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Government of Haïti Action Plan

Building upon the April 2009 Donor Conference plan, the GOH presented a “Plan of Action” at the March 31, 2010 Donor Conference in New York City.  This plan, which envisions $3.9 billion in new development projects seeks to mobilize efforts and resources to achieve a “qualitative leap” for Haiti within twenty years.  Four key pillars comprise the Action Plan’s central framework:

  1. Territorial Rebuilding: In addition to Port-au-Prince, three new regional poles of development – Cap Haitien, St. Marc, and Les Cayes – are proposed.  The initial phase of the reconstruction will target critical infrastructure investments such as roads, electricity, ports and housing in these three cities. 

    Key investments include:  Two new international airports and deep water ports in Les Cayes and Cap Haitien and close to Port-au-Prince; six hundred kilometers of roads and bridges for the development of a national highway system connecting all major cities; intensive risk mitigation in Gonaives, Jacmel, and Cabaret.
  2. Economic Rebuilding: Recovery investments will target four key sectors: agriculture, construction, manufacturing, and tourism.

    Key initiatives include: Creating 500,000 new jobs in construction, agribusiness and manufacturing; creating a new land register; construction of new thermal and renewable/hydropower plants; increasing the tax base to eighteen percent.
  3. Social Rebuilding: Providing shelter is both an immediate and long-term priority.  An expanded primary care health network and education system, including vocational and higher education, is deemed critical for rebuilding.

    Key initiatives include: A $155 million reconstruction fund for housing; school feeding for 2.2 million children; reconstruction of thirty hospitals.
  4. Institutional Rebuilding: Redefining the legal and regulatory framework and establishing a governmental institution to manage the reconstruction [the Interim Haitian Reconstruction Commission (IHRC) will evolve into the Haitian Development Authority (HDA)] is prioritized for investment and action.

Consistent with the GOH Haiti Action Plan, the USG’s reconstruction and long-term development plan seeks to support new and diverse economic opportunities outside of Port-au-Prince using focused and catalytic investments in housing, energy, agriculture, health, security and national and local governance.  Although population movements are hard to predict, especially with the uncertainty inherent in Port-au-Prince’s currently evolving shelter situation, the changing distribution of Haiti’s population may offer a window of opportunity to develop new development corridors.  

See also:  US Government Strategy on Haiti



An additional $1.2 billion was identified for budget support with a further $800 million requested from the private sector or through public-private-partnerships.










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Last Updated on: October 22, 2012