Beamline X6B

  • General Information
    • Source Type
      Bending magnet

      Diagnostic and Instrumentation

      General User Beamtime

      Energy Range Category
      Hard X-Ray (1-50 keV)

      Energy Range
      6.5-19 keV

      Beamline Type
      Facility Beamline

      X-ray diffraction, surface
      X-ray diffraction, wide angle
      X-ray reflectivity

      Research Types
      X-ray scattering, reflectivity, and diffraction from soft- and bio-materials; diffractive SAXS and GISAXS. Combinatorial materials science. Interface structures.

  • Contact Information
    • Spokesperson The person from each beamline who acts as a contact point between the beamline management and NSLS administration. Contact for questions about the beamline scientific program, experimental capabilities, and beamline management.
      Elaine Dimasi, Brookhaven National Laboratory,, 344-2211

      Local Contact The beamline staff member who is typically responsible for overseeing the daily operation and maintenance of the beamline. Contact for questions about beamline instrumentation, experimental details, and training.
      Elaine Dimasi, Brookhaven National Laboratory,, 344-2211

      Beamtime Scheduler The beamline staff member responsible for coordination of beamline schedule every trimester. Contact for questions about beamtime scheduling.
      Elaine Dimasi, Brookhaven National Laboratory,, 344-2211

      Beamline Phone

  • Instrumentation
    • Beamline Characteristics

      Energy RangeMono Crystal or GratingResolution (ΔE/E)FluxSpot Size (mm)Total Angular Acceptance (mrad)
      6.5 – 20 keV (focused); 6.5 - 40 (unfocused) Si(111) 2.0 x 10-4 (@ 8 keV) unmeasured 0.3H x 0.3V (focused); 60H x 3V (unfocused) 3.0

      Source Type
      Bending magnet

      Optical System
      Monochromator: Si (111) channel-cut located 10 m from source. Focusing Mirror: Rhodium-plated bent cylindrical Si single crystal for 1:1 focusing at sample located 11.3 m from source.

      Experimental Apparatus
      Radiation hutch. 6-circle Huber 5020 diffractometer with vertical scattering geometry. Computer-controlled table for Huber. Ion chambers, Princeton Instruments CCD area detector, 8 cm 640-element Si strip detector. Bicron scintillator and two-circle analyzer stage with Ge(111) crystal analyzer also available. Beamstops with photodiodes for through measurement when using CCD. X-Z scanner fits standard well plates for transmission measurements of liquid samples. Users may design environmental chambers to suit their experiments.

      Computer System Hardware & Software
      Pentium class computer running Linux for beamline optics, Huber and table; Pentium-class computer running Windows for CCD; VME crate interface for beamline control and scaler data acquisition.

  • Links