

Senator Rockefeller believes the nation's transportation infrastructure lays the backbone of our economic success and global competitiveness. As Chairman of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, Senator Rockefeller is uniquely positioned in Congress to help build and maintain the transportation infrastructure that West Virginians and all Americans need.

Because American businesses rely on world-class railways, highways, airways and waterways to efficiently move goods to market and get them safely to their destinations, Senator Rockefeller supports common-sense initiatives to grow our transportation infrastructure by creating a financing fund to leverage federal dollars in encouraging private investment; looking at creative ways to fully fund the Highway Trust Fund; and including provisions in transportation funding measures that would ensure rural communities are given as much consideration as urban areas.


Senator Rockefeller is keenly aware of the challenges facing small and rural communities in maintaining a level of air service that is adequate for economic development and business growth. To overcome these challenges, he has consistently worked with West Virginia airport managers and local officials to protect existing service from any proposed cuts, and to insist that airlines consider West Virginia for service expansions and improvements. Senator Rockefeller is a champion of the Small Community Air Service Development Pilot Program and the Essential Air Service Program.


Senator Rockefeller is a long-time supporter of the Appalachian Development Highway System, which has opened West Virginia to economic development and job growth. He understands the value of a robust highway infrastructure and fights to make sure West Virginia has safe, reliable highways that allow continued growth and job creation for thousands of West Virginians.


Senator Rockefeller believes rail rates must be competitive, and as chair of the Senate Commerce Committee, he has worked with the Surface Transportation Board to keep costs low while maintaining a safe, reliable rail network. Senator Rockefeller believes we need to realign our nation's freight rail network to facilitate better the export of American goods and more efficiently move American-made goods for consumption here at home.

Senator Rockefeller is a long-time supporter of Amtrak service, especially along the Cardinal and Capitol Limited lines in West Virginia. He believes Amtrak is a lifeline to our communities that provides an affordable option for passenger travel between small communities and big cities, and serves a vital role as an engine of economic growth.