X27C External Website

Beamline X27C

  • General Information
    • Source Type
      Bending magnet


      General User Beamtime

      Energy Range
      9 KeV

      Beamline Type
      Participating Research Team (PRT)

      X-ray diffraction, time resolved
      X-ray diffraction, wide angle
      X-ray scattering, small angle
      X-ray scattering, wide angle

      ExxonMobil Research and Engineering Co.
      Naval Surface Warfare Center, Carderock Division
      SUNY @ Stony Brook

      Research Types
      Chemistry/materials research(with emphasis on polymers)using combined (SAXS) & (WAXS) techniques. Investigate polymer structures, orphologies & dynamics from atomic nanoscopicmicroscopic to mesoscopic scales in real-time and/or in-situ using SAXS and WAXD.

  • Contact Information
  • Instrumentation
    • Beamline Characteristics

      Energy RangeMono Crystal or GratingResolution (ΔE/E)FluxSpot Size (mm)Total Angular Acceptance (mrad)
      6 – 20 keV multilayer 1.1% (@ 9.5 keV) 1012 ph/sec ~ 0.39 mm diam. 0.23

      Source Type
      Bending magnet

      Optical System
      3 pinhole collimation system

      Experimental Apparatus
      Air-cooled dual-cell temperature jump apparatus which consists of two hot stages powered with electric heating bands ( Temp. range 25 deg C - 350 deg C ) and connected with a pneumatic operating bar. INSTEC heating stage (Temp. range �190 deg C - 600 deg C). 1-D position sensitive detector: 2 EMBL (European Molecular Biology Laboratory) detectors. 2-D area detector: Imaging plate (Fuji BAS 2500); MAR CCD; EMBL multi-wire proportional chamber. Other equipment (as listed on our external webpage) availability depends on agreement with spokesperson.

      Computer System Hardware & Software
      PC based data acquisition software for EMBL detectors. Custom codes (SASDAP, WASDAP) and commercial packages (Grams32, Spyglass , Polar, TINA2.1, Image GauageV4.0 and), on the PC and the SGI workstation for preliminary analysis.

  • Links