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Enhanced Traffic Management System (ETMS)

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ETMS is the system used by our Traffic Management Personnel to predict, on national and local scales, traffic surges, gaps, and volume based on current and anticipated airborne aircraft.  Traffic Management Personnel evaluate the projected flow of traffic into airports and sectors, then implement the least restrictive action necessary to ensure that traffic demand does not exceed system capacity.
TSD Alerted Sectors
This example shows alerted sectors in the Kansas City Air Route Traffic Control CenterĀ“s (ARTCC) airspace
Monitor Alert, a part of ETMS, analyzes traffic demand for all airports, sectors, and airborne reporting fixes in the continental United States, then automatically displays an alert when demand is predicted to exceed capacity in a particular area.

Armed with this information, Traffic Mangement Personnel examine the situation, then provide routes and spacing to assist in controlling the flow of traffic.

Your next stop is the Flight Inspection Liaison Office.
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