Category Archives: Headlines

Equity and Excellence Commission Delivers Report to Secretary Duncan

The need to improve the country’s education system is urgent, according to the Co-Chairs of the Equity and Excellence Commission who formally presented their report to Secretary of Education Arne Duncan on Tuesday. The Commission’s report, “For Each and Every … Continue reading

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Ensuring Safe Schools for LGBT Youth

This past weekend in San Diego, I had the opportunity to participate in the 4th Annual National Educator Conference focused on creating safe, supportive, and inclusive schools for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) youth. A goal of the conference, … Continue reading

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Partnering with Counselors to Reduce School Violence

Earlier this month a group of distinguished counselors, selected as finalists for the American School Counselor Association (ASCA) Counselor of the Year and their principals visited ED to share their thoughts on transforming the teaching profession and the critical role … Continue reading

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Making High-Quality Early Learning a National Priority

Today, a class of preschool children at the College Heights Early Childhood Learning Center in Decatur, Georgia, engaged in an interactive lesson on sizes and shapes with a special guest – President Barack Obama. The President toured the center, which … Continue reading

Posted in Early Learning, Headlines, News | 5 Comments

New Report Continues the Dialogue on Testing Integrity

Academic assessment plays an important role in making decisions about the education of our children. We — parents, educators, and administrators — all depend on valid and reliable data. Yet a series of high-profile cheating incidents over the last several … Continue reading

Posted in Headlines, News, Standards and assessments | 2 Comments

Obama Administration Launches College Scorecard

“… My administration will release a new “College Scorecard” that parents and students can use to compare schools based on a simple criteria — where you can get the most bang for your educational buck.” - President Obama, 2013 State of … Continue reading

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In State of the Union, Obama Outlines Bold Education Proposals to Grow the Middle Class

In a State of the Union address focused on growing a strong middle class, President Obama outlined a series of bold proposals that will increase access to high-quality education. Among them were initiatives to make quality early education accessible to … Continue reading

Posted in Early Learning, Headlines, News, P-12 Reform, Schools and Community, Teachers | Tagged , , | 24 Comments

Teachers Taking Action

Have we really been talking about the need to improve teacher recruitment and retention for decades? Educators meeting in Indianapolis and video-conferencing in from throughout the nation for the 2013 National Agriculture Education Summit said yes, and that it’s time … Continue reading

Posted in Headlines, News, Rural, Teachers | 1 Comment

Duncan to Congress: Giving States Flexibility is Working

States and their schools are breaking free from the restrictions of No Child Left Behind and pursuing new and better ways to prepare and protect all students, Education Secretary Arne Duncan told a Senate committee Thursday. In a hearing before … Continue reading

Posted in ESEA Reauthorization, Headlines, News, P-12 Reform, Standards and assessments, Teachers, Teaching Profession | Tagged , , | 4 Comments

From Digital Doubter to Tech Guru

During a speech announcing the Department’s National Education Technology Plan, Secretary Arne Duncan noted that “technology empowers teachers like never before.” Once such teacher is Chicago’s Jennie Magiera. This is her story. “Just bells and whistles.” That’s how elementary math … Continue reading

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Every Day Should Be Digital Learning Day

Today is Digital Learning Day! As teachers across the country welcome powerful learning technologies into the classroom, students are engaging and benefitting from enhanced opportunities to achieve. Access to technology has become as important to learning as access to a … Continue reading

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National CTE Month Marks Pivotal Moment

This month, students, educators, stakeholder groups, and even regulators will highlight what works in career and technical education (CTE). The U.S. Department of Education has joined the Association for Career and Technical Education (ACTE) to celebrate February as National CTE … Continue reading

Posted in Career and Technical Education, Headlines, News, Rural | Tagged | 2 Comments