** Effective 1 November 2012, APFT height and weight screening is mandatory for course graduation.**  

RNCOA Mission: The Signal Regimental Noncommissioned Officer Academy's mission is to train and educate World Class Signal Noncommissioned Officers in Signal and leadership skills. The mission is to develop the doctrine, training, leaders, organization, material and Soldiers for the Army Signal Corps' war fighting requirements. Our mission includes managing available resources. Finally, we will sustain our commitment to the well-being of our Soldiers, civilians, retirees and families to meet the readiness needs of our Army and Nation; now and in the future.

RNCOA Vision:  The Signal Regimental Noncommissioned Officer Academy's vision calls for strategic and creative thinking by Academy staff, faculty members and accomplished professional Signal Small Group Leaders (SGLs). Academy staff, faculty members, and Small Group Leaders are effective in managing, leading and changing our Signal students to adapt to an ever-changing technological world. Our highly educated and motivated Small Group Leaders, who embody the warrior ethos, must be confident, competent decision makers, prudent risk takers, effective communicators, innovative, adaptive, professionally educated, and dedicated to the life-long learning process of our Signal ALC/SLC students. The Signal Noncommissioned Officer Academy staff and faculty must be equipped with the technical adeptness to employ modern computer systems and trained to World Class proficiency, capable of strategic responsiveness, and the ability to dominate various technologies across the full spectrum of operations.


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