What On Earth (Sound) Is That? #4
Posted on Sep 09, 2010 11:51:08 PM | Adam Voiland | 17 Comments    |
Regular readers know the drill by now: Every other Friday we post a snippet of one of the many strange and fascinating bits of earth science that pass through our inboxes here at What On Earth, and then you all have a week to show off your science savvy by hazarding a guess (or two or three, if you'd like) in the comments. The last clue was an easy one, but we're predicting this one--our first sound--will stump most of you.  Listen up, and prove us wrong...

Remember, the answer usually has something to do with....
a) Earth Science

Something on your mind? Email us suggestions and feedback at nasawhatonearth@gmail.com  

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17 Comments so far ( Post your own )
17 On Oct 02, 2010 12:59:53 AM  guest  added a comment on your blog post. 

hail in a hurricane

16 On Oct 02, 2010 01:00:41 PM  guest  added a comment on your blog post. 

hail in a hurricane

15 On Sep 25, 2010 09:31:22 AM  Pete  added a comment on your blog post. 

As an ex submariner the 'ice noise' is all too familiar. You may want to get your transducers up in among the MIZ and then sit back and wait. Have you a recording of somebody playing a large cross cut saw with a violin bow? The sound in the MIZ is very similar and the source levels have to be heard to be believed. When the frequency gets down into the 300hz range is when the fun starts, rattling fillings in your head style!

14 On Sep 25, 2010 04:47:55 PM  guest  added a comment on your blog post. 

sounds like a canada goose taking off and flying, then, sadly, crashing to earth.

13 On Sep 17, 2010 12:54:44 AM  guest  added a comment on your blog post. 

a low idle motorcycle that screeches off and then falls into a snowbank and quits running.

12 On Sep 13, 2010 03:17:52 PM  guest  added a comment on your blog post. 

This sounds like something blowing in the wind. (Paper or material)

11 On Sep 13, 2010 12:03:53 AM  guest  added a comment on your blog post. 

a gay faling from the sky over the sea or the ocean and makeing a pi g splash i the water.NASA Experimet maybe.

10 On Sep 13, 2010 09:15:14 AM  Doug  added a comment on your blog post. 

A sensor being dropped through a hurricane.

9 On Sep 11, 2010 07:29:05 PM  drewbenn  added a comment on your blog post. 

An iceberg calving?

8 On Sep 10, 2010 05:07:52 PM  guest  added a comment on your blog post. 

I think it is a flag blowing in a storm in Antarctica.

7 On Sep 10, 2010 02:50:51 PM  EvilHom3r  added a comment on your blog post. 

Recording from inside a hurricane

6 On Sep 10, 2010 02:00:31 PM  guest  added a comment on your blog post. 

sounds like wind flapping a flag

5 On Sep 10, 2010 02:00:58 PM  Joe Tomkins  added a comment on your blog post. 

I believe it is a flag at either a scientific outpost on Antartica or possibly the flag on the north pole itself.

4 On Sep 10, 2010 02:01:17 PM  rjhjr64  added a comment on your blog post. 

Recording from a weather balloon...

3 On Sep 10, 2010 01:36:58 PM  bugger  added a comment on your blog post. 

Could this be an earthquake?

2 On Sep 10, 2010 12:28:27 AM  Ajay  added a comment on your blog post. 

A solar sail in the wind gust.

1 On Sep 10, 2010 12:12:16 AM  ben  added a comment on your blog post. 

space junk that made it thru the atmosphere

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