NERSCPowering Scientific Discovery Since 1974

NERSC HPC Achievement Awards

January 3, 2013 - Nominations are open for the 2013 NERSC Award for Innovative Use of High Performance Computing and the 2013 NERSC Award for High Impact Scientific Achievement. These are the first of what are planned to be annual awards. Current NERSC Principal Investigators, Project Managers, and PI Proxies may nominate any NERSC user or collaboratory group. The deadline for nominations is Thursday, Jan. 31, 2013. Winners will be announced at the NERSC Users Group meeting on Feb. 13, 2013 and will be listed on the NERSC web site and highlighted in a NERSC press release. Winners will be chosen by representatives from the NERSC Users Group Executive Committee and NERSC staff.

Selections will be made based on innovations and achievements that are substantially based on work performed using NERSC resources. Those resources could be any combination of computational systems, storage systems, and/or NERSC HPC services.

2013 NERSC Award for Innovative Use of High Performance Computing

This award will honor innovative use of NERSC's HPC resources. Examples might include introduction of HPC to a new science domain or a novel use of HPC resources. Anything that puts a fresh perspective on HPC or presents a new way to solve a problem will be considered.

Open Category
Early Career Category (Students and Postdocs)

Covers work performed at NERSC in the previous calendar year (2012).

2013 NERSC Award for High Impact Scientific Achievement

This award will recognize work that has, or is expected to have, an exceptional impact on scientific understanding, engineering design for scientific facilities, and/or a broad societal impact.

Open Category
Early Career Category (Students and Postdocs)

Covers work performed at NERSC in the previous three calendar years (2010-2012).


Please make nominations via email to by Jan. 31, 2013.

Please include:

Award Name:
Your Name:
Nominee's Name:
Nominee's Email:
Publications related to work:

Supporting text describing why nominee's work should be selected for the award. (Please limit nominations to about 250 words or 1,250 characters).