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National Institutes of Health

Meeting Summary

Mapping the Landscape of Deployment Related Adjustment and Mental Disorders: A Working Group to Inform Research

May 01, 2006
Rockville, Maryland

NIMH joined the Department of Veterans Affairs, Office of Research and Development, and the Department of Defense, United States Army Medical Research and Materiel Command, for a meeting to discuss progress and challenges in addressing deployment-related adjustment problems and mental disorders. The goals of the meeting were to identify major scientific questions that needed answers; areas where science was ahead of practice (or behind public health demand/need); whether research currently underway was adequate; and opportunities to coordinate across the relevant Federal research programs. Presentations and discussion revolved around the following five broad and overlapping topics: causes, correlates, and risk for post-traumatic stress disorder; early detection and intervention; co-occurring health conditions; occupational, family and social adjustment/functioning; and healthcare services. For more information, please contact Dr. Farris Tuma. A detailed meeting report (PDF file, 22 pages) is available.