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Audit Initiated of the Management of the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority

June 21, 2011
Project ID: 11A3013A000


At the request of Representatives Frank R. Wolf and Tom Latham, the Office of Inspector General plans to review the management policies and processes of the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority (MWAA).  In 1986, Congress passed a law that authorized the transfer of operating responsibilities for the federally owned Washington Dulles International and Washington National Airports to MWAA under a long-term lease with the Department of Transportation (DOT).  In 2006, MWAA also became the sponsor for the Dulles Corridor Metrorail, a high-profile commuter rail project with a $900 million DOT investment.  Our audit objectives are to determine whether: (1) the policies and processes under which MWAA operates comply with the terms of the law and the lease between DOT and MWAA; and (2) MWAA’s policies and processes are sufficient to ensure accountability and transparency of its Board’s activities.
