Our School> Health

Health / Nurse

Keep yourself and your family healthy by eating right and staying fit. Here are three helpful resources:

Health records are maintained on individual students. Your assistance in keeping your child's information up to date is necessary. Send in updated copies of immunizations and any other relevant information to the Health Office. If your child fails to meet the minimum DoDDs requirements for immunizations he/she will not be able to enroll. A notice will be sent home about a month prior to overdue immunizations.

Based on DoDDS Health Service Guide, DS Manual 2942, the SCHOOL NURSE DOES NOT ADMINISTER MEDICATION, to include Tylenol, cough drops, or any over-the- counter medication. The only exception is specific physician prescribed medication. In this case, the following information is needed:

  1. Written order from the physician stating the name of the medication, dosage, and time medication is to be administered at school.
  2. Written permission from the parent
  3. Medications in a pharmacy labeled bottle marked with student's name, name of medication, and time and amount to be taken.
We are not permitted to give medication to your child until all the proper paper work has been filled out and signed by a doctor. You may obtain these forms and information on this policy through the school office. Under no circumstances are students permitted to have medication on their possession during the school day!

Minor cuts, bruises, and scratches occurring on the school premises will be treated in the health office. Parents will receive a note or a phone call from the Health Office, notifying them to the nature of the injury/illness. Emergency first aid is administered when required. If a student becomes ill or is injured during school hours and requires medical treatment, parents will be notified immediately, or if deemed necessary, the local ambulance will be called. When a child needs to be sent home, he/she will only be released to an authorized adult. Please keep your emergency contact information up to date.

Contagious illnesses visit all schools periodically. To minimize the spreading of infectious illnesses we ask that you follow the school procedures below. If your child has been sent home due to an illness, before he or she returns to school the child must:

  • Be fever free for at least 24 hours
  • Have no known rashes
  • Using medication (if required for a contagious illness) for at least 24 hours
If your child exhibits other than normal behavior and complains of feeling ill, please refrain from sending him/her to school. A student with a fever 100ºF or above, contagious illness or possible contagious illness, or a child who has vomited will be sent home. Please ensure your contact information is current. Children to be sent home must be picked up by parent or guardian as soon as possible.

If Pinkeye is discovered, parents will be called to pick up their child. The child may return to school once the Pinkeye has cleared or if a physician is administering the proper medication.

If live lice are found on a student’s head, the student will be sent home to be treated. Students may return to school after treatment has been initiated. If only nits are found, parents will be contacted to discuss recent treatment history. Treatment history will determine whether the student needs to go home for a treatment or not. Children will not be permitted back at the school until the treatment and combing alleviates all signs of lice or eggs

Flu info

* external to DoDEA


Our Mission

The mission of DoDEA and KBES is to provide an exemplary education that inspires and prepares all students for success in a dynamic and global environment.

Goal 1: All students will improve targeted skills in mathematics across the curriculum.

Goal 2: All students will improve targeted skills in reading comprehension across the curriculum.