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HHS/Office of Adolescent Health Updates State-by-State Adolescent Mental Health Facts. The Department of Health and Human Services Office of Adolescent Health has recently updated its state summaries that focus on adolescent mental health. Each state page reports on positive social skills, depressive symptoms, depressive episodes and suicidal thoughts, attempts, and injuries.  Learn More

The National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments welcomes nominations of surveys for inclusion in School Climate Survey Compendium.

Eligibility Requirements

To be considered, a survey must be a valid and reliable instrument, as demonstrated by a psychometric evaluation which measures the perceptions, behaviors, or experiences of students, staff, or family members to assess school climate. The survey may include, but need not be limited, to the following risk and protective factors:

  • Student Aggression/Violence
  • Bullying
  • School Participation
  • Student Relationships with Adults and Peers
  • Staff Relationships with Students and Peers
  • Family Engagement
  • Respect/Intolerance for Diversity
  • Alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use
  • Physical Environment/Physical Plant
  • Disciplinary Environment
  • Mental/Physical Wellness
  • Academic Environment 

Minimum Evidence Requirements

The survey must be psychometrically evaluated, including at least one of the following evaluations:

  • Construct validity (e.g. convergent validity, factor analysis)
  • Scale/Item reliability (e.g. internal consistency, test-retest)
  • Dimensionality (e.g. factor analysis, IRT)
  • Measurement equivalence across subgroups

For any evaluation, a comprehensive evaluation report must provide descriptions of the:

  • Sampling procedure
  • Sample (e.g. sample size; age and/or grade; racial, gender, disability, ELL, geographic demographics)
  • Administration protocol (e.g. school-based, online, home interview, focus group)
  • Manner in which the data were treated (e.g. missing data imputation, decision rules for data cleaning)
  • Outcomes of the analysis (e.g., results of statistical analysis listed above)

NOTE: All of the supporting documents and psychometric data need to pertain to the same sample.

Review Process

An application submitted online will be confirmed by email within 2 business days after all the required materials are received. An application submitted via mail will be acknowledged with an email notification within 30 days of receiving the required materials. The person submitting the nomination will receive the notification.

Submissions will be reviewed along several dimensions, including:

  • Whether the survey is supported by a clear, well-articulated conceptual framework
  • Whether the survey has undergone at least one psychometric evaluation, for which a comprehensive evaluation report has been provided
  • Whether all non-original items, and the sources of those non-original items, have been clearly identified

Therefore, include the following information when submitting a survey for consideration:

  • A copy of the survey instrument or url for the survey instrument if it is available online. If you do not wish to have the survey instrument shared publicly, please mark it as “Not for Public Dissemination”, and we will direct interested parties to contact the survey developer for additional information.
  • A comprehensive psychometric evaluation report, including a description of the sample, sampling protocol, administration protocol, data treatment, strategy for psychometric analysis, and evaluation outcomes
  • A conceptual model or literature that supports the nominated survey’s design
  • A list of sources of any non-original items included in the survey
  • Descriptive statistics for each scale and item (e.g. mean, range, standard deviation) (optional)
  • A contact name and address, phone number, and e-mail for the survey

As noted above, all of the supporting documents and psychometric data need to pertain to the same sample.  Surveys will be reviewed on a rolling basis in order to keep the School Climate Survey Compendium as current as possible.

How to Nominate a School Climate Survey

You will need to submit a separate nomination form for each survey you wish to submit. For example, if the survey you nominate has separate versions for students, staff, and parents, you will need to submit three nomination forms. Follow the steps below to submit a survey nomination:

Step 1. Fill out the online nomination submission form (

Step 2. Email the survey instrument (if not available online), all relevant peer-reviewed publications or reports and any documentation (e.g., manuals, process guides, tools, training materials) that describes the details of the survey and psychometric evaluation to  Include the title of the survey and intended respondent as the subject.

If you have any issues concerning your submission, please contact Dr. Sally Ruddy at