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Fairchild Research Information Center RSS Feeds Info

Fairchild Research Information Center has made available RSS feeds that contain links to recent additions to the Center's collections and website. In order to read these feeds, you will first need to set up an account with an aggregator, or reader. There are many free RSS readers available online.

To use, simply copy the URL of the feed(s) you interested in and paste it into your aggregator's "subscribe" or "add a feed" feature.

The feeds currently available include:

Hot Topic Bib RSS Channel Bibliographies Add to Google Add to My Yahoo!
Hot Topic Bib RSS Channel New Books Add to Google Add to My Yahoo!
Hot Topic Bib RSS Channel New Internet-Only Items Add to Google Add to My Yahoo!


    The following feeds and websites are not produced by MSFRIC, but are recommended as good sources of information:


    Hot Topic Bib RSS Channel DoD American Forces Information Add to Google Add to My Yahoo!

    For more information about RSS feeds, see "What is RSS?"

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