2012
Author(s) Ibach, Rebecca; Lebow, Stan T.
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Chapter 16 Lumen Modification
Source: In: Second edition of the Handbood of wood Chemistry and Wood Composites, Chapter 16, Roger Rowell, Editor, by CRC Books, 2013. pp. 599-625.
Author(s) Ibach, Rebecca E.; Rowell, Roger M.
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Chapter 3 Cell Wall Chemistry
Source: In:Handbook of Wood Chemistry and Wood Composites, 2nd Edition; Chapter 3. pp. 33-72. 2013.
Author(s) Rowell, Roger M.; Pettersen, Roger; Tshabalala, Mandla A.
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Forest Trees: Chapter 15
Source: Handbook of Bioenergy Crop Plants, CRC Press, 2012, Chapter 15, pp. 351-403. 2012.
Author(s) Rockwood, Donald L.; Kirst, Matias; Isebrands, Judson G.; Zhu, J.Y.
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Structure and Function of Wood
Source: In: Handbook of Wood Chemistry and Wood Composites, second edition, pp.9-32; 2013. Chapter 2.
Author(s) Wiedenhoeft, Alex C.
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Thermal Properties, Combustion, and Fire Retardancy of wood
Source: In: Second edition of the Handbood of wood Chemistry and Wood Composites, Roger Rowell, Editor, by CRC Books, 2013
Author(s) Rowell, Roger M.; Dietenberger, Mark A.
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Wood energy markets, 2011-2012
Source: UNECE Forest Products annual market review, 2011-2012; 2012. Chapter 9.
Author(s) Aguilar, Francisco; Hartkamp, Rens; Mabee, Warren; Skog, Kenneth
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Above Ground Field Evaluation and GC-MS Analysis of Naturally Durable Wood Species
Source: IRG/WP
Author(s) Kirker, G.T.; Blodgett, A.B.; Lebow, S.T.; Clausen, C.A.
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: An Experimental estimation of liquid absorption coefficient for cellulose Nano-Fiber films
Source: In:Eleventh International Conference on Flow Processes in Composites Material (FPCM) in Auckland, New Zealand, July 9-12, 2012.
Author(s) Javadi, A.; Pillai, K.M.; Sabo, R.
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Assessing the Capacity of Three Types of Round-wood Connections
Source: In: WCTE, World Conference on timber Engineering, New Zealand, 15-19 July 2012 pp. 154-157; 2012.
Author(s) Gorman, Thomas M.; Kretschmann, David E.; Begel, Marshall; Fishwild, Sarah; Shilts, Richard; Nelson, Timothy C.
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Blister contact test for Characterizing Pressure Sensitive Adhesives Coated on thin Sheets
Source: In: Proceedings of 35th Annual Meeting of the Adhesion Society, 26 Feb. 2012 - 29 Feb. 2012, New Orleans, LA, USA.
Author(s) Ip, Nathan; Considine, John M.; Turner, Kevin T.
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Cellulose Nanofiber Composite Substrates for Flexible Electronics
Source: 2012 TAPPI International Conference on Nanotechnology for Renewable Materials
Author(s) Sabo, Ronald; Seo, Jung-Hun; Ma, Zhenqiang
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Characterization of Juvenile wood in Lodgepole Pine in the Intermountain West
Source: In: Proceedings of the 5Sth International Convention of Society of Wood Science and Technology, August 27-31, 2012 - Beijing, CHINA; 2012.
Author(s) Gorman, Thomas M.; Kretschmann, David E.
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Cone Calorimeter Analysis of FRT Intumescent and Untreated Foam Core Particleboards
Source: North American Thermas Analysis Society, North American Thermal Society Conference , August 12-15, 2012 Buena Vista Palace Hotel & spa Orlando, Florida from CD paper 203. 2012.
Author(s) Dietenberger, Mark A.; Shalbafan, Ali; Welling, Johannes; Boardman, Charles
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Cone Calorimeter evaluation of untreated and FRT wood composites for floor applications
Source: Wood and Fire Safety
Author(s) Chen, Z.; White, R. H.; Cai, Z.; Fu, F.
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Controlling mold on wood Pallets
Source: In: PalletCentral, October 2012 pp. 24-27; 2012
Author(s) Clausen, Carol A.
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Developing a dynamic life cycle greenhouse gas emission inventory for wood construction for two different end-of-life scenarios
Source: In: International Symposium of Life Cycle Assessment and Construction, July 10-12, Nates, France, 2012. pp. 318-325; 2012.
Author(s) Bergman, Richard D.; Salazar, James; Bowe, Scott
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Field investigations of historic covered timber bridges in the USA
Source: In: WCTE Auckland new Zealand, 15-19 July 2012, World Conference on Timber Engineering; pp. 346-355, 2012.
Author(s) Wacker, James; Hosteng, Travis; Phares, Brent.
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: First industrial strength multi-axial Robotic testing campaign for composite material characterization
Source: In: Proceedings of the ASME 2012 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, IDETC/CIE 2012, August 12-15, 2012, Chicago IL, USA, DETC2012-71064.
Author(s) Michopoulos, John G.; Hermanson, John C.; Iliopoulos, Athanasios.
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Improved instrumented Indentation of Soft Materials through Surface Deformation Measurements
Source: In: Proceedings of the SEM International Conference & Exposition on Experimental and Applied Mechanics June 11-12, 2012 Costa Mesa, California USA copyright 2012 Society for Experimental Mechanics Inc.
Author(s) Wald, M. J.; Considine, J. M.; Turner, K. T.
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Life-Cycle Inventory Analysis of Manufacturing Redwood Decking
Source: Proceedings of the 55th International Convention of Society of Wood Science and Technology
Author(s) Bergman, Richard D.; Han, Han-Sup; Oneil, Elaine; Eastin, Ivan L.
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Nanocellulose reinforcement of Transparent Composites
Source: In: Proceedings of SAMPE, Baltimore, MD. 21-24 May 2012.
Author(s) Steele, Joshua; Dong, Hong; Snyder, James F.; Orlicki, Josh A.; Reiner, Richard S.; Rudie, Alan W.
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Nanofibrillated Cellulose (NFC) Reinforced Polyvinyl Alcohol (PVOH): Properties and Solubility of Carbondioxide
Source: 70th Annual Technical Conference of the Society of Plastics Engineers 2012, (ANTEC 2012) Orlando, Florida, USA, 2-4 April 2012 Volume 1 of 3; 2012. ISBN: 978-1-62276-083-1
Author(s) Srithep, Yottha; Turng, Lih Sheng; Sabo, Ronald; Clemons, Craig
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Polymer Matrix Nanocomposites via Forest Derived Nanomaterials
Source: Proceedings of TechConnect World Summit, Expo, and Showcase
Author(s) Cross, L.; Schueneman, G.; Mintz, E.
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Build Green: Wood Can Last for Centuries
Source: Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory, General Technical Report, FPL-GTR-215, 2012: 27 p.
Author(s) Clausen, Carol A.; Glass, Samuel V.
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Death-Watch and Spider Beetles of Wisconsin?Coleoptera: Ptinidae
Source: USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory, General Technical Report, FPL-GTR-209, 164 p.
Author(s) Arango, Rachel A.; Young, Daniel K.
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Density and Specific Gravity Metrics in Biomass Research
Source: USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory, General Technical Report, FPL-GTR-208, March 2012
Author(s) Wiemann, Micheal C.; Williamson, G. Bruce
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Effects on U.S. Timber Outlook of Recent Economic Recession, Collapse in Housing Construction, and Wood Energy Trends
Source: USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory, General Technical Report, FPL-GTR-219, 2012: 21 p.
Author(s) Ince, Peter J.; Nepal, Prakash
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Evaluating a Small Structural Insulated Panel (SIP) Designed Solar Kiln in Southwestern New Mexico?Part 1
Source: USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory, General Technical Report, FPL-GTR-211, 2012.
Author(s) Bergman, Richard D.; Bilek, Ted E.M.
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Evaluation of the Lateral Performance of Roof Truss-to-Wall Connections in Light-Frame Wood Systems
Source: USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory, General Technical Report, FPL-GTR-214, 2012: 27 p.
Author(s) DeRenzis, Andrew; Kochkin, Vladimir; Wang, Xiping
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Guide for In-Place Treatment of Covered and Timber Bridges
Source: Forest Products Laboratory, General Technical Report
Author(s) Lebow, Stan; Kirker, Grant; White, Robert; Amburgey, Terry; Barnes, H. Michael; Sanders, Michael; Morrell, Jeff
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Guide for Use of Wood Preservatives in Historic Structures
Source: USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory, General Technical Report, FPL-GTR-217, 2012.
Author(s) Lebow, Stan; Anthony, Ronald W.
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Literature Review and Assessment of Nanotechnology for Sensing of Timber Transportation Structures Final Report
Source: Forest Products Laboratory, General Technical Report, FPL-GTR-210, 2012
Author(s) Wipf, Terry; Phares, Brent M.; Ritter, Micheal
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Nanocelluloses: Potential Materials for Advanced Forest Products, Proceedings of Nanotechnology in Wood Composites Symposium
Source: USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory, General Technical Report, FPL-GTR-218, 2012.
Author(s) Cai, Zhiyong; Niska, Kristina Oksman.
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation of Wood?50 Years of Research: International Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation of Wood Symposium Series
Source: USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory, General Technical Report, FPL-GTR-213, 2012.
Author(s) Ross, Robert J.; Wang, Xiping
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: North American Wood Waste Forum: Summary of Group Feedback, 2-3, 2012
Source: USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory, General Technical Report, FPL-GTR-216, 2012
Author(s) Falk, Robert H.
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Status and Trends for the U.S. Forest Products Sector: A Technical Document Supporting the Forest Service 2010 RPA Assessment
Source: Gen. Tech. Rep. FPL-GTR-207. Madison, WI: U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory, 35 p.
Author(s) Skog, Kenneth E.; McKeever, David B.; Ince, Peter J.; Howard, James L.; Spelter, Henry N.; Schuler, Albert T.
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Wood and Wood-Based Materials as Sensors?A Review of the Piezoelectric Effect in Wood
Source: USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory, General Technical Report, FPL-GTR-212, 2012: 12 p.
Author(s) Ross, Robert J.; Kan, Jiangming; Wang, Xiping; Blankenberg, Julie; Stockhausen, Janet I.; Pellerin, Roy F.
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: A novel sample preparation method to avoid influence of embedding medium during nano-indentation
Source: Appl Phys A, Published online: 25 August 2012.
Author(s) Meng, Yujie; Wang, Siqun; Cai, Zhiyong; Young, Timothy M.; Du, Guanben; Li, Yanjun
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: A study of wood baseball bat breakage
Source: Procedia engineering 34 (2012) 616-621; 2012.
Author(s) Drane, Patrick; Sherwood, James; Colosimo, Renzo; Kretschmann, David
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: A Systematic Approach to the Study of Accelerated weathering of Building Joint Sealants
Source: Journal of ASTM International, Volume 9, Number 5; 2012
Author(s) White, Christopher C.; Hunston, Donald L.; Tan, Kar Tean; Filliben, James J.; Pintar, Adam L.; Schueneman, Greg.
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: An Investigation of bat durability by wood species
Source: Procedia Engineering 34 (2012) 421 - 432; 2012.
Author(s) Ruggiero, Eric; Sherwood, James; Drane, Patrick; Kretschmann, David
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Approaching zero cellulose loss in cellulose nanocrystal (CNC) production: recovery and characterization of cellulosic solid residues (CSR) and CNC
Source: Cellulose, Published online: 22 August 2012.
Author(s) Wang, Q.Q.; Zhu, J.Y.; Reiner, R.S.; Verrill, S.P.; Baxa, U.; McNeil, S.E.
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: ATest Method for Monitoring Modulus Changes during Durability Tests on Building Joint Sealants
Source: Journal of ASTM International, Volume 9, Number 2; 2012
Author(s) White, Christopher C.; Hunston, Donald L.; Tan, Kar Tean; Schueneman, Gregory T.
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Bioconversion of giant reed (Arundo donax L.) hemicellulose hydrolysate to ethanol by Scheffersomyces stipitis CBS6054
Source: Biomass and Bioenergy, 39 (2012) 296-305
Author(s) Scordia, Danilo; Cosentino, Salvatore L.; Lee, Jae-Won; Jeffries, Thomas W.
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Biological performance of Liquidambar orientalis Mill. heartwood
Source: Biodeterioration & Biodegradation , 75 (2012). pp. 104-108.
Author(s) Terzi, Evren; Kartal, S. Nami; Iba?ez, Claudia Marcela; Kose, Co?kun; Arango, Rachel; Clausen, Carol A.; Green III, Frederick.
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Broadband nanoindentation of glassy polymers: Part I Viscoelasticity
Source: J. Mater. Res.
Author(s) Jakes, Joesph E.; Lakes, Rod S.; Stone, Don S.
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Broadband nanoindentation of glassy polymers: Part II. Viscoplasticity
Source: J. Mater. Res.
Author(s) Jakes, Joseph E.; Lakes, Rod S.; Stone, Don S.
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Cellulose nanocrystals as a reinforcing material for electrospun poly(methyl methacrylate) fibers: formation, properties and nanomechanical characterization
Source: Carbohydrate Polymers 87 (2012) 2488?2495
Author(s) Dong, Hong; Strawhecker, Kenneth E.; Snyder, James A.; Orlicki, Joshua A.; Reiner, Richard S.; Rudie, Alan W.
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Chapter 7:Mineral Scale Management
Source: In: The Bleaching of Pulp, 5th Edition; Tappi Press 2012. pp. 175-215.
Author(s) Rudie, Alan W.; Hart, Peter W.
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Characterisation of the gene cluster for L-rhamnose catabolism in the yeast Scheffersomyces (Pichia) stipitis
Source: Gene, 492 (2012) 177-185
Author(s) Koivistoinen, Outi M.; Arvas, Mikko; Headman, Jennifer R.; Andberg, Martina; Penttila, Merja; Jeffries, Thomas W.; Richard, Peter
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Chemical Modification of Soy Flour Protein and its Properties
Source: Advanced Materials Research Vols. 343-344 (2012) pp 875-881; 2012
Author(s) Xu, Yuzhi; Wang, Chunpeng; Chu, Fuxiang; Frihart, Charles R.; Lorenz, Linda F.; Stark, Nicole M.
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Chronologies in wood and resin: AMS 14C dating of pre-Hispanic Caribbean Wood Sculpture
Source: In: Journal of Archaeological Science, pp. 3349-3362; 2012
Author(s) Ostapkowicz, Joanna; Bronk-Ramsey, Christopher; Brock, Fiona; Higham, Tom; Wiedenhoeft, Alex C.; Ribechini, Erika; Lucejko, Jeannette J.; Wilson, Samuel.
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Cofermentation of Glucose, Xylose, and Cellobiose by the Beetle-Associated Yeast Spathaspora passalidarum
Source: Applied and Environmental Microbiology p. 5492?5500 August 2012 Volume 78 Number 16; 2012.
Author(s) Long, Tanya M.; Su, Yi-Kai; Headman, Jennifer; Higbee, Alan; Willis, Laura B.; Jeffries, Thomas W.
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Community analysis of preservative-treated southern pine (Pinus spp.) using terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) analysis. Part 1: Fungal field study
Source: Holzforschung, Volume 66, pp. 521?527, 2012.
Author(s) Kirker, Grant T.; Prewitt, M. Lynn; Schultz, Tor P.; Dieh, Susan V.
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Community analysis of preservative-treated southern pine (Pinus spp.) using terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) analysis
Source: Holzforschung, Volume 66, pp. 529?535, 2012.
Author(s) Kirker, Grant T.; Prewitt, M. Lynn; Diehl, Walter J.; Diehl, Susan V.
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Comparative genomics of Ceriporiopsis subvermispora and Phanerochaete chrysosporium provide insight into selective ligninolysis
Source: PNAS , April 3, 2012, volume 109, number 14;2012
Author(s) Fernandez-Fueyo, Elena; Ruiz-Due?as, Francisco J.; Ferreira, Patricia; Floudas, Dimitrios; Hibbett, David S.; Canessa, Paulo; Larrondo, Luis F.; James, Tim Y.; Seelenfreund, Daniela; Lobos, Sergio; Polanco, Ruben; Tello, Mario; Honda, Yoichi; Watanabe, Takahito; Watanabe, Takashi; Ryu, Jae San; Kubicek, Christian P.; Schmoll, Monika; Gaskell, Jill; Hammel, Kenneth E.; St. John, Franz J.; Wymelenberg, Amber Vanden; Sabat, Grzegorz; BonDurant, Sandra Splinter; Syed, Khajamohiddin; Yadav, Jagjit S.; Dodapaneni, Harshavardhan; Subramanian, Venkataramanan; Lavin, Jose L.; Oguiza, Jose A.; Perez, Gumer; Pisabarro, Antonio G.; Ramirez, Lucia; Santoyo, Francisco; Master, Emma; Coutinho, Pedro M.; Henrissat, Bernard; Lombard, Vincent; Magnuson, Jon Karl; Kues, Ursula; Hori, Chiaki; Igarashi, Kiyohiko; Samejima, Masahiro; Held, Benjamin W.; Barry, Kerrie W.; LaButti, Kurt M.; Lapidus, Alla; Lindquist, Erika A.; Lucas, Susan M.; Riley, Robert; Salamov, Asaf A.; Hoffmeister, Dirk; Schwenk, Daniel; Hadar, Yitzhak; Yarden, Oded; de Vries, Ronald P.; Wiebenga, Ad; Stenlid, Jan; Eastwood, Daniel; Grigoriev, Igor V.; Berka, Randy M.; Blanchette, Robert A.; Kersten, Phil; Martinez, Angel T.; Vicuna, Rafael; Cullen, Daniel
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Complete genome sequence of Paenibacillus sp. strain JDR-2
Source: Standards in Genomic Sciences (2012) 6:1-10.
Author(s) Chow, Virginia; Nong, Guang; St. John, Franz J.; Rice, John D.; Dickstein, Ellen; Chertkov, Olga; Bruce, David; Detter, Chris; Brettin, Thomas; Han, James; Woyke, Tanja; Pitluck, Sam; Nolan, Matt; Pati, Amrita; Martin, Joel; Copeland, Alex; Land, Miriam L.; Goodwin, Lynne; Jones, Jeffrey B.; Ingram, Lonnie O.; Shanmugam, Keelnathan T.; Preston, James F.
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Conceptual net energy output for biofuel production from lignocellulosic biomass through biorefining
Source: Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, 38 (2012) 583-598
Author(s) Zhu, J.Y.; Zhuang, X.S.
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Cone calorimeter evaluation of two flame retardant cotton fabrics
Source: Fire Materials 2012.
Author(s) White, Robert H.; Nam, Sunghyun; Parikh, Dharnidhar V.
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Damage Assessment of a Full-Scale Six-Story wood-frame Building Following Triaxial shake Table Tests
Source: Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, Volume 26, Number 1, February, 2012.
Author(s) van de Lindt, John W.; Gupta, Rakesh; Pei, Shiling; Tachibana, Kazuki; Araki, Yasuhiro; Rammer, Douglas; Isoda, Hiroshi
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Effect of boron and phosphate compounds on physical, mechanical, and fire properties of wood-polypropylene composites
Source: CONSTRUCTION & BUILDING MATERIALS, 33 (2012) 63-69. doi:10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2012.01.013
Author(s) Ayrilmis, Nadir; Akbulut, Turgay; Dundar, Turker; White, Robert H.; Mengeloglu, Fatih; Buyuksari, Umit; Candan, Zeki; Avci, Erkan
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Effect of Moisture Sorption State on Vibrational Properties of Wood
Source: Wood. Forest Prod. J. Volume 62, Number 3. pp. 171?176. 2012.
Author(s) Lu, Jianxiong; Jiang, Jiali; Wu, Yiqiang; Li, Xianjun; Cai, Zhiyong
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Effect of Temperature on Acoustic Evaluation of Standing trees and logs: Part 1-Laboratory investigation
Source: Wood and Fiber Science
Author(s) Gao, Shan; Wang, Xiping; Wang, Lihai; Allison, R. Bruce.
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Effects of SPORL and Dilute Acid Pretreatment on Substrate Morphology, Cell Physical and Chemical Wall Structures, and Subsequent Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Lodgepole Pine
Source: Appl Biochem Biotechnol (2012) 168: pp.1556-1567; 2012.
Author(s) Li, Xinping; Luo, Xiaolin; Li, Kecheng; Zhu, J.Y.; Fougere, J. Dennis; Clarke, Kimberley
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Ethanol production from poplar wood through enzymatic saccharification and fermentation by dilute acid and SPORL pretreatments
Source: Fuel. Vol. 95 (May 2012): p. 606-614.
Author(s) Wang, Z.J.; Zhu, J.Y.; Zalesny, Ronald S. Jr.; Chen, K.F.
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Evaluating Economic Impacts of Expanded Global Wood Energy Consumption with the USFPM/GFPM Model
Source: Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 00 (2012) 1-27.
Author(s) Ince, Peter J.; Kramp, Andrew; Skog, Kenneth E.
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Evolutionary engineering of Saccharomyces cerevisiae for efficient aerobic xylose consumption
Source: FEMS Yeast Res (2012) pp. 1?16; 2012.
Author(s) Scalcinati, Gionata; Otero, Jose' Manuel; Van Vleet, Jennifer R.H.; Jeffries, Thomas W.; Olsson, Lisbeth; Nielsen, Jens.
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Examination of water phase transitions in Loblolly pine and cell wall components by differential scanning calorimetry
Source: Thermochimica Acta, 533 (2012) 39-45. 10.1016/j.tca.2012.01.015
Author(s) Zelinka, Samuel L.; Lambrecht, Michael J.; Glass, Samuel V.; Wiedenhoeft, Alex C.; Yelle, Daniel J.
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Field tests of the efficacy of zinc and fatty amine in preventing colonization by copper-tolerant fungi
Source: International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 70(2012) 74-78
Author(s) Lebow, Stan; Woodward, Bessie; Halverson, Steven; West, Michael
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Fire performances of foam core particleboards continuously produced in a one-step process
Source: Eur. J. Wood Prod., DOI 10.1007/s00107-012-0653-4; 2012. 12 p.
Author(s) Shalbafan, Ali; Dietenberger, Mark A.; Welling, Johannes
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Fractionation of Forest Residues of Douglas-fir for Fermentable Sugar Production by SPORL Pretreatment
Source: Bioenerg. Res. (2012) Volume 5, pp. 978-988; 2012
Author(s) Zhang, Chao; Zhu, J.Y.; Gleisner, Roland; Sessions, John
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Fuel Pellets from Wheat Straw: The Effect of Lignin Glass Transition and Surface Waxes on Pelletizing Properties
Source: Bioenerg. Res. (2012) 5:450-458.
Author(s) Stelte, Wolfgang; Clemons, Craig; Holm, Jens K.; Ahrenfeldt, Jesper; Henriksen, Ulrik B.; Sanadi, Anand R.
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Generation and Recovery of Solid Wood Waste in the U.S.
Source: BioCycle, p. 30-32; August 2012
Author(s) Falk, Bob; McKeever, David
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Genome sequence of the button mushroom Agaricus bisporus reveals mechanisms governing adaptation to a humic-rich ecological niche
Source: PNAS, October 23, 2012, Volume 109, Number 43, 17501?17506, 2012.
Author(s) Morin, Emmanuelle; Kohler, Annegret; Baker, Adam R.; Foulongne-Oriol, Marie; Lombard, Vincent; Nagy, Laszlo G.; Ohm, Robin A.; Patyshakuliyeva, Aleksandrina; Brun, Annick; Aerts, Andrea L.; Bailey, Andrew M.; Billette, Christophe; Coutinho, Pedro M.; Deakin, Greg; Doddapaneni, Harshavardhan; Floudas, Dimitrios; Grimwood, Jane; Hildén, Kristiina; Kües, Ursula; LaButti, Kurt M.; Lapidus, Alla; Lindquist, Erika A.; Lucas, Susan M.; Murat, Claude; Riley, Robert W.; Salamov, Asaf A.; Schmutz, Jeremy; Subrananian, Venkataramanan; Wösten, Han A.B.; Xu, Jianping; Eastwood, Daniel C.; Foster, Gary D.; Sonnenberg, Anton S.M.; Cullen, Daniel; de Vries, Ronald P.; Lundell, Taina; Hibbett, David S.; Henrissat, Bernard; Burton, Kerry S.; Kerrigan, Richard W.; Challen, Michael P.; Grigoriev, Igor V.; Martin, Francis.
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Heat treatment of wet wood fiber: A study of the effect of reaction conditions on the formation of furfurals
Source: Wood Material Science & Engineering 0.0:1-7; 2012.
Author(s) Tshabalala, Mandla A.; McSweeny, James D.; Rowell, Roger M.
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Heat-induced chemical and color changes of extractive-free Black Locust (Rosinia Pseudoacacia) wood
Source: BioResources Volume 7, Number 2, 2236-2248; 2012
Author(s) Chen, Yao; Gao, Jianmin; Fan, Yongming; Tshabalala, Mandla A.; Stark, Nicole M.
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: High titer ethanol production from SPORL-pretreated lodgepole pine by simultaneous enzymatic saccharification and combined fermentation
Source: BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY, 127 (2013) pp. 291-297.
Author(s) Lan, T.Q.; Gleisner, Roland; Zhu, J.Y.; Dien, Bruce S.; Hector, Ronald E.
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: High-Performance Cellulose Nanofibril Composite Films
Source: BioResources Volume 7, number 3, 3064-3075; 2012
Author(s) Qing, Yan; Sabo, Ronald; Wu, Yiqiang; Cai, Zhiyong
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Improvements in processing characteristics and engineering properties of wood flour-filled high density polyethylene composite sheeting in the presence of hollow glass microspheres
Source: Journal of Plastic Film & Sheeting, Volume 28, Number 2, 165-180; 2012
Author(s) Yalcin, Baris; Amos, Steve E; D Souza, Andrew S; Clemons, Craig M; Gunes, I Sedat; Ista, Troy K
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Insight into tradeoff between wood decay and parasitism from the genome of a fungal forest pathogen
Source: New Phytologist (2012)
Author(s) Olson, Ake; Aerts, Andrea; Asiegbu, Fred; Belbahri, Lassaad; Bouzid, Ourdia; Broberg, Anders; Canback, Bjorn; Coutinho, Pedro M.; Cullen, Dan; Dalman, Kerstin; Deflorio, Giuliana; van Diepen, Linda T.A.; Dunand, Christophe; Duplessis, Sebastien; Durling, Mikael; Gonthier, Paolo; Grimwood, Jane; Fossdal, Carl Gunnar; Hansson, David; Henrissat, Bernard; Hietala, Ari; Himmelsrand, Kajsa; Hoffmeister, Dirk; Hogberg, Nils; James, Timothy Y.; Karlsson, Magnus; Kohler, Annegret; Kues, Ursula; Lee, Yong-Hwan; Lin, Yao-Cheng; Lind, Marten; Lindquist, Erika; Lombard, Vincent; Lucas, Susan; Lunden, Karl; Morin, Emmanuelle; Murat, Claude; Park, Jongsun; Raffaello, Tommaso; Rouze, Pierre; Salamov, Asaf; Schmutz, Jeremy; Solheim, Halvor; Stahlberg, Jerry; Velez, Heriberto; deVries, Ronald P.; Wiebenga, Ad; Woodward, Steve; Yakovlev, Igor; Garbelotto, Matteo; Martin, Francis; Grigoriev, Igor V.; Stenlid, Jan.
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Interfacial Properties of Lignin-Based Electrospun Nanofibers and Films Reinforced with Cellulose Nanocrystals
Source: ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2012, 4, pp. 6849-6856; 2012.
Author(s) Ago, Mariko; Jakes, Joseph E.; Johansson, Leena-Sisko; Park, Sunkyu; Rojas, Orlando J.
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Kinetics of adsorption, desorption, and readsorption of a commercial endoglucanase in lignocellulosic suspensions
Source: Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Volume 109, Number 8, pp. 1965-1975; August, 2012.
Author(s) Wang, Q.Q.; Zhu, J.Y.; Hunt, C.G.; Zhan, H.Y.
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Lignin-Based Electrospun Nanofibers Reinforced with Cellulose Nanocrystals
Source: Biomacromolecules 2012, 13, 918-926; 2012
Author(s) Ago, Mariko; Okajima, Kunihiko; Jakes, Joseph E.; Sunkyu, Park; Rojas, Orlando J.
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Lignin-degrading Peroxidases from Genome of Selective Ligninolytic Fungus Ceriporiopsis subverispora
Source: THE JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY VOLUME 287, NUMBER. 20, pp. 16903?16916, May 11, 2012.
Author(s) Fernandez-Fueyo, Elena; Ruiz-Duenas, Francisco J.; Miki, Yuta; Martinez, Marta Jesus; Hammel, Kenneth E.; Martinez, Angel T.
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Mechanical characterization of cellulose nanofiber and bio-based epoxy composite
Source: Elsevier
Author(s) Masoodi, R.; El-Hajjar, R.F.; Pillai, K.M.; Sabo, R.
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Microcellular poly(hydroxybutyrate-co-hydroxyvalerate)-hyperbranched polymer-nanoclay nanocomposites
Source: POLYMER ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE, 51. pp. 1815-1826
Author(s) Javadi, Alireza; Srithep, Yottha; Pilla, Srikanth; Clemons, Craig C.; Gong, Shaoqin; Turng, Lih-Sheng
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Miscibility and thermal behavior of poly (ε-caprolactone)/long-chain ester of cellulose blends
Source: Carbohydrate Polymers, 88 (2012) 422-427
Author(s) Xu, Yuzhi; Wang, Chunpeng; Stark, Nicole M.; Cai, Zhiyong; Chu, Fuxiang
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Modeling Force Transfer around Openings in Wood-Frame Shear Walls
Source: J. Struct. Eng. 2012.138: pp.1419-1426; 2012.
Author(s) Li, Minghao; Lam, Frank; Yeh, Borjen; Skaggs, Tom; Rammer, Doug; Wacker, James
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Moisture Sorption in Artificially aged wood-plastic composites
Source: BioResources Volume 7, Number 1, 1283-1293; 2012.
Author(s) Segerholm, B. Kristoffer; Ibach, Rebecca E.; W?linder, Magnus E.P.
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Moisture Sorption, Biological Durability, and Mechanical Performance of WPC Containing Modified Wood and Polylactates
Source: BioResources Volume 7, Number 4, 4575-4585; 2012.
Author(s) Segerholm, B. Kristoffer; Ibach, Rebecca E.; Westin, Mats
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Morphological development of cellulose fibrils of a bleached eucalyptus pulp by mechanical fibrillation
Source: Cellulose (2012) 19:1631-1643.
Author(s) Wang, Q.Q.; Zhu, J.Y.; Gleisner, R.; Kuster, T.A.; Baxa, U.; McNeil, S.E.
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Nanofibrillated cellulose (NFC) reinforced polyvinyl alcohol (PVOH) nanocomposites: properties, solubility of carbon dioxide, and foaming
Source: Cellulose 19: 1209-1223; 2012.
Author(s) Srithep, Yottha; Turng, Lih-Sheng; Sabo, Ronald; Clemons, Craig
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Optical property analysis of thermally and photolytically aged Eucalyptus Camaldulensis chemithermomechanical pulp (CTMP)
Source: BioResources 7(2), 1474-1487; 2012.
Author(s) Chen, Yao; Fan, Yongming; Tshabalala, Mandla A.; Stark, Nicole M.; Gao, Jianmin
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Preliminary evaluation of storax and its constituents: Fungal decay mold and termite resistance
Source: International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 70 (2012) 47-54; 2012
Author(s) Kartal, S. Nami; Terzi, Evren; Yoshimura, Tsuyoshi; Arango, Rachel; Clausen, Carol A.; Green III, Frederick
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Processing of poly(hydroxybutyrate-co-hydroxyvalerate)-based bionanocomposite foams using supercritical fluids
Source: Journal of Materials Research, Volume 27, Issue 11, 2012, pp. 1506 1517; 2012.
Author(s) Javadi, Alireza; Srithep, Yottha; Clemons, Craig C.; Turng, L-S.; Gong, Shaoqin.
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Projection of U.S. forest sector carbon sequestration under U.S. and global timber market and wood energy consumption scenarios, 2010-2060
Source: Biomass and Bioenergy
Author(s) Nepal, Prakash; Ince, Peter J.; Skog, Kenneth E.; Chang, Sun J.
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Pyrolysis kinetics and combustion of thin wood by an advanced cone caorimetry test method
Source: J Therm Anal Calorim
Author(s) Dietenberger, Mark
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Quantitative predictions of bioconversion of aspen by dilute acid and SPORL pretreatments using a unified combined hydrolysis factor (CHF)
Source: Elsevier
Author(s) Zhu, W.; Houtman, Carl J.; Zhu, J.Y.; Gleisner, Roland; Chen, K.F.
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Radial wood Allocation in Schizolobium Parahyba
Source: American Journal of Botany Volume 99, Number 6,:1010-1019. 2012.
Author(s) Williamson, G. Bruce; Wiemann, Michael C.; Geaghan, James P.
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Rapid and Complete Enzyme Hydrolysis of Lignocellulosic Nanofibrils
Source: ACS Macro Lett. 2012, 1, 1321-1325; 2012.
Author(s) Martin-Sampedro, Raquel; Filpponen, Ilari; Hoeger, Ingrid C.; Zhu, J.Y.; Laine, Janne; Rojas, Orlando J.
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Recycling Pressure-Sensitive Products
Source: 2012-03-19, Adhesives Magazine; 2012. p. 9.
Author(s) Guo, Jihui; Gwin, Larry; Houtman, Carl; Kroll, Mark; Severtson, Steven J.
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Response surface methodology (RSM) to evaluate moisture effects on corn stover in recovering xylose by DEO hydrolysis
Source: Bioresource Technology, 108 (2012) 134-139.
Author(s) Rodrigues, Rita C.L.B.; Kenealy, William R.; Dietrich, Diane; Jeffries, Thomas W.
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Rheological modification of corn stover biomass at high solids concentrations
Source: J. Rheol. Volume 56, Number 3, 649-665, May/June (2012).
Author(s) Samaniuk, Joseph R.; Scott, C. Tim; Root, Thatcher W.; Klingenberg, Daniel J.
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Robotic and Multiaxial Testing for the Constitutive Characterization of Composites
Source: Materials Challenges in Alternative & Renewable Energy 2012.
Author(s) Michopoulos, John; Iliopoulos, Athanasios; Hermanson, John
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Semi-Interpenetrating polymer network hydrogels based on aspen hemicellulose and chitosan: Effect of crosslinking sequence on hydrogel properties
Source: Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Volume 124, pp. 1168-1177; 2012.
Author(s) Karaaslan, Muzaffer Ahmet; Tshabalala, Mandla A.; Buschle-Diller, Gisela.
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Sources of Confusion in the Determination of ASTM Repetitive Member Factors for the Allowable Properties of Wood Products
Source: J. Struct. Eng. 2012.138:130-133
Author(s) Verrill, S.; Kretschmann, D.
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Spatially Resolved Characterization of Cellulose Nanocrystal-Polypropylene Composite by Confocal Raman Microscopy
Source: Applied Spectroscopy, Volume 66, Number 7, 2012
Author(s) Agarwal, Umesh P.; Sabo, Ronald; Reiner, Richard S.; Clemons, Craig M.; Rudie, Alan W.
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Spectroscopic analysis of the role of extractives on heat-induced discoloration of black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia)
Source: Wood Material Science & Engineering 0.0:1-8; 2012.
Author(s) Chen, Yao; Fan, Yongming; Gao, Jianmin; Tshabalala, Mandla A.; Stark, Nicole M.
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Testing a Novel Method to Approximate Wood Specific Gravity of Trees
Source: Forest Science, 2012; pubiished online February 16, 2012.
Author(s) Wiemann, Michael C.; Williamson, G. Bruce.
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: The Effect of Heat Treatment on the chemical and color change of Black Locust (Robinia Pseudoacacia) wood flour
Source: BioResources Volume 7, Number 1, 1157-1170, 2012.
Author(s) Chen, Yao; Fan, Yongming; Gao, Jianmin; Stark, Nicole M.
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: The North American Product Standard for Cross-Laminated Timber
Source: Wood Design Focus, Volume 22, Number 2, pp. 13-21; 2012
Author(s) Yeh, Borjen; Gagnon, Sylvain; Williamson, Tom; Pirvu, Ciprian; Lum, Conroy; Kretschmann, Dave
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: The Paleozoic Origin of Enzymatic Lignin Decomposition Reconstructed from 31 Fungal Genomes
Source: SCIENCE VOL 336 29 JUNE 2012 (2012) DOI:1126/science.1221748,
Author(s) Floudas, Dimitrios; Binder, Manfred; Riely, Robert; Barry, Kerrie; Blanchette, Robert A.; Henrissat, Bernard; Martinez, Angel T.; Otillar, Robert; Spatafora, Joseph W.; Yadav, Jagjit S.; Aerts, Andrea; Benoit, Isabelle; Boyd, Alex; Carlson, Alexis; Copeland, Alex; Coutinho, Pedro M.; deVries, Ronald P.; Ferreira, Patricia; Findley, Keisha; Foster, Brian; Gaskell, Jill; Glotzer, Dylan; Gorecki, Pawe?; Heitman, Joseph; Hesse, Cedar; Hori, Chiaki; Igarashi, Kiyohiko; Jurgens, Joel A.; Kallen, Nathan; Kersten, Phil; Kohler, Annegret; Kues, Ursula; ArunKumar, T. K.; Kuo, Alan; LaButti, Kurt; Larrondo, Luis F.; Lindquist, Erika; Ling, Albee; Lombard, Vincent; Lucas, Susan; Lundell, Taina; Martin, Rachael; McLaughlin, David J.; Morgenstern, Ingo; Morin, Emanuelle; Murat, Claude; Nagy, Laszlo G.; Nolan, Matt; Ohm, Robin A.; Patyshakuliyeva, Aleksandrina; Rokas, Antonis; Ruiz-Due?as, Francisco J.; Sabat, Grzegorz; Salamov, Asaf; Samejima, Masahiro; Schmutz, Jeremy; Slot, Jason C.; John, Franz St.; Stenlid, Jan; Sun, Hui; Sun, Sheng; Syed, Khajamohiddin; Tsang, Adrian; Wiebenga, Ad; Young, Darcy; Pisabarro, Antonio; Eastwood, Daniel C.; Martin, Francis; Cullen, Dan; Grigoriev, Igor V.; Hibbett, David S.
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: The pyrolysis characteristics of moso bamboo
Source: Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 94 (2011) 48-52.
Author(s) Jiang, Zehui; Liu, Zhijia; Fei, Benhua; Cai, Zhiyong; Yu, Yan; Liu, Xing?e.
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Timing of carbon emissions from global forest clearance
Source: Nature Climate Change 2, 1 (2012)
Author(s) Earles, J. Mason; Yeh, Sonia; Skog, Kenneth E.
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Two-Dimensional NMR Evidence for Cleavage of Lignin and Xylan Substituents in Wheat Straw Through Hydrothermal Pretreatment and Enzymatic Hydrolysis
Source: Bioenerg. Res
Author(s) Yelle, Daniel J.; Kaparaju, Prasad; Hunt, Christopher G.; Hirth, Kolby; Kim, Hoon; Ralph, John; Felby, Claus
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Wood Utilization Options for Urban Trees Infested by Invasive Species
Source: University of Minnesota, 2012: 96 p.
Author(s) Brashaw, Brian K.; Ross, Robert J.; Wang, Xiping; Wiemann, Michael C.
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: FPL Newsline, Spring 2012
Source: USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory, Newsline Spring 2012, Volume 11, Issue 2
Author(s) Douglas Clawson, Jim Anderson, Tivoli Gough, Bill Ireland, Rajinder Lal, Susan Paulson, Steve Schmieding, James T. Spartz, Rebecca Wallace, Madelon Wise
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: FPL Newsline, Summer 2012
Source: USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory, Newsline Summer 2012, Volume 11, Issue 3
Author(s) Douglas Clawson, Jim Anderson, Tivoli Gough, Bill Ireland, Rajinder Lal, Steve Schmieding, James T. Spartz, Rebecca Wallace, Madelon Wise
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: FPL Newsline, Winter 2012
Source: USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory, Newsline Winter 2012, Volume 11, Issue 1
Author(s) Clawson, Doug; Anderson,Jim; Gough,Tivoli; Ireland,Bill; Lal,Rajinder; Paulson,Susan; Spartz,James; Wallace,Rebecca;
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Newsline Fall 2012
Source: USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory, Newsline Fall 2012, Volume 11, Issue 4
Author(s) Douglas Clawson, Jim Anderson, Tivoli Gough, Bill Ireland, Rajinder Lal, Steve Schmieding, James T. Spartz, Rebecca Wallace, Madelon Wise
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: The Wood Handbook's International Appeal
Source:  USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory, Infographic 01 2012
Author(s) Forest Products Laboratory
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Research into Cellulose nanomaterials spans the globe
Source: Paper360, May/June; pp. 32-34; 2012.
Author(s) Moon, Robert; Walker, Colleen
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: The effect on climate change impacts for building products when including the timing of greenhouse gas emissions
Source: University of Wisconsin PH.D Dissertation, 2012 278p
Author(s) Bergman, Richard D
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Development of Cross-Laminated Timber for Seismic Regions of the United States
Source: USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory, Madison, Wisconsin, Research In Progress RIP-4719-015
Author(s) Forest Products Laboratory
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Development of Lightweight Deck Systems for Historic Covered Bridge Rehabilitation
Source: USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory, Madison, Wisconsin, Research In Progress RIP-4719-016
Author(s) Forest Products Laboratory
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Development of Wood Floor System Instructional Videos
Source: USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory, Madison, Wisconsin, Research In Progress RIP-4714-021
Author(s) FPL Laboratory
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Diverting Wood from Landfills for Use in Value-Added Products
Source: USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory, Madison, Wisconsin, Research In Progress RIP-4714-023
Author(s) Forest Products Laboratory
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Evaluating Fire-Damaged Components of Historic Covered Bridges
Source: USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory, Madison, Wisconsin, Research In Progress RIP-4725-003
Author(s) Forest Products Laboratory
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Evaluating Hygrothermal Performance of Interlocking Cross-Laminated Timber Walls
Source: USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory, Madison, Wisconsin, Research In Progress RIP-4716-009
Author(s) Forest Products Laboratory
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Field Performance of Timber Bridges: A National Study
Source: USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory, Madison, Wisconsin, Research In Progress RIP-4719-013
Author(s) FPL Laboratory
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Force Transfer around Openings: Phase II
Source: USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory, Madison, Wisconsin, Research In Progress RIP-4719-014
Author(s) Forest Products Laboratory
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Guidebook for Restoring Structural Integrity of Covered Bridge Members
Source: USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory, Madison, Wisconsin, Research In Progress RIP-4723-018
Author(s) Forest Products Laboratory
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Hygrothermal Performance of Glued Cross-Laminated Timber Walls
Source: USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory, Madison, Wisconsin, Research In Progress RIP-4716-010
Author(s) Forest Products Laboratory
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Identification of Fungal Contributions to Decay of Southern Yellow Pine Using Terminal Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (T-RFLP)
Source: USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory, Madison, Wisconsin, Research In Progress RIP-4723-017
Author(s) FPL Laboratory
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Mechanically Fastened Cross-Laminated Timber System Feasibility
Source: USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory, Madison, Wisconsin, Research In Progress RIP-4714-022
Author(s) Forest Products Laboratory
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Moisture Performance in Walls Containing Wood-Based Sheathing
Source: USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory, Madison, Wisconsin, Research In Progress RIP-4716-008
Author(s) FPL Laboratory
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: North American Wood Products Industry Life Cycle Assessment Workshop
Source: USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory, Madison, Wisconsin, Research In Progress RIP-4781-006
Author(s) Forest Products Laboratory
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Research-Demonstration House Development and Evaluation in North Carolina
Source: USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory, Madison, Wisconsin, Research In Progress RIP-4716-011
Author(s) Forest Products Laboratory
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Study of the Impacts of Implements of Husbandry on Bridges
Source: USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory, Madison, Wisconsin, Research In Progress RIP-3333-015
Author(s) Forest Products Laboratory
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Understanding the Seismic Behavior of Mid-Rise Light-Frame Wood Buildings
Source: USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory, Madison, Wisconsin, Research In Progress RIP-4719-009
Author(s) FPL Laboratory
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Wood Products Consumption for Nonresidential Construction in the United States and Canada, 2011
Source: USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory, Madison, Wisconsin, Research In Progress RIP-4851-007
Author(s) Forest Products Laboratory
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Condition Assessment of a 2,500-Year-Old Mummy Coffin
Source: USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory, Research Note, FPL-RN-0327, 2012
Author(s) Ross, Robert J.; Dundar, Turker
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: U S Forest Products Annual Market Review and Prospects, 2008?2012
Source: USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory, Research Note FPL-RN-0328, 2012
Author(s) Howard, James L.; McKeever, David B.
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Asymptotically Efficient Estimation of a Bivariate Gaussian?Weibull Distribution and an Introduction to the Associated Pseudotruncated Weibull
Source: USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory, Research Paper, FPL-RP- 666, 2012: 78 p.
Author(s) Verrill, Steve P.; Evans, James W.; Kretschmann, David E.; Hatfield, Cherilyn A.
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Cost and time study for constructing raised wood floor systems in the Gulf Coast Region of the United States
Source: Research paper FPL-RP-664. Madison, WI : U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory, 2012: 18 p.
Author(s) Del Bianco, Marie; McKeever, David B.; Barta, Lance
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Developing Inventory Projection Models Using Empirical Net Forest Growth and Growing-Stock Density Relationships Across U.S. Regions and Species Group
Source: USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory, Research Paper, FPL-RP-668, 2012
Author(s) Nepal, Prakash; Ince, Peter J.; Skog, Kenneth E.; Chang, Sun J.
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Reaction-to-Fire of Wood Products and Other Building Materials: Part 1, Room/Corner Test Performance
Source: USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory, Research Paper, FPL-RP-663, 2012: 51 p.
Author(s) Grexa, Ondrej; Dietenberger, Mark A.; White, Robert H.
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Reaction-to-Fire of Wood Products and Other Building Materials: Part II, Cone Calorimeter Tests and Fire Growth Models
Source: USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory, Research Paper, FPL-RP-670, 2012: 60 p.
Author(s) Dietenberger, Mark A.; Grexa, Ondrej; White, Robert H.
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Separation of Dalbergia stevensonii from Dalbergia tucurensis
Source: USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory, Research Paper, FPL-RP-665, 2012: 9 p.
Author(s) Wiemann, Micheal C.; Ruffinatto, Flavio
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Small Sample Properties of Asymptotically Efficient Estimators of the Parameters of a Bivariate Gaussian?Weibull Distribution
Source: USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory, Research Paper, FPL-RP-667, 2012: 48 p.
Author(s) Verrill, Steve P.; Evans, James W.; Kretschmann, David E.; Hatfield, Cherilyn A.
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Use of Laser Scanning Technology to Obtain As-Built Records of Historic Covered Bridges
Source: USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory, Report Paper, FPL-RP-669, 2012; 21 p.
Author(s) Ross, Robert J.; Brashaw, Brian K.; Anderson, Samuel J.
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Withdrawal Strength of Stainless Steel Nails
Source: FPL Techline
Author(s) Zelinka, Samuel L.; Rammer, Douglas R.
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Title: USDA Forest Service Research & Development 2011 Highlights
Source: United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, FS-992, March 2012
Author(s) USDA Forest Service; Research & Development
Year: 2012   view abstract, download publication »

Publication Year: 2011
Title: Chapter 01: Wood identification and pattern recognition
Source: In: Identification of Central American Woods. 2011. Forest Products Society, Madison, WI. Publication #7215-11, ISBN 978-1-892529-58-9. pp. 7-9.
Author(s) Wiedenhoeft, Alex
Year: 2011   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Chapter 02: Basic wood biology?Anatomy for identification
Source: In: Identification of Central American Woods. 2011. Forest Products Society, Madison, WI. Publication #7215-11, ISBN 978-1-892529-58-9. pp. 11-20.
Author(s) Wiedenhoeft, Alex
Year: 2011   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Chapter 03: Correct use of a hand lens
Source: In: Identification of Central American Woods. 2011. Forest Products Society, Madison, WI. Publication #7215-11, ISBN 978-1-892529-58-9. pp. 21-22.
Author(s) Wiedenhoeft, Alex
Year: 2011   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Chapter 04: Bloodless wood specimen preparation for hand lens observation
Source: In: Identification of Central American Woods. 2011. Forest Products Society, Madison, WI. Publication #7215-11, ISBN 978-1-892529-58-9. pp. 23-30.
Author(s) Wiedenhoeft, Alex
Year: 2011   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Chapter 05: Basic characters used in the identification of wood with a hand lens
Source: In: Identification of Central American Woods. 2011. Forest Products Society, Madison, WI. Publication #7215-11, ISBN 978-1-892529-58-9. pp. 31-46.
Author(s) Wiedenhoeft, Alex
Year: 2011   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Chapter 06: Identification key
Source: In: Identification of Central American Woods. 2011. Forest Products Society, Madison, WI. Publication #7215-11, ISBN 978-1-892529-58-9. pp. 47-60.
Author(s) Wiedenhoeft, Alex
Year: 2011   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Chapter 07: Species description pages
Source: In: Identification of Central American Woods. 2011. Forest Products Society, Madison, WI. Publication #7215-11, ISBN 978-1-892529-58-9. pp. 61-158.
Author(s) Wiedenhoeft, Alex C.
Year: 2011   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Chapter 08: Comments on, and additional information for, wood identification
Source: In: Identification of Central American Woods. 2011. Forest Products Society, Madison, WI. Publication #7215-11, ISBN 978-1-892529-58-9. pp. 159-163.
Author(s) Wiedenhoeft, Alex C.
Year: 2011   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Understanding LiP Promoters from Phanerochaete chrysosporium: A Bioinformatic Analysis
Source: Selected Works in Bioinformatics
Author(s) Lobos, Sergio; Polanco, Ruben; Tello, Mario; Cullen, Dan; Seelenfreund, Daniela; Vicu?a, Rafael.
Year: 2011   view abstract, download publication »

Title: 3D imaging studies of rigid-fiber sedimentation
Source: Proceedings of IS&T-SPIE conference on electronic imaging, SPIE vol. 7864, 2011 January 23-27, Burlingame, CA. Bellingham, WA: SPIE, 2011: 11 p.
Author(s) Vahey, David W.; Tozzi, Emilio J.; Scott, C. Tim; Klingenberg, Daniel J.
Year: 2011   view abstract, download publication »

Title: An experimental study on crack propagation in green composites made from cellulose nanofibers and epoxy
Source: SAMPE 2011 [electronic resource] : May 23-26, 2011, Long Beach, CA. [Covina, CA] : Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering, c2011: 8 p.
Author(s) Masoodi, R.; Hajjar, R.E.; Pillai, K.M.; Sabo, Ronald
Year: 2011   view abstract, download publication »

Title: An experimental study on swelling of cellulose nano-fiber films in epoxy resins and water
Source: SAMPE 2011 [electronic resource] : May 23-26, 2011, Long Beach, CA. [Covina, CA] : Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering, c2011: 9 p.
Author(s) Masoodi, R.; Javadi, A.; Pillai, K.M.; Sabo, Ronald
Year: 2011   view abstract, download publication »

Title: An Integrated NDT Approach for Determining Residual Strength of Ancient Wood Structural Members
Source: In: 17th International Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation of Wood Symposium, September 14-16, 2011, University of West Hungary, Sopron, Hungary; pp. 547-553, 2011.
Author(s) Zhang, Houjiang; Wang, Xiping; Zhu, Lei; Sun, Yanliang; Ross, Robert J.; Brashaw, Brian K.
Year: 2011   view abstract, download publication »

Title: An update on sulfite pretreatment (SPORL) of lignocellulosic biomass for effective production of cellulose ethanol
Source: Proceedings, 16th international symposium on wood, fiber and pulping chemistry, 2011 June 8-10, Tianjin, China. Beijing, China : China Light Industry Press, 2011: p. 968-972.
Author(s) Pan, Xuejun; Zhu, Junyong
Year: 2011   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Common questions and concerns from government users of industrial treated wood products
Source: Proceedings, one hundred seventh annual meeting of the American Wood Protection Association ... Fort Lauderdale, Florida, May 15-17, 2011: Volume 107. Birmingham, Ala. : American Wood Protection Association, c2011: p. 218-221.
Author(s) Lebow, Stan; Wacker, James
Year: 2011   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Durability of PLA-modified wood composites
Source: Proceedings of the 11th international conference on wood and biofiber plastic composites & nanotechnology in wood composites symposium, 2011 May 16-17, Madison, WI. Madison, WI : Forest Products Society, 2011: [3] p. [1 flash drive]
Author(s) Kristoffer, Segerholm B.; Ibach, Rebecca E.; Westin, Mats
Year: 2011   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Effect of boron compounds on physical, mechanical, and fire properties of injection molded wood plastic composites
Source: Proceedings of the 11th international conference on wood and biofiber plastic composites & nanotechnology in wood composites symposium, 2011 May 16-17, Madison, WI. Madison, WI : Forest Products Society, 2011: 21 p. [1 flash drive]
Author(s) Ayrilmis, Nadir; Akbulut, Turgay; Dundar, Turker; White, Robert H.; Mengeloglu, Fatih; Candan, Zeki; Buyuksari, Umit; Avci, Erkan
Year: 2011   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Enzymatic mechanism of oxalate production in the TCA and glyoxylate pathways using various isolates of Antrodia radiculosa
Source: Proceedings, one hundred seventh annual meeting of the American Wood Protection Association ... Fort Lauderdale, Florida, May 15-17, 2011: Volume 107. Birmingham, Ala. : American Wood Protection Association, c2011: p. 108-113.
Author(s) Jenkins, K.M.; Diehl, S.V.; Clausen, C.A.; Green, F.
Year: 2011   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Evaluation of a timber column bent substructure after more than 60 years in-service
Source: Proceedings of the CIMAD11 - 1? Congresso Ibero-LatinoAmericano da Madeira na Construc?o [Spanish & Latin American Conference on Timber Construction], Coimbra, Portugal, June 7-9, 2011 [electronic resource]. [S.l. : s.n.], 2011: [1 flash drive]: 7 p.
Author(s) Wacker, James P.; Wang, Xiping; Rammer, Douglas R.; Nelson, William J.
Year: 2011   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Fundamentals of Acoustic Measurements on Trees and Logs and Their Implication to Field Application
Source: In: Proceedings of the 17th lnternational Symposium on Nondestructive Tesing and Evaluation of Wood, 2011; pp 25-33; 2011.
Author(s) Wang, Xiping
Year: 2011   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis of extractives of naturally durable wood
Source: Proceedings, one hundred seventh annual meeting of the American Wood Protection Association ... Fort Lauderdale, Florida, May 15-17, 2011: Volume 107. Birmingham, Ala. : American Wood Protection Association, c2011: p. 41-44.
Author(s) Kirker, G.T.; Blodgett, A.B.; Lebow, S.T.; Clausen, C.A.
Year: 2011   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Historic Log Cabin structural Condition Assessment and Rehabilitation - A Case Study
Source: In: Proceedings, 17th International Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation of Wood Symposium, Sopron, Hungary. Volume 2, pp. 505-512. 2011.
Author(s) Brashaw, Brian; Vatalaro, Robert; Ross, Robert J.; Wang, Xiping; Schmieding, Steven; Okstad, Walt
Year: 2011   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Impact of nondestructive testing and evaluation of wood products
Source: In: Proceedings 17th International Nondestructive testing and Evaluation of Wood Symposium, September 14-16, 2011, Volume 1, University of West Hungary, Sopron, Hungary, pp. 3-7; 2011.
Author(s) Ross, Robert J.
Year: 2011   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Leach and mold resistance of essential oil metabolites
Source: Proceedings, one hundred seventh annual meeting of the American Wood Protection Association ... Fort Lauderdale, Florida, May 15-17, 2011: Volume 107. Birmingham, Ala. : American Wood Protection Association, c2011: p. 121-127.
Author(s) Clausen, Carol A.; Yang, Vina W.
Year: 2011   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Modeling temperature and moisture state effects on acoustic velocity in wood
Source: In: Proceedings, 17th International Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation of Wood Symposium, Sopron, Hungary, 14-16 September. p. 411-418.
Author(s) Gao, Shan; Wang, X.; Wang, L.; Bruce, R.B.
Year: 2011   view abstract, download publication »

Title: NDE investigation of the timber foundation in the historic Kennecott Mine Concentration Mill Building
Source: In: Proceedings of the 17th International Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation of Wood Symposium, Volume 2, Sept 14-16, 2011. University of West Hungary, Sopron, Hungary. pp. 513-521. (Edited by Ferenc Divos, Published by the University of West Hungary; ISBN 978-963-9883-83-3, volume 2).
Author(s) Wacker, James P.; Wang, Xiping; Rammer, Douglas R.; Woodward, Bessie M.
Year: 2011   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Observed relationships between wood density and solution uptake during pressure treatment
Source: Proceedings, one hundred seventh annual meeting of the American Wood Protection Association ... Fort Lauderdale, Florida, May 15-17, 2011: Volume 107. Birmingham, Ala. : American Wood Protection Association, c2011: p. 93-98.
Author(s) Halverson, Steve; Lebow, Stan
Year: 2011   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Standardization of Naturally Durable Wood Species
Source: American Wood Protection Association
Author(s) Morris, Paul; Laks, Peter; Lebow, Stan
Year: 2011   view abstract, download publication »

Title: The Statistics of wood assays for preservative retention
Source: Proceedings, one hundred seventh annual meeting of the American Wood Protection Association ... Fort Lauderdale, Florida, May 15-17, 2011: Volume 107. Birmingham, Ala. : American Wood Protection Association, c2011: p. 190-195.
Author(s) Lebow, Patricia K.; Conklin, Scott W.
Year: 2011   view abstract, download publication »

Title: The Use of Esterified Lignin for Synthesis of Durable Composites
Source: In: Proceedings of the 7th meeting of the NORDIC-BALTIC NETWORK IN WOOD MATERIAL SCIENCE & ENGINEERING (WSE) October 27-28, 2011, Oslo, Norway, 2011, pp. 173-178; 2011.
Author(s) Olsson, S.; Ostmark, E.; Ibach, R.E.; Clemons, C.M.; Segerholm, K.B.; Englund, F.
Year: 2011   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Tools to Understand Structural Property Relationships for Wood Cell Walls
Source: Science & Technology of Biomasses: Advances and Challenges; September 5-8, 2011, pp. 81-84; 2011.
Author(s) Jakes, Joseph E.; Yelle, Daniel J.; Frihart, Charles R.
Year: 2011   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Ultraviolet weathering of WPCs coextruded with a clear cap layer
Source: Proceedings of the 5th International Wood Fibre Polymer Composites Symposium : natural fibre to building and furniture products: contributing to the green growth, 2011 September 26-27, Biarritz, France. Paris, France : FCBA Institut Technologique, 2011: 12 p.
Author(s) Matuana, Laurent M.; Stark, Nicole M.; Jin, Shan
Year: 2011   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Economic Use of Beetle-Killed Trees
Source: USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory, FPL Status Report, October 2011
Author(s) Wegner, Theodore H.;Wise, Madelon M.;
Year: 2011   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Science Supporting the Economic and Environmental Benefits of Using Wood and Wood Products in Green Building Construction
Source: USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory, General Technical Report, FPL-GTR-206, 2011
Author(s) Ritter, Michael A.; Skog, Kenneth; Bergman, Richard
Year: 2011   view abstract, download publication »

Title: A brief review of machine vision in the context of automated wood identification systems
Source: IAWA journal. Vol. 32, no. 2 (2011): p. 233-250.
Author(s) Hermanson, John C.; Wiedenhoeft, Alex C.
Year: 2011   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Dynamic Data Driven Experiment Control Coordinated with Anisotropic Elastic Material Characterization
Source: Journal of Algorithms & Computational Technology, Volume 5, Number 4, December 2011; pp. 623-644; 2011.
Author(s) Michopoulos, John G.; Furukawa, Tomonari; Hermanson, John C.; Lambrakos, Samuel G.
Year: 2011   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Economics of Coharvesting Smallwood by Chainsaw and Skidder for Crop Tree Management in Missouri
Source: NORTH. J. APPL. FOR. Volume 28, Number 4, pp.214-218; 2011
Author(s) Becker, Peter; Bilek, E.M.(Ted); Cunningham, Terry; Bill, Michael; Calvert, Marty; Jensen, Jason; Norris, Michael; Thompson, Terry
Year: 2011   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Effect of Boron and Phosphate compounds on Thermal and Fire Properties of wood/HDPE composites
Source: International Journal of Polymers and Technologies
Author(s) Akbulut, Turgay; Ayrilmis, Nadir; Dundar, Turker; Durmus, Ali; White, Robert H.; Teker, Murat
Year: 2011   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Evaluation of strength-controlling defects in paper by stress concentration analyses
Source: Journal of Composite Materials, Volume 46, Number 11, 1323?1334; 2011
Author(s) Considine, John M.; Vahey, David W.; Evans, James W.; Turner, Kevin T.; Rowlands, Robert E.
Year: 2011   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Exploring new strategies for cellulosic biofuels production
Source: Energy Environ. sci., 2011, 4, 3820-3833; 2011.
Author(s) Langan, Paul; Gnankaran, S.; Rector, Kirk D.; Pawley, Norma; Fox, David T.; Cho, Dae Won; Hammel, Kenneth E.
Year: 2011   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Fire performance testing of WPCs at the Forest Products Laboratory
Source: Proceedings of the 5th International Wood Fibre Polymer Composites Symposium : natural fibre to building and furniture products: contributing to the green growth, 2011 September 26-27, Biarritz, France. Paris, France : FCBA Institut Technologique, 2011: [11] p.
Author(s) Stark, Nicole M.; White, Robert H.
Year: 2011   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Ligand bound structures of a glycosyl hydrolase family 30 glucuronoxylan xylanohydrolase
Source: Journal of Molecular Biology
Author(s) St. Johns, Franz; Hurlbert, Jason C.; Rice, John D.; Preston, James F.; Pozharski, Edwin.
Year: 2011   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Mechanical and time-dependent behavior of wood-plastic composites subjected to tension and compression
Source: Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials, 1-20, 2011.
Author(s) Hamel, Scott E.; Hermanson, John C.; Cramer, Steven M.
Year: 2011   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Methods for Mitigating the Environmental Risks Associated with Wood Preservatives
Source: In: Managing Treated Wood in Aquatic Environments, pp.407-433; 2011.
Author(s) Hayward, Dennis; Lebow, Stan T.; Brooks, Kenneth M.
Year: 2011   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Nanomechanical study of amorphous and polycrystalline ALD HfO2 thin films
Source: International journal of surface science and engineering. Vol. 5, nos. 2/3 (2011): p. 193-204.
Author(s) Tapily, K.; Jakes, J.E.; Gu, D.; Baumgart, H.; Elmustafa, A.A.
Year: 2011   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Pelletizing properties of torrefied spruce
Source: Biomass and Bioenergy, 35 (2011) 4690-4698
Author(s) Stelte, Wolfgang; Clemons, Craig; Holm, Jens K.; Sanadi, Anand R.; Ahrenfeldt, Jesper; Shang, Lei; Henriksen, Ulrik B.
Year: 2011   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Preparation of human drug metabolites using fungal peroxygenases
Source: Biochemical Pharmacology, 82 (2011) 789-796.
Author(s) Poraj-Kobielska, Marzena; Kinne, Matthias; Ullrich, Rene; Scheibner, Katrin; Kayser, Gernot; Hammel, Kenneth E.; Hofrichter, Martin
Year: 2011   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Reuse and Disposal
Source: In: Managing Treated Wood in Aquatic Environments, pp. 435-449; 2011
Author(s) Clausen, Carol A.; Lebow, Stan T.
Year: 2011   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Rheology of concentrated biomass
Source: Korea-Australia Rheology Journal Volume 23, Number 4, December 2011 pp. 237-245; 2011.
Author(s) Samaniuk, J.R.; Wang, J.; Root, T.W.; Scott, C.T.; Klingenberg, D.J.
Year: 2011   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Stress-relaxation behavior of lignocellulosic high-density polyethlene composites
Source: Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites Volume 30, Number 10, 875?881; 2011.
Author(s) Mirzaei, Babak; Tajvidi, Mehdi; Falk, Robert H.; Felton, Colin.
Year: 2011   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Tension and Compression Creep Apparatus for wood-Plastic Composites
Source: Journal of Testing and Evaluation, Volume 39, Number 6, Paper IDJTE103715.
Author(s) Hamel, Scott E.; Hermanson, John C.; Cramer, Steven M.
Year: 2011   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Treasures ... of black wood, brilliantly polished : five examples of Taino sculpture from the tenth-sixteenth century Caribbean.
Source: Antiquity. Vol. 85 (2011): p. 942-959.
Author(s) Ostapkowicz, Joanna; Wiedenhoeft, Alex; Ramsey, Christopher Bronk; Ribechini, Erika; Wilson, Samuel; Brock, Fiona; Higham, Tom
Year: 2011   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Uncertainty quantification in nanomechanical measurements using the atomic force microscope
Source: Nanotechnology
Author(s) Wagner, Ryan; Moon, Robert; Pratt, Jon; Shaw, Gordon; Raman, Arvind
Year: 2011   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Forest Carbon Sequestration under the U.S. Biofuel Energy Policies
Source: Agricultural & Applied Economics Association?s 2011 AAEA & NAREA Joint Annual Meeting
Author(s) Yoo, Do-il; Skog, Kenneth E.; Ince, Peter J.; Kramp, Andrew D.
Year: 2011   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Modelling Force Transfer Around Openings of Full-Scale Shear Walls
Author(s) Skaggs, Tom; Yeh, Borjen; Lam, Frank; Li, Minghao; Rammer, Doug; Wacker, James
Year: 2011   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Processing behavior, morphology and benefits of using low-density hollow glass microspheres in polymer wood composites
Source: Proceedings of the 11th international conference on wood and biofiber plastic composites & nanotechnology in wood composites symposium, 2011 May 16-17, Madison, WI. Madison, WI : Forest Products Society, 2011: [6] p. [1 flash drive]
Author(s) Amos, Steve E.; D?Souza, Andy; Yalcin, Baris; Ista, Troy K.; Clemons, Craig M.
Year: 2011   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Salt Damage to Wood--"Fuzzy Wood" Often Confused with Fungal Decay
Source: PileDriver
Author(s) Kirker, Grant; Glaeser, Jessie
Year: 2011   view abstract, download publication »

Publication Year: 2010
Title: Integrating Net-Zero Energy and High-Performance Green Building Technologies into Contemporary Housing in a Cold Climate
Source: USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory, General Technical Report, FPL-GTR-193, August 2010
Author(s) Yoklic; Martin; Knaebe; Mark; Martinson; Karen
Year: 2010   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Remote Monitoring of History Covered Timber Bridges for the Prevention of Arson and Vandalism
Source: USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory, General Technical Report, FPL-GTR-191
Author(s) Brent M. Phares; Michael D. LaViolette; Terry J. Wipf; Michael A. Ritter
Year: 2010   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Wood Handbook, Chapter 01: Wood as a Sustainable Building Material
Source: General Technical Report FPL-GTR-190. Madison, WI: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory: 1-1 - 1-6. Chapter 1.
Author(s) Falk, Robert H.
Year: 2010   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Wood Handbook, Chapter 02: Characteristics and Availability of Commercially Important Woods
Source: General Technical Report FPL-GTR-190. Madison, WI: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory: 2-1 - 2-45. Chapter 2.
Author(s) Wiemann, Michael C.
Year: 2010   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Wood Handbook, Chapter 03: Structure and Function of Wood
Source: General Technical Report FPL-GTR-190. Madison, WI: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory: 3-1 - 3-18. Chapter 3.
Author(s) Wiedenhoeft, Alex C.
Year: 2010   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Wood Handbook, Chapter 04: Moisture Relations and Physical Properties of Wood
Source: General Technical Report FPL-GTR-190. Madison, WI: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory: 4-1 - 4-19. Chapter 4.
Author(s) Glass, Samuel V.; Zelinka, Samuel L.;
Year: 2010   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Wood Handbook, Chapter 05: Mechanical Properties of Wood
Source: General Technical Report FPL-GTR-190. Madison, WI: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory: 5-1 - 5-46. Chapter 5.
Author(s) Kretschmann, David E.
Year: 2010   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Wood Handbook, Chapter 06: Commercial Lumber, Round Timbers, and Ties
Source: General Technical Report FPL-GTR-190. Madison, WI: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory: 6-1 - 6-25. Chapter 6.
Author(s) Kretschmann, David E.
Year: 2010   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Wood Handbook, Chapter 07: Stress Grades and Design Properties for Lumber, Round Timber, and Ties
Source: General Technical Report FPL-GTR-190. Madison, WI: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory: 7-1 - 7-16. Chapter 7.
Author(s) Kretschmann, David E.
Year: 2010   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Wood Handbook, Chapter 08: Fastenings
Source: General Technical Report FPL-GTR-190. Madison, WI: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory: 8-1 - 8-28. Chapter 8.
Author(s) Rammer, Douglas R.
Year: 2010   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Wood Handbook, Chapter 09: Structural Analysis Equations
Source: General Technical Report FPL-GTR-190. Madison, WI: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory: 9-1 - 9-11. Chapter 9.
Author(s) Rammer, Douglas R.
Year: 2010   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Wood Handbook, Chapter 10: Adhesives with Wood Materials- Bond Formation and Performance
Source: General Technical Report FPL-GTR-190. Madison, WI: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory: 10-1 - 10-24. Chapter 10.
Author(s) Frihart, Charles R.; Hunt, Christopher G.;
Year: 2010   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Wood Handbook, Chapter 11: Wood-Based Composite Materials-Panel Products- Glued-Laminated Timber, Structural Composite Lumber, and Wood-Nonwood Composite Materials
Source: General Technical Report FPL-GTR-190. Madison, WI: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory: 11-1 - 11-28. Chapter 11.
Author(s) Stark, Nicole M.; Cai, Zhiyong; Carll, Charlie G. ;
Year: 2010   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Wood Handbook, Chapter 12: Mechanical Properties of Wood-Based Composite Materials
Source: General Technical Report FPL-GTR-190. Madison, WI: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory: 12-1 - 12-12. Chapter 12.
Author(s) Cai, Zhiyong; Ross, Robert J.;
Year: 2010   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Wood Handbook, Chapter 13: Drying and Control of Moisture Content
Source: General Technical Report FPL-GTR-190. Madison, WI: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory: 13-1 - 13-20. Chapter 13.
Author(s) Bergman, Richard
Year: 2010   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Wood Handbook, Chapter 14: Biodeterioration of Wood
Source: General Technical Report FPL-GTR-190. Madison, WI: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory: 14-1 - 14-16. Chapter 14.
Author(s) Clausen, Carol A.
Year: 2010   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Wood Handbook, Chapter 15: Wood Preservation
Source: General Technical Report FPL-GTR-190. Madison, WI: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory: 15-1 - 15-28. Chapter 15.
Author(s) Lebow, Stan T.
Year: 2010   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Wood Handbook, Chapter 16: Finishing of Wood
Source: General Technical Report FPL-GTR-190. Madison, WI: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory: 16-1 - 16-39. Chapter 16.
Author(s) Williams, Sam R.
Year: 2010   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Wood Handbook, Chapter 17: Use of Wood in Buildings and Bridges
Source: General Technical Report FPL-GTR-190. Madison, WI: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory: 17-1 - 17-13. Chapter 17.
Author(s) Wacker, James P.
Year: 2010   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Wood Handbook, Chapter 18: Fire Safety of Wood Construction
Source: General Technical Report FPL-GTR-190. Madison, WI: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory: 18-1 - 18-22. Chapter 18.
Author(s) White, Robert H.; Dietenberger, Mark A.;
Year: 2010   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Wood Handbook, Chapter 19: Specialty Treatments
Source: General Technical Report FPL-GTR-190. Madison, WI: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory: 19-1 - 19-16. Chapter 19.
Author(s) Ibach, Rebecca E.
Year: 2010   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Wood Handbook, Chapter 20: Heat Sterilization of Wood
Source: General Technical Report FPL-GTR-190. Madison, WI: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory: 20-1 - 20-13. Chapter 20.
Author(s) Wang, Xiping
Year: 2010   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Wood Handbook, Wood as an Engineering Material
Source: General Technical Report FPL-GTR-190. Madison, WI: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory. Back Cover.
Author(s) Bergman, Richard; Cai, Zhiyong; Carll, Charlie G.; Clausen, Carol A.; Dietenberger, Mark A.; Falk, Robert H.; Frihart, Charles R.; Glass, Samuel V.; Hunt, Christopher G.; Ibach, Rebecca E.; Kretschmann, David E.; Rammer, Douglas R.; Ross, Robert J.; Stark
Year: 2010   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Wood Handbook, Wood as an Engineering Material
Source: General Technical Report FPL-GTR-190. Madison, WI: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory. Front Cover.
Author(s) Bergman, Richard; Cai, Zhiyong; Carll, Charlie G.; Clausen, Carol A.; Dietenberger, Mark A.; Falk, Robert H.; Frihart, Charles R.; Glass, Samuel V.; Hunt, Christopher G.; Ibach, Rebecca E.; Kretschmann, David E.; Rammer, Douglas R.; Ross, Robert J.; Stark
Year: 2010   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Wood Handbook, Wood as an Engineering Material
Source: General Technical Report FPL-GTR-190. Madison, WI: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory: i-vii. Front Matter.
Author(s) Bergman, Richard; Cai, Zhiyong; Carll, Charlie G.; Clausen, Carol A.; Dietenberger, Mark A.; Falk, Robert H.; Frihart, Charles R.; Glass, Samuel V.; Hunt, Christopher G.; Ibach, Rebecca E.; Kretschmann, David E.; Rammer, Douglas R.; Ross, Robert J.; Stark
Year: 2010   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Wood Handbook, Wood as an Engineering Material
Source: General Technical Report FPL-GTR-190. Madison, WI: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory: G-1 - G-17. Glossary.
Author(s) Bergman, Richard; Cai, Zhiyong; Carll, Charlie G.; Clausen, Carol A.; Dietenberger, Mark A.; Falk, Robert H.; Frihart, Charles R.; Glass, Samuel V.; Hunt, Christopher G.; Ibach, Rebecca E.; Kretschmann, David E.; Rammer, Douglas R.; Ross, Robert J.; Stark
Year: 2010   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Wood Handbook, Wood as an Engineering Material
Source: General Technical Report FPL-GTR-190. Madison, WI: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory: I-1 - I-29. Index.
Author(s) Bergman, Richard; Cai, Zhiyong; Carll, Charlie G.; Clausen, Carol A.; Dietenberger, Mark A.; Falk, Robert H.; Frihart, Charles R.; Glass, Samuel V.; Hunt, Christopher G.; Ibach, Rebecca E.; Kretschmann, David E.; Rammer, Douglas R.; Ross, Robert J.; Stark
Year: 2010   view abstract, download publication »

Title: A single cell model for pretreatment of wood by microwave explosion
Source: Holzforschung, Vol. 64, pp. 633-637, 2010
Author(s) Li, Xianjun; Zhou, Yongdong; Yan, Yonglin; Cai, Zhiyong; Feng, Fu
Year: 2010   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Evaluation of various fire retardants for use in wood flour-polyethylene composites
Source: Polymer Degradation and Stability, 95 (2010) 1903-1910. doi:10.1016/j.polymdegradstab.2010.04.014; 2010
Author(s) Stark,Nicole M.; White, Robert H.; Mueller, Scott A.; Osswald, Tim A.
Year: 2010   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Weatherability and Leach Resistance of Wood Impregnated with Nano-Zinc Oxide
Source: Nanoscale Res Lett (2010) 5:1464-1467; 2010
Author(s) Clausen, Carol A; Green, Frederick III; Kartal, S. Nami
Year: 2010   view abstract, download publication »

Title: FPL Newsline, Summer 2010
Source: USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory Newsline Summer 2010
Author(s) Jim Anderson; Tivoli Gough; Bill Ireland; James Spartz; Rebecca Wallace; Madelon Wise;
Year: 2010   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Fungal biodegradation of lignocelluloses
Source: Mycota, Vol. 10 : Industrial applications: 2nd edition. Berlin ; Heidelberg : Springer, 2010: p. 319-340: ISBN: 9783642114571 (rel): 3642114571 (rel).
Author(s) Hatakka, Annele; Hammel, Kenneth E.
Year: 2010   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Weathering characteristics and moisture uptake properties of wood coated with water-borne sol-gel thin films
Source: PRA's 7th International Woodcoatings Congress : "Reducing the environmental footprint", The Netherlands, 12-13 October 2010 congress papers [electronic resource]. Hampton : PRA Coatings Technology Centre, c2010 [1 CD-ROM]: 11 p.: ISBN: 9780956135728.
Author(s) Tshabalala, M. A.; Starr, C.; Sutherland, N. R.
Year: 2010   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Structural Testing of Roof-to-Wall Connection and Blocking Details
Source: FPL RIP-4714-020
Author(s) Kochkin,Vladimir; Ehrlich,Gary; Wang, Xiping;
Year: 2010   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Strengthening America's Pastime: Scientists Work to Keep Baseball Players and Fans Safe
Source: Science For You
Author(s) Spartz, James T.; Gough, Tivoli C.; Nelson, Karen K.
Year: 2010   view abstract, download publication »

Publication Year: 2009
Title:  Cone Calorimeter Datasets
Source: Public Domain Repository
Author(s) Dietenberger, M.A., Fuller, A. M.,White, R.H.
Year: 2009   view abstract, download publication »

Title: CVal: A Spreadsheet Tool to Evaluate the Direct Benefits and Costs of Carbon Sequestration Contracts for Managed Forests.
Source: Gen. Tech. Rep FPL-GTR-180. Madison, WI: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory; 2009, 30 p.
Author(s) E.M. (Ted) Bilek; Peter Becker; Tim McAbee;
Year: 2009   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Estimated Annual Timber Products Consumption in Major End Uses in the United States, 1950-2006
Source: FPL-GTR-181, July 2009
Author(s) David B. McKeever
Year: 2009   view abstract, download publication »

Title: LSY: Documentation for a Spreadsheet Tool to Evaluate Log-Sort Yard Economics
Source: FPL-GTR-184, June 2009
Author(s) E.M. (Ted) Bilek
Year: 2009   view abstract, download publication »

Title: A Fundamental Review of the Relationships between Nanotechnology and Lignocellulosic Biomass
Source: In: The Nanoscience and technology of renewable biomaterials, edited by Lucian A. Lucia and Orlando J. Rojas.
Author(s) Wegner, Theodore H.; Jones, E. Philip
Year: 2009   view abstract, download publication »

Title: A strategic assessment of biofuels development in the Western States
Source: In: McWilliams, Will; Moisen, Gretchen; Czaplewski, Ray, comps. Forest inventory and analysis (FIA) symposium 2008; 2008 October 21-23; Park City, UT. Pro. RMRS-P-56CD. Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest service Rocky Mountain Research Station. 13 p. 2009
Author(s) Skog, Kenneth E.; Rummer, Robert; Jenkins, Brian; Parker, Nathan; Tittman, Peter; Hart, Quinn; Nelson, Richard; Gray, Ed; Schmidt, Anneliese; Patton-Mallory, Marcia; Gordan, Gayle
Year: 2009   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Wood Preservatives Choosing the right one
Source: WOOD DESIGN & BUILDING -SPRING 2009, pp 41-44; 2009
Author(s) Humphries, Matt; Lebow,Stan; Moses, David
Year: 2009   view abstract, download publication »


Dimensional stability and creep behavior of heat-treated exterior medium density fiberboard

Source: European journal of wood and wood products. Vol. 67 (2009): pages 287-295.
Author(s) Ayrilmis, Nadir; Laufenberg, Theodore L.; Winandy, Jerrold E.
Year: 2009   view abstract, download publication »

Title: A climatic and taxonomic comparison between leaf litter and standing vegetation from a Florida swamp woodland
Source: American journal of botany. Vol. 96, no. 6 (2009): pages 1108-1115.
Author(s) Dilcher, David L.; Kowalski, Elizabeth A.; Wiemann, Michael C.; Hinojosa, Luis Felipe; Lott, Terry A.
Year: 2009   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Cantilever beam static bending and vibration test apparatus developed for thin composite products
Source: Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation of Wood, October 12-14, 2009, Beijing, China. Beijing, China : Beijing Forestry University, c2009: p. 242-247.
Author(s) Guo, Zhiren; Zhang, Houjiang; Hunt, John F.; Fu, Feng
Year: 2009   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Correlation between oxalic acid production and tolerance of Tyromyces palustris strain TYP-6137 to N',N-naphthaloylhydroxamine
Source: International biodeterioration & biodegradation. Vol. 63, no. 1 (Jan. 2009): pages 46-51.
Author(s) Arango, Rachel A.; Lebow, Patricia K.; Green, Frederick III.
Year: 2009   view abstract, download publication »

Publication Year: 2008
Title: Enhance bridge performance
Source: Alampalli, Sreenivas; Duwadi Sheila Rimal; Herman, Regan Sentelle; Kleinhans, Danielle D.; Mahmoud, Khaled; Ray, James C.; Wacker, James P.; Yazdani, Nur. 2008. In: Enhance bridge performance. 2008 February 21-22: Reston, VA. The American society of Civil Engineers: 117 p.; 2008
Author(s) Alampalli, Sreenivas; Duwadi Sheila Rimal; Herman, Regan Sentelle; Kleinhans, Danielle D.; Mahmoud, Khaled; Ray, James C.; Wacker, James P.; Yazdani, Nur
Year: 2008   view abstract, download publication »

Publication Year: 2007
Title: ChargeOut! Determining Machine and Capital Equipment Charge-Out Rates Using Discounted Cash-Flow Analysis
Source: General Technical Report FPL-GTR-171. Madison, WI: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory. 33 pages
Author(s) Bilek, E.M. (Ted)
Year: 2007   view abstract, download publication »

Title: U.S. timber production, trade, consumption, and price statistics 1965 to 2005
Source: Research Paper FPL-RP-637. Madison, WI: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory. 91 pages.
Author(s) Howard, James L.
Year: 2007   view abstract, download publication »

Publication Year: 2006
Title: LamLum : a tool for evaluating the financial feasibility of laminated lumber plants
Source: Gen. Tech. Rep. FPL-GTR-165. Madison, WI: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory. 33 pages
Author(s) Bilek, E.M. (Ted); Hunt, John F.
Year: 2006   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Durability and Wood Protection: Fire Research for Safe and Durable Wood Structures as the Forest Products Laboratory
Source: Forest Products Laboratory Information Brochure
Author(s) Carol Clausen
Year: 2006   view abstract, download publication »

Publication Year: 2005
Title: Fuel to burn : economics of converting forest thinnings to energyusing BioMax in southern Oregon
Source: Gen. Tech. Rep. FPL-GTR-157. Madison, WI: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory. 27 p.
Author(s) Bilek, E.M. (Ted); Skog, Kenneth E.; Fried, Jeremy; Christensen, Glenn
Year: 2005   view abstract, download publication »

Publication Year: 2004
Title: Small-Diameter Success Stories
Source: TMU
Author(s) Jean M. Livingston
Year: 2004   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Low Frequency Vibration approach to asess the Performance of wood structural Systems
Source: Review of Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation Volume 23, pp 1000-1007. 2004.
Author(s) Wang, Xiping; Ross, Robert J.; Hunt, Michael O.
Year: 2004   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Profiling of oligolignols reveals monolignol coupling conditions in lignifying poplar xylem
Source: Plant physiology. Vol. 136 (2004): p. 3537-3549.
Author(s) Morreel, Kris; Ralph, John; Kim, Hoon; Lu, Fachuang; Goeminne, Geert; Ralph, Sally; Messens, Eric; Boerjan, Wout
Year: 2004   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Fuel Value Calculator
Source: Techlines
Author(s) Forest Products Laboratory
Year: 2004   view abstract, download publication »

Publication Year: 2003
Title: U.S. Timber Production, Trade, Consumption, and Price Statistics 1965-2002
Source: FPL-RP-615 December 2003
Author(s) Howard, James
Year: 2003   view abstract, download publication »

Publication Year: 2001
Title: Dry Kiln Operator's Manual--Intro, glossary, index
Source: USDA Agricultural Handbook AH-188: Dry Kiln Operator's Manual
Author(s) Simpson, ed.
Year: 2001   view abstract, download publication »

Title: 2000 national fire plan and its ramifications for wood supply from western national forests
Source: 2000 Statistical yearbook of the western lumber industry. Portland, Or. : Western Wood Products Association, Economic Services Dept., [2001?]: pages 9-12.
Author(s) Spelter, Henry; Ince, Peter
Year: 2001   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Design of wood highway sound barriers
Source: FPL-RP-596, June 2001; Forest Products Laboratory Research Paper
Author(s) Boothy, Thomas E.; Burroughs, Courtney B.; Bernecker, Craig A.; Manbeck, Harvey B.; Grgurevich, Stefan; Cegelka, Stephen; Hillbrich Lee, Paula D.
Year: 2001   view abstract, download publication »

Title: U.S. Timber Production, Trade, Consumption, and Price Statistics 1965-1999
Source: FPL-RP-595, April 2001; Forest Products Laboratory Research Paper
Author(s) Howard, James L.
Year: 2001   view abstract, download publication »

Publication Year: 2000
Title: Industrial wood productivity in the United States, 1900-1998
Source: (Research note FPL ; RN-0272):14 p. : ill. ; 28 cm.
Author(s) Ince, Peter J.
Year: 2000   view abstract, download publication »

Publication Year: 1999
Title: U.S. Timber production, trade, consumption, and price statistics 1965-1997
Source: General Technical Report FPL-GTR-116):iv, 76 p. : ill., map ; 28 cm.
Author(s) Howard, James L.
Year: 1999   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Effect of Damage on the Grade Yield of Recycled Lumber
Source: Forest Products Society
Author(s) Falk, Robert; DeVisser, Don; Cook, Standen; Stansbury, Dale
Year: 1999   view abstract, download publication »

Publication Year: 1998
Title: Plans for crash-tested bridge railings for longitudinal wood decks on low-volume roads
Source: General Technical Report FPL-GTR-107):11 p. : plans ; 44 x 28 cm.
Author(s) Ritter, Michael A.; Faller, Ronald K.; Bunnell, Steve.; Hilbrich Lee, Paula D.; Rosson, Barry T.
Year: 1998   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Plans for crash-tested wood bridge railings for concrete decks
Source: General Technical Report FPL-GTR-108):11 p. : plans ; 44 x 28 cm.
Author(s) Ritter, Michael A.; Faller, Ronald K.; Rosson, Barry T.; Hilbrich Lee, Paula D.; Duwadi, Sheila Rimal.
Year: 1998   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Comparison of test protocols for standard room/corner tests
Source: Fire and materials `98 : 5th international conference, February 1998, San Antonio, TX, USA. London : Interscience Communications, 1998.:p. 77-88.
Author(s) White, R. H.; Dietenberger, M. A.; Tran, H.; Grexa, O.; Richardson, L.; Sumathipala, K.; Janssens, M.
Year: 1998   view abstract, download publication »

Title: There`s a right way to buy exterior house paint and this is the season for it
Source: Moneysworth. (Sept. 1998).:p. 9-[10?].
Author(s) Knaebe, Mark
Year: 1998   view abstract, download publication »

Publication Year: 1997
Title: U.S. timber production, trade, consumption, and price statistics, 1963-1994
Source: Gen. Tech. Rep. FPL-GTR-98. Madison, WI: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory. 75 p.
Author(s) Howard, James L.
Year: 1997   view abstract, download publication »

Publication Year: 1994
Title: Strength Properties of Low Moisture Content Southern Pine
Source: Timber Research Development and Advisory Council
Author(s) Kretschmann, D.; Green, D.
Year: 1994   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Remediation of Pentachlorophenol- and Creosote-Contaminated Soils Using Wood-Degrading Fungi
Source: International Research Group on Wood Preservation
Author(s) Lamar, Richard T.; Kirk, T. Kent.
Year: 1994   view abstract, download publication »

Publication Year: 1993
Title: Feasibility of using recycled newspapers as a fiber source for dry-process hardboards
Source: Forest Products Society
Author(s) Krzysik, Andrzej M.; Youngquist, John A.; Rowell, Roger M.; Muehl, James H.; Chow, Poo; Shook, Steven R.
Year: 1993   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Solid-Phase Treatment of a Pentachlorophenol-Contaminated Soil Using Lignin-Degrading Fungi
Source: Environmental Science & Technology
Author(s) Lamar, Richard T.; Evans, James W.; Glaser, John A.
Year: 1993   view abstract, download publication »

Publication Year: 1992
Title: Dry-Process Hardboards from Recycled Newsprint Paper Fibers
Source: Materials Research Society
Author(s) Krzysik, Andrezej M.; Youngquist, John A.; Muehl, James M.; Rowell, Roger M.; Chow, Poo; Shook, Steven R.
Year: 1992   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Effects of several ingredient variables on Mechanical Properties of wood fiber-polyolefin composites blended in a thermokinetic mixer
Source: Proceedings of Materials Research Society symposium
Author(s) Gonzalez, C.; Clemons, C.M.; Myers, G.E.; Harten, T.M.
Year: 1992   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Enzymatic solutions to enhance bonding, Bleaching and Contaminant Removal
Source: Proceedings of Materials Research Society symposium
Author(s) Jeffries, Thomas W.; Patel, Rajesh N.; Sykes, Marguerite S.; Klungness, John
Year: 1992   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Estimation of Fiber-Matrix Interfacial Shear Strengths in Lignocellulosic-Thermoplastic composites
Source: IN: Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings
Author(s) Sanadi, A.R.; Rowell, R.M.; Young, R.
Year: 1992   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Polypropylene Crystallization on Maleated Polypropylene-Treated Wood Surfaces: Effect on Interfacial Adhesion in Wood Polypropylene Composites
Source: Materials Research Society
Author(s) Kolosick, Paul C.; Myers, George E.; Koutsky, James A.
Year: 1992   view abstract, download publication »

Title: White Rot Fungi in the Treatment of Hazardous Chemicals and Wastes
Source: Proceedings of Industrial Mycology symposium
Author(s) Lamar, Richard T.; Glaser, John A.; Kirk, T. Kent.
Year: 1992   view abstract, download publication »

Title: A 13C NMR Study of Milled Wood Lignins from Hybrid Salix Clones
Source: Holzforschung, Volume 46, Number 6, 1992, pp. 505-511.
Author(s) Landucci, Lawrence L.; Deka, Ganesh C.; Roy, D.N.
Year: 1992   view abstract, download publication »

Title: The role of fungal lignin-degrading enzymes in xenobiotic degradation
Source: Biotechnology
Author(s) Lamar, Richard T.
Year: 1992   view abstract, download publication »

Publication Year: 1991
Title: Effect of Moisture Content on Stress Intensity Factors in Southern Pine
Source: International timber engineering conference
Author(s) Kretschmann, David E.; Green, David W.; Mainauskas, Vyto.
Year: 1991   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Bonding of air-formed wood fibre/polypropylene fibre composites
Source: Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd
Author(s) Krzysik, A.M.; Younquist, J.A.
Year: 1991   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Feasibility study of a modified ASTM D 143 block shear specimen for thin material
Source: Forest Products Research Society
Author(s) Kretschmann, David E.
Year: 1991   view abstract, download publication »

Title: The 1H and 13C NMR Spectra of the Abietadienoic Resin Acids
Source: Holzforschung
Author(s) Landucci, L L.; Zinkel, D.F.
Year: 1991   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Dry kiln operator's manual
Source: Agriculture handbook (United States. Dept. of Agriculture) ; no. 188. Madison, Wis. : U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory, 1991: vi, 274 Pages
Author(s) Simpson, William T.
Year: 1991   view abstract, download publication »

Publication Year: 1990
Title: Effects of Azidosilane treatments of wood and cellulose fiber surfaces on adhesion to polypropylene
Source: Materials Research Society
Author(s) Kolosick, Paul C.; Scott, C.T.; Koutsky, J.A.; Myers, G.E.
Year: 1990   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Timber Bridges: Design, Construction, Inspection, and Maintenance -- Entire Publication
Source: Year 1990; Entire Publication
Author(s) Ritter, Michael A.
Year: 1990   view abstract, download publication »

Publication Year: 1989
Title: Chapter 3:Search for Lignin Condensation Reactions with Modern NMR Techniques
Source: In: Heminigway, Richard W.; Conner, Anthony H.; Branham, Susan J., eds. Adhesives from renewable resources: ACS symposium series 385; 1987 August 30-Septernber 4; New Orleans. Washington, DC: American Chemical Society. Chapter 3. pp. 27-42.
Author(s) Landucci, Lawrence E.
Year: 1989   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Effect of Brown-Rot Fungi on Cellulose
Author(s) Highley, T.L.; Kirk, T.K.; Ibach, R.
Year: 1989   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Image analysis for measuring adhesive contaminants in pulp
Source: Tappi
Author(s) Klungness, John H.; Fernandez, Luis E.; Plantinga, Pamela L.
Year: 1989   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Nitrogenase activity associated with decayed wood of living northern Idaho conifers
Source: The New York Botanical Garden
Author(s) Harvey, Alan E.; Larsen, Michael J.; Jurgensen, Martin F.; Jones, Elizabeth A.
Year: 1989   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Increased Disk Separator Throughput
Source: Tappi
Author(s) Klungness, John H.; Evans, James W.
Year: 1989   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Proposed model for the penetration and Decay of wood by the Hyphal Sheath of the Brown-Rot Fungus Poria Placenta
Source: The International Research Group on Wood Preservation
Author(s) Green, F.; Larsen, M.J.; Murmanis, L.L.; Highley, T.L.
Year: 1989   view abstract, download publication »

Publication Year: 1988
Title: Corrosion of metals in preservative-treated wood
Source: In: Proceedings 47358; 1987 October 28-30; Memphis, TN. Madison, WI: Forest Products Research Society
Author(s) Baker, Andrew J.
Year: 1988   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Studies in the genus Phellinus. I. the identity of Phellinus rickii with notes on its facultative synonyms
Source: Mycologia
Author(s) Larsen, Michael J.; Lombard, Frances F.
Year: 1988   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Biocontrol of Decay or Pathogenic Fungi in Wood and Trees
Source: Trichoderma Newletter No. 4, pp. 9-15; January 1988.
Author(s) Ricard, Jacques; Highley, Terry L.
Year: 1988   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Properties of Cellulose Degraded by the Brown-Rot Fungus, Postia plancenta
Source: The International Research Group on Wood Preservation, Document No.: IRG/WP/1350. 1988.
Author(s) Highley, Terry L.; Ibach, Rebecca; Kirk, T.Kent.
Year: 1988   view abstract, download publication »

Publication Year: 1987
Title: Biochemical Aspects of White-Rot and Brown-Rot Decay
Author(s) Highley, Terry L.
Year: 1987   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Growth of the white-rot fungus Phanerochaete chrysosporium in soil
Source: Land disposal, remedial action, incineration and treatment of hazadous waste
Author(s) Lamar, Richard T.; Larsen, Michael J.; Kirk, T. Kent; Glaser, John A.
Year: 1987   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Residues, Benificial Microbes, Diseases, and soil management in cool, east slope, Rocky Mountain Lodgepole Pine Ecosystems
Source: In:Management of small-stem stands of lodgepole pine : workshop proceedings.
Author(s) Harvey, A.E.; Jurgensen, M.F.; Larsen, M.J.
Year: 1987   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Changes in Chemical Components of Hardwood and Softwood by Brown-Rot Fungi
Source: Verlag Duncker & Humblot
Author(s) Highley, Terry L.
Year: 1987   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Condensed Tannis. Base-catalysed Reactions of Polymeric Procyanidins with Phloroglucinol: Intramolecular Rearrangements
Source: J. Chem. Soc. Perkin Trans. I.
Author(s) Laks, Peter E.; Hemingway, Richard W.; Conner, Anthony H.
Year: 1987   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Effect of carbohydrate and nitrogen on hydrogen peroxide formation by wood decay fungi in solid medium
Source: Elsevier
Author(s) Highley, Terry L.
Year: 1987   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Longevity of Chloropicrin and Vapam in Controlling Internal Decay in Creosoted Douglas-fir Timbers Above Ground
Source: Material und Organismen
Author(s) Highley, Terry L.
Year: 1987   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Micromorphology of Degradation in Western Hemlock and Sweetgum by the White-Rot Fungus Coriolus versicolor
Source: Holzforschung Volume 41 (1987) Number 2, pp. 67-71; 1987.
Author(s) Highley, Terry L.; Murmanis, Lidija L.
Year: 1987   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Nitrogen fixation in woody residue of northern Rocky Mountain conifer forests
Source: Can. J. For. Res. 17: 1283-1288; 1987.
Author(s) Jurgensen, M.F.; Larsen, M.J.; Graham, R.T.; Harvey, A.E.
Year: 1987   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Effect of wrapping on movement of Chloropicrin, Vapam, and Vanicide TH in Souther Pine Timbers
Author(s) Highley, Terry L.
Year: 1987   view abstract, download publication »

Publication Year: 1986
Title: An Empirical Model for Predicting Performance of Fire-Resistive Coatings in Wood Construction
Source: JTEVA
Author(s) White, Robert H.
Year: 1986   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Fifteen-year Test of In-place Treatments for control of Decay in Waterfront Structures
Source: Material und Organismen 21(3): 181-190; 1986
Author(s) Highley, Terry; Scheffer, Theodore
Year: 1986   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Levels of enzymes of the pentose phosphate pathway in Pachysolen tannophilus Y-2460 and selected mutants
Source: Butterworth & Co. (Publishers) Ltd
Author(s) Lachke, Anil H.; Jeffries, Thomas W.
Year: 1986   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Lindtneria thujatsugina sp. nov. (Stephanosporales, Stephanosporaceae) and notes on other respuinate basidiomycetes with ornamented basidiospores
Source: Nova Hedwigia
Author(s) Larsen, Michael J.
Year: 1986   view abstract, download publication »

Publication Year: 1985
Title: Hawaiian Forest Fungi V. A new species of Phellinus (Hymenochaetaceae) causing decay of Casuarina and Acacia
Source: Mycologia
Author(s) Larsen, Michael J.; Lombard, Frances F.
Year: 1985   view abstract, download publication »

Title: High-temperature drying and equalizing: Effects on stress relief in Yellow-poplar lumber
Author(s) Maeglin, Robert R.; Liu, Jen Y.; Boone, R. Sidney
Year: 1985   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Redispostion of Radulum concentricum (Aphyllophorales, Corticiaceae)
Source: Mycotaxon
Author(s) Kropp, Bradley R.; Nakasone, Karen K.
Year: 1985   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Involvement of Hydrogen Peroxide in Wood Decay by Brown-rot and White-rot Fungi
Author(s) Highley, Terry L.; Murmanis, Lidija L.
Year: 1985   view abstract, download publication »

Publication Year: 1984
Title: Nitrogen Fixation Associated with Increased wood decay in Douglas-fir Residue
Source: Society of American Foresters
Author(s) Jurgensen, M.F.; Larsen, M.J.; Spano, S.D.; Harvey, A.E.; Gale, M.R.
Year: 1984   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Additional new taxa of Laeticortiuium (Aphyllophorales, Corticiaceae)
Source: Mycologia
Author(s) Larsen, M.J.; Nakasone, K.K.
Year: 1984   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Anthraquinone Losses During Alkaline Pulping
Source: JOURNAL OF WOOD CHEMISTRY AND TECHNOLOGY, Volume 4, Number 2, 149-161 (1984).
Author(s) Landucci, Lawrence L.; Ralph, John
Year: 1984   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Bacteria and Accompanying Deterioration in River Pilings
Source: Material und Organismen
Author(s) Eslyn, Wallace E.; Moore, William G.
Year: 1984   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Decay in mine timbers Part III Species-independent stress grading
Source: Forest Products Journal
Author(s) Chudnoff, M.; Eslyn, W.E.; McKeever, D.B.
Year: 1984   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Fungi associated with decayed wood in stored willow and cottonwood logs
Source: Mycologia
Author(s) Eslyn, Wallace E.; Lomard, Francis F.
Year: 1984   view abstract, download publication »

Title: In-Place Treatments with Waterborne Preservatives for Control of Decay in Hardwoods and Softwoods above Ground
Source: Material und organismen
Author(s) Highley, Terry L.
Year: 1984   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Observations of Wall-less Protoplasm in White- and Brown-rot Fungi
Source: Material und Organismen 19(1): 39-48; 1984.
Author(s) Palmer, John G.; Murmanis, Lidija; Highley, Terry
Year: 1984   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Observations on the physiological mechanisms and chemical constituents of induced oleoresin synthesis in Pinus resinosa
Source: CAN. J. FOR. RES
Author(s) Wolter, Karl E.; Zinkel, Duane F.
Year: 1984   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Revolution on the farm wodlot-Low grading
Source: Woodland Management
Author(s) Koning, Jr. John W.
Year: 1984   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Ultrastructural Aspects of Cellulose Decomposition by White-Rot Fungi
Source: Holzforschung 38 (1984) 73-78.
Author(s) Highley, Terry L.; Murmanis, Lidija L.
Year: 1984   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Does Sapstain Rob Summertime Profits?
Source: Northern Logger and Timber Processor
Author(s) Cassens, Daniel L.; Eslyn, W. E.
Year: 1984   view abstract, download publication »

Publication Year: 1983
Title: Fibroporia angulopora, a new species (Aphyllophorales, Polyporaceae) associated with brown-rot of Pseudotsuga menziesii Residue in Western Oregon
Source: Mycologia
Author(s) Larsen, Michael J.; Lombard, Frances F.
Year: 1983   view abstract, download publication »

Title: A rapid method for collecting large numbers of Subteranean Termites from wood
Source: Sociobiology, Volume 7 Number 3. 1983
Author(s) LaFarge, J.P.; Su, N-Y; Jones, M.J.; Esenther, G.R.
Year: 1983   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Characteristics of combined effluent treatment sludges from several types of pulp and paper mills
Source: Tappi Journal / March 1983, pp. 115-118.
Author(s) McGovern, J.N.; Berbee, J.G.; Bockheim, J.G.; Baker, A.J.
Year: 1983   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Decay in mine timbers Part I Sampling procedures and conditions and descriptions of samples
Source: Forest Products Society
Author(s) Eslyn, Wallace E.
Year: 1983   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Decay in mine timbers Part II Basidiomycetes associated with decay of coal mine timbers
Source: Forest Products Research Society
Author(s) Eslyn, Wallace E.; Lombard, Frances F.
Year: 1983   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Decomposition of cellulose by Poria placenta: light and electron miccroscopy study
Source: Holzforschung
Author(s) Highley, Terry L.; Palmer, John G.; Murmanis, Lidija L.
Year: 1983   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Manufacture of quality yellow-poplar studs using the saw-dry-rip (S-D-R) concept
Source: Forest Products Journal
Author(s) Maeglin, Robert R.; Boone, R. Sidney
Year: 1983   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Measurement of cellulase activity in brown- and white-rot fungi on dyed cellulose
Source: Material und organismen
Author(s) Highley, T.L.
Year: 1983   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Notes on Tomentelloid Fungi V. Additional new species of Pseudotomentella
Source: Mycologia
Author(s) Larsen, M.J.
Year: 1983   view abstract, download publication »

Title: On Piloderma bicolor in North America and its relationship to Piloderma byssinum
Source: Mycologia
Author(s) Larsen, Michael J.
Year: 1983   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Protecting piles from decay; end treatments
Source: The International Journal of Wood Preservation. Volume 3, Number 2, pp. 73-76; 1983.
Author(s) Highley, T.L.
Year: 1983   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Visualization of Hyphal Sheath in Wood-Decay Hymenomycetes. II. White-Rotters
Source: Mycologia, Volume 75, Number 6, 1983, pp. 1005-1010.
Author(s) Palmer, J.G.; Murmanis, L.; Highley, T.L.
Year: 1983   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Charcoal
Source: Encyclopedia of American Forest and conservation history
Author(s) Baker, Andrew J.
Year: 1983   view abstract, download publication »

Publication Year: 1982
Title: Effects of a dye, Sudan Red 7B, on the Formosan Subterranean Termite, Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki (Isoptera:Rhinotermitidae)
Source: 9 Material und Organismen 18/2; 1982.
Author(s) Su, Nan-Yao; La Fage, Jeffery P.; Esenther, Glenn R.
Year: 1982   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Influence of type and amount of lignin on decay by Coriolus versicolor
Source: Can. J. For. Res. 12: 435-438. 1982.
Author(s) Highley, Terry L.
Year: 1982   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Is Extracellular Hydrogen Peroxide involved in Cellulose Degradation by Brown-Rot Fungi?
Source: 14 Material und Organismen Volume 17, Number 3, pp. 206-214, 1982.
Author(s) Highley, Terry L.
Year: 1982   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Low-cost solar dry kiln gets trial in Sri Lanka
Source: World wood
Author(s) Simpson, William; Tschernitz, John
Year: 1982   view abstract, download publication »

Title: N2 fixation in Brown-rotted soil wood in an intermountain Cedar-Hemlock Ecosystem
Source: Forest Science
Author(s) Larsen, Michael J.; Jurgensen, Martin F.; Harvey, Alan E.
Year: 1982   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Nitrogen-fixing bacteria in Douglas-fir residue decayed by Fomitopsis pinicola
Source: Plant and Soil
Author(s) Spano, S.D.; Jurgensen, M.F.; Larsen, M.J.; Harvey, A.E.
Year: 1982   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Properties of a Carbohydrate-degrading Enzyme Complex from the Brown-rot Fungus Poria plancenta
Source: Material und Organismen
Author(s) Highley, Terry L.; Wolter, Karl E.
Year: 1982   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Species of Phlebia section Leptocystidiophlebia (Aphyllophorales, Corticiaceae) in North America
Source: Mycotaxon
Author(s) Nakasone, Karen K.; Burdsall, H. H.; Noll, Laurie A.
Year: 1982   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Three Brown-rot Fungi in the Corticiaceae
Source: Mycologia
Author(s) Nakasone, K.K.; Gilbertson, R.L.
Year: 1982   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Using fumigants to control interior decay in waterfront timbers
Source: Forest Prod. J. 32(2):32-34. 1982.
Author(s) Highley, Terry L.; Eslyn, Wallace E.
Year: 1982   view abstract, download publication »

Publication Year: 1981
Title: Athelia Epiphylla associated with colonization of subalpine fir foliage under psychrophilic conditions
Source: Mycologia
Author(s) Larsen, Michael J.; Jurgensen, Martin F.; Harvey, Alan E.
Year: 1981   view abstract, download publication »

Title: A new species, Phlebia brevispora, A Cause of internal Decay in Utillity poles
Author(s) Nakasone, K.K.; Eslyn, W.E.
Year: 1981   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Ability of isolates of Confertobasidium olivaceo-album to stain and decay wood
Source: Canadian Journal of Forest Research
Author(s) Eslyn, W. E.
Year: 1981   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Polysaccharide-Degrading complex produced in wood and in liquid media by the Brown-Rot Fungus Poria placenta
Source: Wood and Fiber. 13(4), 1981, pp. 265-274.
Author(s) Highley, Terry L.; Wolter, Karl E.; Evans, Faye J.
Year: 1981   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Transient Moisture Gradient in Fire-Exposed Wood Slab
Source: Wood and Fiber
Author(s) White, Robert H.; Schaffer, E. L.
Year: 1981   view abstract, download publication »

Title: The Genus Tomentellastrum (Aphyllophorales, Thelephoraceae s
Author(s) Larsen, M.J.
Year: 1981   view abstract, download publication »

Publication Year: 1980
Title: High Quality Studs from Small Hardwoods by the S-D-R Process
Source: Proceedings of the twenty-third annual joint meeting of the Midwest and Wisconsin-Michigan wood Seasoning Associations
Author(s) Maeglin, Robert R.; Boone, R. Sidney
Year: 1980   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Microbial processes associated with nitrogen cycling in northern Rocky Mountain Forest Soils
Source: Proceedings of Symposium
Author(s) Jurgensen, Martin F.; Larsen, Michael J.; Harvey, Alan E.
Year: 1980   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Cellulose Degrading by Cellulose-Clearing and non-Cellulose-Clearing Brown-Rot Fungi
Author(s) Highley, Terry L.
Year: 1980   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Chapter 23: Forest Resources for Producing Energy
Source: Bioresources for development: The Renewable Way of Life
Author(s) Zerbe, John I.; Baker, Andrew
Year: 1980   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Degradation of Cellulose by Poria placenta in the Presence of Compounds that Affect Hydrogen Peroxide
Source: Material und Organismen Volume 15, Number 2, pp. 81-90, 1980.
Author(s) Highley, Terry L.
Year: 1980   view abstract, download publication »

Title: In-Place Treatments for Control of Decay in Waterfront Structures
Source: Forest Products Laboratory
Author(s) Highley, Terry L.
Year: 1980   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Scorption theories applied to wood
Source: Wood and Fiber
Author(s) Simpson, W.
Year: 1980   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Time, Costs, and Energy Consumption for Drying Red Oak Lumber as Affected by Thickness and Thickness Variation
Source: Forest Products Journal, Volume 30, Number 1. pp 23-28; 1980.
Author(s) Simpson, William T.; Tschernitz, John L.
Year: 1980   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Gasohol from Wood is not yet Economically Feasible
Author(s) Baker, Andrew J.
Year: 1980   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Mycorrhizal development on Red Pine in Nursery beds treated with an herbicide
Source: Forestry Research Notes University of Wiscsonsin
Author(s) Palmer, Sr. J.G.; Kuntz, J.E.; Palmer, Jr. J.G.; Camp, R.F.
Year: 1980   view abstract, download publication »

Publication Year: 1979
Title: Influence of Fine Grinding on Hydrolysis of Cellulosic Materials-Acid Vs. Enzymatic
Source: Advances in Chemistry Series 181. 1979 American Chemical Society
Author(s) Millett, Merrill A.; Effland, Marilyn J.; Caulfield, Daniel F.
Year: 1979   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Could S-D-R Be the Answer to the Aspen Oversupply Problem?
Source: Northern Logger and Timber Processor, July 1979.
Author(s) Maeglin, Robert R.
Year: 1979   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Exocuticular Structures on the Sternal Gland Segments of Rhinotermitidae
Source: Sociobiology
Author(s) Liang, M.Y.; Coppel, H.C.; Matsumura, F.; Esenther, G.
Year: 1979   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Lateral Flow in Beech and Birch as Revealed by the Electron Microscope
Source: Wood Sci. Technol. 13: pp. 79-87 (1979).
Author(s) Murmanis, Lidija; Chudnoff, M.
Year: 1979   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Mechanisms of Wood Decay and the Unique Features of Heartrots
Source: Pytopathology
Author(s) Highley, T.L.; Kirk, T. Kent.
Year: 1979   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Resistance of Alkylene-Oxide-Modified Southern Pine To Attack by Subterranean Termites
Source: Wood Science
Author(s) Rowell, R.M.; Hart, S.V.; Esenther, G.R.
Year: 1979   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Termite Control: Decayed Wood Bait
Source: Sociobiology
Author(s) Esenther, Glenn R.; Beal, Ramond H.
Year: 1979   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Lethality and social distribution of dietary 14C Mirex in Reticulitermes Flavipes (Kollar)
Source: USDA, FS, Forest Products Laboratory
Author(s) Esenther, Glenn R.; McMahan, Elizabeth A.
Year: 1979   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Wood Bridges--decay inspection and control
Source: USDA, Forest Products Laboratory
Author(s) Eslyn, Wallace E.; Clark, Joe W.
Year: 1979   view abstract, download publication »

Publication Year: 1978
Title: Byssoporia gen nov: taxonomy of the mycorrhizal fungus Poria terrestris
Source: Canada Journal of Botany
Author(s) Larsen, Michael J.; Zak, Bratislav.
Year: 1978   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Laeticorticium Lombardiae (Aphyllophorales, Corticiaceae): A Newly Recognized Segregate from the L. Roseum Complex
Source: Mycologia
Author(s) Larsen, Micheal J.; Gilberston, Robert L.
Year: 1978   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Application of CMA Program to Wood Charring
Source: Fire Technology
Author(s) White, Robert H.; Schaffer, E. L.
Year: 1978   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Controlling decay in Above-Water Parts of Waterfront Structures
Source: Forest Products Journal
Author(s) Highley, T.L.; Scheffer, T.C.
Year: 1978   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Degradation of Cellulose by Culture Filtrates of Poria placenta
Source: Material u. Organismen
Author(s) Highley, Terry L.
Year: 1978   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Dinitrogen fixation associated with sporophores of fomitopsis pinicola fomes fomentarius, and echinodontium tinctorium
Source: Mycologia
Author(s) Larsen, M.J.; Jurgensen, M.F.; Harvey, A.E.; Ward, J.C.
Year: 1978   view abstract, download publication »

Title: How Moisture and Pit Aspiration Affect Decay of Wood by White-rot and Brown-rot fungi
Source: Verlag Duncker & Humblot
Author(s) Highley, Terry L.
Year: 1978   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Insecticidal Baits on Field Plot Perimeters Suppress Reticulitermes 1,2
Source: J. Econ. Entomol.
Author(s) Esenther, G.R.; Beal, R.H.
Year: 1978   view abstract, download publication »

Title: N2 fixation associated with wood decayed by some common fungi in western Montana
Source: Can. J. For. Res
Author(s) Larsen, Michael J.; Jurgensen, Martin F.; Harvey, Alan E.
Year: 1978   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Notes on the Genus Panellus
Source: Mycotaxon
Author(s) Burdsall, Jr. Harold H.; Miller, Jr. Orson K.
Year: 1978   view abstract, download publication »

Publication Year: 1977
Title: A Consideration of the names Phanerochaete, Membranicum, and Grandiniella (Corticiaceae, Aphyllophorales)
Source: Taxon
Author(s) Burdsall, Harold H. Jr.
Year: 1977   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Fluctuation of Survival, Growth and Differentiation in Biweekly Samples of Reticulitermes flavipes Workers
Source: Material und Organismen, Volume 12, Number 1 pp. 49-58 1977.
Author(s) Esenther, Glenn R.
Year: 1977   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Nutritive supplement method to evaluate resistance of Natural or preservative-treated wood to subterranean termites
Author(s) Esenther, Glenn R.
Year: 1977   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Requirements for Cellulose Degradation by a Brown-rot Fungus
Source: 3 Material und Organismen, Volume 12, Number 1. pp. 25-36. 1977.
Author(s) Highley, Terry L.
Year: 1977   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Studies in Laeticorticium (Aphyllophorales, Corticiaceae) and related genera
Source: Norw. J. Bot.
Author(s) Larsen, M.J.; Gilbertson, R.L.
Year: 1977   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Effects of Timber Harvesting on Soil Biology
Source: In: Convention held in Albuquerque, New Mexico
Author(s) Jurgenson, M.F.; Larson, M.J.; Harvey, A.E.
Year: 1977   view abstract, download publication »

Publication Year: 1976
Title: Wood Preservative Degradation by Marine Bacteria
Source: Applied Science
Author(s) Eslyn, Wallace E.
Year: 1976   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Wood Residue as an Energy source - Potential and Problems
Source: Trees-The Renewable Resource, Proceedings, Rocky Mountain Forest Industries Conference March 13-14, 1976, Tucson, Arizona, p. 7-13.
Author(s) Baker, Andrew J.; Clarke, Edward H.
Year: 1976   view abstract, download publication »

Title: A Consideration of the term Gloeocystidium
Source: Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden
Author(s) Larsen, Michael J.; Burdsall, Jr. Harold H.
Year: 1976   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Aspen bark and pulp residue for ruminant feedstuffs
Author(s) Fritschel, P.R.; Satter, L.D.; Baker, A.J.; McGovern, J.N.; Vatthauer, R.J.; Millet, M.A.
Year: 1976   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Decay Resistance and Susceptibility of Sapwood of Fifteen Tree Species
Source: Phytopathology
Author(s) Eslyn, Wallace E.; Highley, Terry L.
Year: 1976   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Phellinus fragrans sp Nov (Aphyllophorales, Hymenochaetaceae) associated with a white rot of Maple
Source: Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden
Author(s) Larsen, Michael J.; Lombard, Frances F.
Year: 1976   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Some new North American species of Tomentella
Source: Nova hedwigia Beiheft
Author(s) Larsen, Michael J.
Year: 1976   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Winter Treatments Protect Birch Roundwood During Storage
Source: Forest Products Journal
Author(s) Scheffer, Theodore C.; Eslyn, Wallace E.
Year: 1976   view abstract, download publication »

Publication Year: 1975
Title: Kiln Drying Sinker Heartwood From Young-Growth Western Hemlock: Preliminary Evaluation
Source: Proceedings, Western Dry 26th Annual Meeting, May Oregon State University, Kiln Clubs 1-2, 1975 Corvallis, Oregon 97331.
Author(s) Ward, James C; Kozlik, Charles J.
Year: 1975   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Wood and Wood-based Residues in Animal Feeds
Source: Symposium Series 10, American Chemical Society, Washington, DC (1975).
Author(s) Baker, Andrew J.; Millett, Merrill A.; Satter, Larry D.
Year: 1975   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Can Wood-Rot Fungi Degrade Cellulose Without Other wood Constituents?
Source: Forest Products Journal
Author(s) Highley, T.L.
Year: 1975   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Changes in the Chemical Composition of Wood Caused by Six Soft-Rot Fungi
Source: Phytopathology
Author(s) Eslyn, W. E.; Kirk, T. K.; Effland, M. J.
Year: 1975   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Effect of anaerobic storage upon quality of aspen pulpwood chips
Source: Tappi
Author(s) Eslyn, Wallace E.; Laundrie, James F.
Year: 1975   view abstract, download publication »

Title: In-place Treatment of Simulated Waterfront Structures for Decay Control
Source: Verlag Duncker & Humblot
Author(s) Highley, Terry L.; Scheffer, Theodore C.
Year: 1975   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Pretreatments to Enhance Chemical, Enzymatic, and Microbiological Attack of Cellulosic Materials
Source: Biotechnol. & Bioeng. Symp. No. 5, 193-219 (1975).
Author(s) Millett, Merrill A.; Baker, Andrew J.; Satter, Larry D.
Year: 1975   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Repeated recycling of corrugated containers and its effect on strength properties
Source: Tappi
Author(s) Koning, J.W.; Godshall, W.D
Year: 1975   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Should Wood Be a Source of Commercial Power?
Source: Forest Products Journal, Volume 25, Number 10, pp. 13-16; 1975
Author(s) Ellis, Thomas H.
Year: 1975   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Studies on Yakutian Fungi I
Source: Bioloogia
Author(s) Larsen, Michael J.; Parmasto, Erast
Year: 1975   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Waste Newspapers Can Be Fiber Source for Corrugating Medium
Source: Paper Trade
Author(s) Koning, John W. Jr.
Year: 1975   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Properties of Cellulases of two Brown-rot Fungi and Two White-rot Fungi
Source: WOOD AND FIBER, WINTER 1975, V. 6(4), p.275-281; 1975
Author(s) Highley, Terry L.
Year: 1975   view abstract, download publication »

Publication Year: 1974
Title: The role of total process concepts in evaluating pulping research
Source: In: 1974 Non-sulfur pulping symposium, October 16-18 Sheraton Inn, Madison, WI Atlanta, GA : Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry, 1974.
Author(s) Harris, J.F.
Year: 1974   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Attractant-Mirex Bait Suppresses Activity of Reticulitermes Spp.1,2,3
Source: Journal of Economic Entomology
Author(s) Esenther, G.R.; Beal, R.H.
Year: 1974   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Beat the High Cost of Walnut Turning Blocks
Source: School Shop, pp. 40-41; January 1974
Author(s) Mitchell, Harold L.
Year: 1974   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Dendrocorticium and Dentocorticium, gen nov (Aphyllophorales, Corticiaceae) as segregates from Laeticorticium
Source: Norw. J. Bot.
Author(s) Larsen, M.J.; Gilbertson, R.L.
Year: 1974   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Forest residues--the timely bonanza!
Source: Tappi
Author(s) Wahlgren, Harold E.
Year: 1974   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Maximum Initial Moisture Contents for Kiln-Drying 4/4 Hardwoods at High Temperatures
Source: Forest products journal Volume 24, Number 8 p. 54-56 (Aug 1974).
Author(s) Wengert, E.M.
Year: 1974   view abstract, download publication »

Title: New taxa of Laeticorticium (Aphyllophorales, Corticiaceae)
Source: Can. J. Bot.
Author(s) Larsen, M.J.; Gilbertson, R.L.
Year: 1974   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Potentials of Wood For Producing Energy
Source: JOURNAL OF FORESTRY/September, pp. 552-556; 1974.
Author(s) Grantham, John B.; Ellis, Thomas H.
Year: 1974   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Some notes on Pseudotomentella
Source: Mycologia
Author(s) Larsen, M.J.
Year: 1974   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Use of Syringaldazine for Detection of Laccase in Sporophores of wood Rotting Fungi
Source: Mycologia
Author(s) Harkin, John M.; Larsen, Michael J.; Obst, John R.
Year: 1974   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Catabolism of Aspen Sapwood in Reticulitermes flavipes (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae)1
Author(s) Esenther, G.R.; Kirk, T.K.
Year: 1974   view abstract, download publication »

Publication Year: 1973
Title: Effect of Alkaline Treatment on Decay Resistance of Wood
Source: Forest Products Journal
Author(s) Highley, T.L.
Year: 1973   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Effect of Lignin on the in vitro Digestibility of wood Pulp
Source: JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE, volume 36, number 4, pp. 768-771, 1973.
Author(s) Baker, A.J.
Year: 1973   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Evaluating Chemicals for Controlling Biodeterioration of Stored Wood Chips
Source: Forest Products Journal
Author(s) Eslyn, Wallace E.
Year: 1973   view abstract, download publication »

Title: How Anaerobic Storage Affects Quality of Douglas-Fir Pulpwood Chips
Source: Tappi
Author(s) Eslyn, Wallace E.; Laundrie, James F.
Year: 1973   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Predicting Equilibrium moisture content of wood by mathematical models
Source: Wood and Fiber
Author(s) Simpson, William T.
Year: 1973   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Pulp and Papermaking Residues as Feedstuffs for Ruminants
Source: JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE, volume 37, number 2, pp. 559-607. 1973.
Author(s) Millett, M.A.; Baker, A.J.; Satter, L.D.; McGovern, J.N.; Dinius, D.A.
Year: 1973   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Source of increased Decay Resistance in Sodium Hydroxide- and ammonia-Treated wood
Source: Phytopathology, Volume 63, pp. 57-61, 1973.
Author(s) Highley, T.L.
Year: 1973   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Value of Aspen Sawdust as a Roughage Replacement in High-Concentrate Dairy Rations
Source: JOURNAL OF DAIRY SCIENCE Volume 56, Number 10; 1973, pp. 1291-1297.
Author(s) Satter, L.D.; Lang, L.; Baker, A.J.; Millett, M.A.
Year: 1973   view abstract, download publication »

Publication Year: 1972
Title: Hydrolysis of Wood and Cellulose with Cellulytic Enzymes
Source: J. AGR. FOOD CHEM., VOL. 20, NO. 6. 1972
Author(s) Moore, Wayne E.; Effland, Marilyn J.; Millett, Merrill A.
Year: 1972   view abstract, download publication »

Title: New Kiln Schedule for Presurfaced Oak Lumber
Source: Forest Products Journal
Author(s) McMillen, J.M.; Baltes, R.C.
Year: 1972   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Review of High-Temperature Kiln-Drying of Hardwoods
Source: Southern lumberman Volume 225, Number 2794; pp. 17-19. (Sept. 15, 1972).
Author(s) Wengert, E.M.
Year: 1972   view abstract, download publication »

Publication Year: 1971
Title: Determining Loss of Wood Substance After Fungal Attack
Source: Tappi
Author(s) Feist, W.C.; Eslyn, W.E.; Springer, E.L.; Hajny, G.J.
Year: 1971   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Dry Kiln Automation
Source: Southern Lumberman, Volume 223, Number 2776; pp. 123-124. December 15, 1971.
Author(s) Wengert, E.M.
Year: 1971   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Nutrient content of Artificially Defoliated Branches of Betula papyrifera
Author(s) Gross, H.L.; Larsen, M.J.
Year: 1971   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Reliability of a Method for Measuring Specific Gravity to Determine Wood Losses in Outside Chip Storage
Source: Tappi
Author(s) Eslyn, Wallace E.
Year: 1971   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Wood Minesweepers are Sound After 15 Years of Service
Source: Forest Products Journal, Vol. 21, no. 5, p. 46-48; 1971.
Author(s) Highley, T.L.; Scheffer, T.C.; Selbo, M.L.
Year: 1971   view abstract, download publication »

Publication Year: 1970
Title: A need for modifying the soil-block method for testing Natural Resistance to White Rot?
Source: Material und Organismen Volume 5, Number 4, pp. 281-292, 1970.
Author(s) Highley, T.L.; Scheffer, T.C.
Year: 1970   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Alkali requirements for improving digestibility of hardwoods by rumen micro-organisms
Source: Animal Science
Author(s) Feist, W.C.; Baker, A.J.; Tarkow, H.
Year: 1970   view abstract, download publication »

Title: An in vitro technique for estimating digestibility of treated and untreated wood
Source: JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE, Volume 30, Number 6, June 1970.
Author(s) Mellenberger, R.W.; Satter, L.D.; Millett, M.A.; Baker, A.J.
Year: 1970   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Aspen Sawdust as a Partial Roughage Substitute in a High-Concentrate Dairy Ration
Source: JOURNAL OF DAIRY SCIENCE, Volume 53, Number 10, Pages: 1455-1460; 1970.
Author(s) Satter, L.D.; Baker, A.J.; Millett, M.A.
Year: 1970   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Bacterial Attack in Water-Stored bolts
Source: Forest Products Journal
Author(s) Highley, T.L.; Lutz, J.F.
Year: 1970   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Decay Resistance of Four Wood Species Treated to Destroy Thiamine
Source: Phytopathology
Author(s) Highley, Terry L.
Year: 1970   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Modifying wood to increase its in vitro digestibility
Source: JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE, Volume 31, Number 4, October 1970.
Author(s) Millett, M.A.; Baker, A.J.; Feist, W.C.; Mellenberger, R.W.; Satter, L.D.
Year: 1970   view abstract, download publication »

Publication Year: 1968
Title: Outline for the drying of Softwood lumber to meet new specifications
Source: Excerpt from Proceedings, Forest Products Research and Dry Kiln Operators Meetings
Author(s) McMillen, John M.
Year: 1968   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Producing Check-free Beech for Turnings
Source: FOREST PRODUCTS JOURNAL Volume. 18, Number 11, November 1968. pp. 42-44.
Author(s) Rietz, R.C.; Jenson, J. A.
Year: 1968   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Effect of Inorganic Salts on Pyrolysis of Wood, Cellulose, and Lignin Determined by Differential Thermal Analysis
Source: USFS, Forest Products Laboratory Research Paper; FPL-RP-82; January 1968
Author(s) Tang, Walter K.; Eickner, Herbert W.
Year: 1968   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Transverse Strains During Drying of 2-Inch Ponderosa Pine
Source: USFS, Forest Products Laboratory Research Paper; FPL-RP-83; January 1968
Author(s) McMillen, John M.
Year: 1968   view abstract, download publication »

Publication Year: 1967
Title: Wood - A reliable Engineering Material
Source: Journal of the Structural Division, ASCE, Volume 93, Number ST 2, Proc. Paper 5171, April 1967, pp. 57-62. 1967.
Author(s) Wood, Lyman W.
Year: 1967   view abstract, download publication »

Source: USFS, Forest Products Laboratory Research Paper; FPL-RP-80; October 1967
Author(s) Brenden, John J.
Year: 1967   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Magnesium Bisulfite Pulping and papermaking with southern pine
Source: USFS, Forest Products Laboratory Research Paper; FPL-RP-78; August 1967
Author(s) Keller, E.L.; Fahey, D.J.
Year: 1967   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Microscopic Methods for Determining Cross-sectional cell Dimensions
Source: USFS, Forest Products Laboratory Research Paper; FPL-RP-79; October 1967
Author(s) Smith, Diana M.
Year: 1967   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Thermal Conductivity of Wood-Base Fiber and Particle Panel Materials
Source: USFS, Forest Products Laboratory Research Paper; FPL-RP-77; June 1967
Author(s) Lewis, Wayne C.
Year: 1967   view abstract, download publication »

Publication Year: 1966
Title: Deterioration rates of Willow and Cottonwood during storage in Georgia
Source: Forest Products Journal
Author(s) Bois, P. J.; Eslyn, W. E.
Year: 1966   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Wood-decaying Ascomycetes and Fungi Imperfecti
Source: Mycologia
Author(s) Duncan, Catherine G.; Eslyn, Wallace E.
Year: 1966   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Surface Characteristics of Wood as they affect Durability of Finishes
Source: USFS, Forest Products Laboratory Research Paper; FPL-RP-57; March 1966
Author(s) Tarkow, Harold, Southerland, Carole F.; Seborg, Ramond M.
Year: 1966   view abstract, download publication »

Publication Year: 1965
Title: The Air-Drying of Southern Hardwoods
Source: SOUTHERN LUMBERMAN, May 1, 1965, pp. 19-20; 1965.
Author(s) Rietz, Raymond C.
Year: 1965   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Development of an Improved System of Wood-Frame House Construction
Source: USFS, Forest Products Laboratory Research Paper; FPL-RP-47; October 1965
Author(s) Anderson, L.O.
Year: 1965   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Fungi Associated with Principal Decays in Wood Products in the United States
Source: USFS. Research Paper Washington Office; RP-WO-4
Author(s) Duncan, Lombard
Year: 1965   view abstract, download publication »

Publication Year: 1964
Title: Burlwood-Royalty's Wood?
Source: American Forests, Volume 70, Number 12; 4 p. December 1964.
Author(s) Mitchell, Harold L.
Year: 1964   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Wood Drying-Techniques and Economics
Source: Southern Lumberman
Author(s) McMillen, John M.
Year: 1964   view abstract, download publication »

Publication Year: 1963
Title: Mechanical Treatments for Improving Dimensional Stability of Paper
Source: Tappi, Volume 46, Number 7; pp. 393-399. July 1963.
Author(s) Fahey, D.J.; Chilson, W.A.
Year: 1963   view abstract, download publication »

Title: PEG-Treated Walnut Limbwood Makes Hansome Decorator Clock
Source: Forest Products Journal, September 1963, p 416.
Author(s) Mitchell, Harold L.
Year: 1963   view abstract, download publication »

Publication Year: 1962
Title: Changes in Dimension on Heating Green Wood
Source: Forest Products Journal, Volume 12, Number 1; pp. 43-45. (Jan. 1962).
Author(s) Yokota, Tokuo; Tarkow, Harold
Year: 1962   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Drying by Solar Radiation in Puerto Rico
Source: Forest Products Journal, pp. 487-488. October 1962.
Author(s) Maldonado, Edwin D.; Peck, Edward C.
Year: 1962   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Strength of orthotropic materials subjected to combined stresses
Source: Misc. Pub FPL-1816. Madison, Wis. : U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory, 1962: 40 pages
Author(s) Norris, Charles B.
Year: 1962   view abstract, download publication »

Publication Year: 1961
Title: A Method of Charcoal Analysis
Source: Forest Products Journal, pp. 17-19; January 1961.
Author(s) Moore, Wayne E.; Beglinger, Edward.
Year: 1961   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Accelerated Weathering of Red Oak Treated With Various Preservatives Used to Treat Crossties
Source: Forest Products Journal, Volume 11, Number 12, pp. 567-575; December, 1961.
Author(s) Rietz, Ramond C.
Year: 1961   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Effect of heat on the decay resistance of wood
Source: Forest Products Journal
Author(s) Scheffer, T. C.; Eslyn, W. E.
Year: 1961   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Full-time Or Part-time Kiln-drying? Comparison Of The Energy, Drying Time And Costs
Source: Southern Lumberman, Issue of December 15, 1961 Volume 203, Number 2537; pp. 1-6; 1961.
Author(s) Rasmussen, Edmund F.; Avanzado, Melecio B.
Year: 1961   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Seasoning Green-Wood Carvings With Polyethylene Glycol-1000
Source: Forest Products Journal, pp. 6-7; January, 1961.
Author(s) Mitchell, H.L.; Iversen, E.S.
Year: 1961   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Termite Attractant from Fungus-Infected wood
Source: Science
Author(s) Esenther, G.R.; Allen, T.C.; Casida, J.E.; Shenefelt, R.D.
Year: 1961   view abstract, download publication »

Publication Year: 1960
Title: High-Temperature Drying: Its Application to the Drying of Lumber
Source: Australian timber journal Volume 26, Number 9, 4 p. (Oct. 1960).
Author(s) Mathewson, James S.
Year: 1960   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Stresses in Drying Lumber
Source: Southern Lumberman Volume 201, Number 2513; 5 p. (Dec. 15, 1960).
Author(s) McMillen, John M.; Youngs, Robert L.
Year: 1960   view abstract, download publication »

Publication Year: 1959
Title: Effect of Polyethylene Glycol on The Dimensional Stability of Wood
Source: Forest Products Journal
Author(s) Stamm, A.J.
Year: 1959   view abstract, download publication »

Title: New Chemical Treatment Curbs Shrink and Swell of Walnut Gunstocks
Source: Forest Products Journal (Volume 4, Number 12) pp. 437-441; 1959.
Author(s) Mitchell, H.L.; Wahlgren, H.E.
Year: 1959   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Nailing better wood Boxes and Crates
Source: USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory
Author(s) Anderson, L.O.
Year: 1959   view abstract, download publication »

Publication Year: 1958
Title: Charcoal - its Manufacture and Use
Source: Economic botany, Vol. 11, No. 2. pp. 160-173. 1957.
Author(s) Beglinger, Edward; Locke, Edward G.
Year: 1958   view abstract, download publication »

Publication Year: 1957
Title: Charcoal Production in Kilns
Source: Forest Products Journal (Vol. VII, No. 11). pages 399-403
Author(s) Beglinger, Edward.
Year: 1957   view abstract, download publication »

Title: How Wood Shrinks and Swells
Source: Forest Products Journal
Author(s) Peck, Edward C.
Year: 1957   view abstract, download publication »

Publication Year: 1956
Title: Seasoning and Checking of Timbers Before and After Treatment
Source: AWPA
Author(s) MacLean, J.D.
Year: 1956   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Air Drying of Ponderosa Pine Lumber in Arizona
Source: Forest Products Journal, February 1956, pages 88-96; 1956.
Author(s) Peck, E.C.; Kotok, E.S.; Mueller, L.A.
Year: 1956   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Dimensional stabilization of Wood with Carbowaxes
Source: Forest Products Journal
Author(s) Stramm, Alfred J.
Year: 1956   view abstract, download publication »

Publication Year: 1955
Title: Effect of Oven Heating and Hot Pressing on Strength Properties of Wood
Source: American Wood-Preservers' Association
Author(s) MacLean, J. D.
Year: 1955   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Drying Stresses in Red Oak
Source: Forest Products Journal
Author(s) McMillen, J.M.
Year: 1955   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Drying Stresses in Red Oak: Effect of Temperature
Source: Forest Products Journal
Author(s) McMillen, John M.
Year: 1955   view abstract, download publication »

Publication Year: 1954
Title: Application of Impreg for Patterns and Die Models
Source: Journal of the Forest Products Research Society, October 1954, pp. 305-312; 1954.
Author(s) Seborg, Ray M.; Vallier, A.E.
Year: 1954   view abstract, download publication »

Publication Year: 1953
Title: Effect of Heat Upon the Dimensional Stabilization of Wood
Source: Journal of the Forest Products Research Society. September 1953. 9 p.
Author(s) Seborg, R. M.; Tarkow, Harold; Stam, Alfred J.
Year: 1953   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Kiln Drying Water and Swamp Tupelo
Source: Forest Products Research Society Journal
Author(s) McMillen, John M.
Year: 1953   view abstract, download publication »

Publication Year: 1949
Title: Air Seasoning of Red Oak Crossties
Source: American Wood-Preservers' Association. Proceedings of the 45th annual meeting Washington, DC : AWPA, 1949; p. 15.
Author(s) Mathewson, J.S.; Morton, C.S.; Bescher, R.H.
Year: 1949   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Wanted: A New Job for an Old Friend Forest Products Laboratory Joins Search of the Forest Utilization Service for New Uses for Hickory
Source: Southern Lumberman, issue of December 15, 1949. 4 p.
Author(s) Moore, Thomas F.
Year: 1949   view abstract, download publication »

Publication Year: 1948
Title: Some Observations Regarding the Status of the Wood-Distillation Industry
Source: Forest Products Research Society. 1948.
Author(s) Beglinger, Edward.
Year: 1948   view abstract, download publication »

Publication Year: 1947
Title: Dry Kiln Operation
Source: Wood, October 1947; pp. 16-40.
Author(s) Loughborough, W.K.
Year: 1947   view abstract, download publication »

Publication Year: 1946
Title: Rate of Temperature change in Short-Length Round Timbers
Source: American Society of Mechanical Engineers transactions, Volume 68, Number 1, Sec. 1; Jan. 1946; 16 p.
Author(s) MacLean, J.D.
Year: 1946   view abstract, download publication »

Publication Year: 1944
Title: Effect of elliptic or circular holes on the stress distribution in plates of wood or plywood considered as orthotropic materials
Source: Report / Forest Products Laboratory (U.S.)-no. 1510. Madison, WI : U.S. Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory, 1944: 25 pages.
Author(s) Smith, C. B.
Year: 1944   view abstract, download publication »

Publication Year: 1941
Title: Estimated Footage Reduction in Kiln-Drying Air-Dried Hardwoods
Source: Southern Lumberman, issue of August 15, 1941. p.1.
Author(s) Rietz, Raymond C.
Year: 1941   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Thermal Conductivity of wood
Source: Heating, piping & air conditioning
Author(s) MacLean, J.D.
Year: 1941   view abstract, download publication »

Publication Year: 1940
Title: Uniformity of Air Distribution in a Lumber Dry Kiln
Source: Southern Lumberman, issue of April 15, 1940; 2 p.
Author(s) Torgeson, O.W.
Year: 1940   view abstract, download publication »

Publication Year: 1939
Title: Shrinkage of White Oak as Affected by Position in the Tree
Source: Journal of Forestry, Volume XXXVII, Number 7, July, 1939.
Author(s) Paul, Benson H.
Year: 1939   view abstract, download publication »

Publication Year: 1937
Title: Chemical Seasoning of Douglas Fir
Source: Reprinted from Barrel and Box and Packages, December, 1937.
Author(s) Loughborough, W. Karl.
Year: 1937   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Seasoning Transverse Tree Sections without Checking
Source: Journal of Forestry, Volume 35, Number 3, March. 1937, pp. 274-276; 1937.
Author(s) Rietz, R.C.
Year: 1937   view abstract, download publication »

Publication Year: 1936
Title: Average Temperature and Moisture-reduction Calculations for Steamed Round Southern-pine Timbers
Source: American Wood-Preservers Association
Author(s) Maclean, J.D.
Year: 1936   view abstract, download publication »

Publication Year: 1935
Title: Thermodynamics of the Swelling of Wood
Source: Journal of Physical Chemistry
Author(s) Stamm, Alfred J.; Loughborough, W. Karl.
Year: 1935   view abstract, download publication »

Publication Year: 1933
Title: Effect of Heating wet wood on its subsequent dimensions
Source: American Wood-Preservers' Association
Author(s) Koehler, Arthur
Year: 1933   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Testing House Paints for Durability
Source: Journal of Chemical Education
Author(s) Browne, F.L.
Year: 1933   view abstract, download publication »

Publication Year: 1932
Title: Proper Sawing Allowances for Warp in Maple and Birch Dimension
Source: Memphis Lumberman and Southern Woodworker, March, 1932.
Author(s) Torgeson, O. W.
Year: 1932   view abstract, download publication »

Title: A Sensitive Wood Element Hygrostat
Author(s) Loughborough, W. Karl; Rietz, R.C.
Year: 1932   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Excessive Kiln Temperatures Cost Heavily in Degrade
Source: Southern Lumberman, Nashville, Tenn., issue of April 15, 1932.
Author(s) Loughborough, W.K.; Greenhill, W.L.; Langlands, Ian
Year: 1932   view abstract, download publication »

Publication Year: 1930
Title: "Birds Eyes" in Maple are not due to Dormant Buds
Source: Hardwood record Volume 68, Number 9 (Sept. 1930), p. 45-46; 1930.
Author(s) Pillow, M.Y.
Year: 1930   view abstract, download publication »

Title: Bowing and Twisting of Softwood Lumber Due to Compression Wood
Source: Wood construction Volume 16, Number 21 (Nov. 1, 1930). p.2.
Author(s) Pillow, M.Y.
Year: 1930   view abstract, download publication »

Publication Year: 1929
Title: Shortleaf Pine The Lumber-Making Qualities of Second-Growth and of Virgin-Growth Timber
Source: Southern Lumberman, Nashville, Tenn., issue of Dec. 15, 1929; 3 p.
Author(s) Davis, E.M.
Year: 1929   view abstract, download publication »

Title: The Fiber-Saturation Point of Wood as Obtained from Electrical Conductivity Measurements
Source: Analytical Edition, Volume 1, Number 2. p. 9; 1929.
Author(s) Stamm, Alfred J.
Year: 1929   view abstract, download publication »

Publication Year: 1924
Title: Problems in the Seasoning of Southern Hardwoods
Source: Southern Lumberman December 20, 1924; pp. 170-174.
Author(s) Loughborough, W. Carl; Hubert, Earnest E.
Year: 1924   view abstract, download publication »

Publication Year: 1923
Title: The Kilndrying of Southern Pine
Source: Eighth Annual Meeting Southern Pine Association
Author(s) Knauss, A.C.
Year: 1923   view abstract, download publication »

Publication Year: 1919
Title: Hints on storing timber to prevent decay
Source: FPL Technical note ; no. A1
Author(s) Forest Products Laboratory,
Year: 1919   view abstract, download publication »