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Governance & Rule of Law

A team handles election ballots

Photo Copyright:Kendra Helmer/USAID

The Government of Haiti was devastated by the loss of an estimated 18 percent of its workforce, more than 95 percent of its Ministry buildings, and decades of records.  USAID is working to rebuild and reform the public administration and improve local and national government management of resources and basic service delivery.  We are supporting the legislature to enable it to represent constituents, oversee national reconstruction efforts, and draft and enact reform laws. 

USAID programs also work to protect children, women, and youth who are victims or at risk of abuse.  With the cooperation of the Government of Haiti, USAID programs will support the judicial system by expanding access to justice and improving court operations in a country where 75 percent of inmates have not been tried in court.



Rule of Law

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Last Updated on: November 05, 2012