3.  Working with Files and Documents

Document Name vs. File Name

Document Name - A document is a place-holder in the ProjectWise Database that defines the actual file.

File Name - Name of the electronic file attached to a ProjectWise document. When a document is checked out, copied out, or exported, this is the file that is created and the name known by most applications (such as a Word document [.doc], a spreadsheet [.xls], or a drawing [.dgn]).

CAUTION: It is best practice to keep the Document Name and File Name identical. This avoids potential confusion between the Document and File Names.

When creating any new GEOPAK documents in ProjectWise, it is imperative that the "Name" be exactly the same as the "File Name". This allows GEOPAK to work properly in PW.


The following icons indicate the status of the file:

Read/Write Access Icon - Read and Write Access - User is able to check out and edit files.

Checked Out Icon - Checked Out - File is checked out by the current user.

Read Access Icon - Read Access - File is read only because of access control or the file is a version

Checked Out by Others Icon - File is checked out or exported by another user.

Exported Icon - File has been exported by the current user.

The program icons indicate the program associated with the file. Typical programs include Word Word Icon, Excel Excel Icon, Acrobat Acrobat Icon, and MicroStation MicroStation Icon. Other icons will appear according to their program association.

Both the status and program icons appear in under the "Name" column (shown below). For example, this icon Checked out Excel file depicts an Excel file that is checked out by the current user.

Opening and Editing Documents

To open a file in PW Explorer, navigate to the folder and documents you want to edit and double click on the file.

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Highlight (single Click) document to be opened. Right Click with the cursor hovering over the document name and a document options menu appears. Click "Open."

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Several documents can be opened for editing at any given time. How to open multiple documents varies according to each program.

Once you have edited the document, you can save and close it. If the document is not saved, the program will ask to save changes prior to finalizing closing.

After saving and closing the document, it will remain checked out and unavailable to others until it has been checked in.

Checking in Documents

The easiest way for users to check in a document is to highlight (single Click) the Document of interest, then Right Click on it. A document options menu appears. Click "Check In."

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Advanced Document Manipulation and Management will be discussed in the next section.

Using "Drag and Drop" for Document Creation (No Wizard)

The No Wizard option is the simplest method of document creation. It is generally utilized when the user transitions to PW.

Highlight all the files you wish to import into PW, then drag and drop them onto the Document Area.

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Note the cursor Copy cursor with plus has a plus sign, which indicates the file(s) will be added. After dropping the document(s), the creation wizard dialog will appear.

"Drag and Drop" only works when draging into and within the PW environment. You cannot drag out of PW.
The Export method is required to manipulate files outside of PW. See Export and Import for more information.

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Do not select the box "Make this wizard the default" because you will need the Advanced Wizard from time to time when creating new documents.

Select No Wizard. Click OK.

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A dialog window will show transfer progress. Once completed, the file will appear in PW.

After you have confirmed a successful import of file(s), the original documents must be deleted manually from their original location. This best practice maintains PW as the sole source for file management.

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The file will be imported with the "Name" and "File Name" both set to the original source file name, including the file extension. The default "Description" will be the file name without the file extension. It is WFLHD best practice to provide meaningful information in the Description field so that other users know the document's purpose. This field can be edited right after importing or at a later date.

Using Templates for Document Creation (Advanced Wizard)

To create a new document using an existing document as a template, you will need to use the document creation "Advanced Wizard" mentioned earlier.

In ProjectWise Explorer, open the folder where you want to create the document.

In the document area pane, Right Click to open the menu.

Click on "New," then "Document ..."


Click the New Document icon in the upper left corner (circled in red below).

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This will start the "Document Creation Wizards."

Select "Advanced Wizard." Click OK.

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The first screen is a "Welcome" window. Select "Next" in the lower right hand corner.

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Choose the Target folder where you want to store the file; click "Next."

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The next dialog will show template options. There are three options from which to select:

  1. Use ProjectWise Document as a template - Allows any file that is already in ProjectWise to be used as a template for a new file. Pick this option, then click the "Select . . ." button on the far right. Browse to the file you want to use as a template.
  2. Use external file as a template - Allows the selection of a file stored outside of ProjectWise, such as a server location or your local hard drive. Pick this option, then click the "Select . . ." button on the far right. Browse to the file you want to use as a template.
  3. Select from recent used templates - Allows the selection of previously used templates. This allows easy retrieval of common templates. Stored templates can be either internal or external files. Pick this option then, in the recent history window, select the template that you wish to use.

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Choosing the internal or external options above allows you to select or browse to the document you wish to use as a template.

Once a file has been chosen, the Select Template Document dialog will appear.

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Click "Next."

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The next two dialog boxes are attribute pages. The attribute fields are section specific. These dialogs give you the opportunity to enter your data. (The attribute dialog boxes shown here are linked back to the old PRMS database; they will change in the future.)

You should fill out the Designer and Units pull down fields.

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Next, the Document Properties dialog appears with four important fields:

  1. New document name - The document name is a placeholder in ProjectWise. Note that it is WFLHD "Best Practice" to include the file extension in the document name. Some applications, such as GEOPAK, use the document name rather than the file name; problems can arise without the extension.
    The "document name" must match the "file name" exactly. Cut, copy, and paste operations in these fields are allowed and encouraged.
  2. Description for new document - It is best practice to use the description field as much as possible to inform all users of the file's purpose. This field can be changed later if desired.
  3. New document file name - This is the name of the file that is opened in your application. You MUST have a file extension on the file name and...
    The "document name" must match the "file name" exactly.
  4. Version - Versioning is a useful tool within ProjectWise. This subject is covered in more depth under Versions.

    Many documents have a lifecycle and workflow . When creating a document, it is best to start with a named version to track the document through its lifecycle. Version names can be alphanumeric and up to 12 characters long, and can be, or incorporate, dates, project stages, and/or milestones.

Complete all fields. then select "Next."

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In the Create a Document dialog, verify all entered data before creating the Document and File. You can start the associated application at this time. When you are sure everything is correct, select "Next."

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Click Finish.

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You can now see your newly created file in ProjectWise.

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