What is EOD?

EOD Master Badge

“EOD is a science of vague assumptions based on debatable data taken from inconclusive experiments with instruments of problematic accuracy by persons of questionable mentality.”

Does that statement sound a little dangerous, confusing, and even uncertain? You have to think it over but you’re smart enough to understand? Do you get the sense that there are lots of thrills and excitement in EOD, but to get the job done safest you have to use your best judgment? Well, now you have a better     understanding of Explosive Ordnance Disposal.  What it is to be EOD...


A road-side IED in Iraq
    Our mandated responsibilities are to:
  • Provide support to Army installations and activities, and to render safe and/or dispose of explosive ordnance in the possession of the Army.
  • Establish, operate, and support an explosive ordnance reconnaissance program.
  • Serve as the primary Department of Defense point of contact to the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Department of Energy  in operations involving Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) and High-Tech IEDs (HT-IEDs).
  • Oh, don't worry.  We do a lot more...

Earning The Crab

Basic EOD Badges on the awards table\It isn't easy.

No graduate of NAVSCOLEOD will ever say it is.

It isn't quick.

Expect to spend close to a year achieving it.

But when you feel the badge being pinned on your chest...

It's a moment to be proud.

Find out the rest...



PackBot 500 EOD Robot
"Initial Success or Total Failure"

The creed of our job dictates that our tasks get done correctly on the first attempt.  To accomplish this, we need the right tools.  Our supply room holds everything from $200,000+ robots to items bought at the local hardware store.  Innovation and safety are and will always be the mainstays of our tactics, techniques, and procedures.  Supporting this is the fact that EOD is one of the pioneers of the use of robots in the military.
  See where our money goes...

Our History and Our Community

EOD MemorialEOD was borne out of the menace that England faced in the first years of World War Two.  German bombs lay unexploded, rendering uninhabitable parts of English cities.  Naval mines were washing up on shore.  A small group of individuals trained to eliminate those hazards.  A couple of  Americans trained with them and brought that knowledge back here. 
As our ranks grew , our community was forged.  The hazards of the job remained high.  It was inevitable that we would suffer colleagues killed, and we did.  We came together and built a monument to honor and remember them.  That memorial is our community's center.  History and Community...

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the requirements to join EOD?

They are all listed on the Requirements page.  This doesn’t include the basic requirements to join the Army National Guard.

Are any of the requirements waiverable?

The only waiverable EOD-related requirements are previous academic failure of EOD training, and physical profile.  Physical profiles are waiverable if the injury is combat-related and the soldier can still perform required tasks. Waivers for enlistment are processed by the Recruiter, but note that enlistment waivers have no value concerning EOD requirements.  For instance, a Class E Felony conviction waived to allow enlistment would prevent you from obtaining the required security clearance, thus prohibiting EOD acceptance.

I'm not a U.S. citizen.  Can I join EOD?

Nope. Sorry. You must have been granted U.S. citizenship to get the security clearance.  Dual Citizenship is not allowed, nor is permanent residency status.  You are able to fulfill a support position though.

What do I do to begin the process of joining up?

Go to the EOD Interest Form, fill it out, then submit it.  I'll be in contact with you soon thereafter.

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Join Us

Want to join us?  We can help you better if you give us a little information. Don't worry, this isn't enlisting

Fill out this form

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Click the MapQuest link above to enter your address.  Then you'll have directions to come see us.
  • SGT or below
  • GM score (MAINT on ERB) of 105
  • Eligible for a TOP SECRET clearance
  • MUST have normal color vision
  • CANNOT be allergic to explosives
  • Physical Profile (PUHLES) of either 111111 or 111121
  • Posses a valid drivers license
  • Must be a U.S. citizen
  • Volunteer for the EOD program
  • MUST successfully complete the Application & Interview Process
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