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330 Results - Page 1 of 14

Title Reference Published Activity Download
Wind Tunnel Wall Corrections AGARD-AG-336 Oct 1998 AVT-038 This report is available to all customers.
Enhancement of Aircraft Ground Handing Simulation Capability AGARD-AG-333 Aug 1998 FVP This report is available to all customers.
Stick and Feel System Design AGARD-AG-332 Mar 1997 FVP This report is available to all customers.
Introduction to Avionics Flight Test AGARD-AG-300-15 Nov 1996 FVP This report is available to all customers.
Multi-Sensor Multi-Target Data Fusion, Tracking and Identification Techniques for Guidance and Control Applications AGARD-AG-337 Oct 1996 AGARD This report is available to all customers.
Turbulent Boundary Layers in Subsonic and Supersonic Flow AGARD-AG-335 Jul 1996 AGARD This report is available to all customers.
Aircraft Disinsection: A Guide for Military & Civilian Air Carriers AGARD-AG-340 Apr 1996 AGARD This report is available to all customers.
Advanced Oxygen Systems for Aircraft AGARD-AG-286 Apr 1996 AMP This report is available to all customers.
Introduction to Avionics Flight Test AGARD-AG-300-VOL-15 Jan 1996 AGARD This report is available to all customers.
Introduction to Flight Test Engineering AGARD-AG-300-14 Sep 1995 FVP This report is available to all customers.
Aerospace navigation systems AGARD-AG-331 Jun 1995 AGARD This report is available to all customers.
Reliability and Maintainability Flight Test Techniques AGARD-AG-300-13 Feb 1995 FVP This report is available to all customers.
AGARD Flight Test Techniques Series. Volume 14: Introduction to Flight Test Engineering AGARD-AG-300-VOL-14 Jan 1995 AGARD This report is available to all customers.
AGARD flight test techniques series. Volume 13: Reliability and maintainability AGARD-AG-300-VOL-13 Jan 1995 AGARD This report is available to all customers.
Computational Aerodynamics Based on the Euler Equations AGARD-AG-325 Sep 1994 RTO This report is available to all customers.
The Principles of Flight Test Assessment of Flight-Safety-Critical Systems in Helicopters AGARD-AG-300-12 Aug 1994 FMP This report is available to all customers.
Scale Effects on Aircraft and Weapon Aerodynamics AGARD-AG-323 Jul 1994 FDP This report is available to all customers.
Identification of dynamic systems. Volume 3: Applications to aircraft. Part 2: Nonlinear analysis and manoeuvre design AGARD-AG-300-3-II May 1994 AGARD This report is available to all customers.
The principles of flight test assessment of flight-safety-critical systems in helicopters AGARD-AG-300-VOL-12 Jan 1994 AGARD This report is available to all customers.
Identification of dynamic systems. Volume 3: Applications to aircraft. Part 2: Nonlinear analysis and manoeuvre design AGARD-AG-300-VOL-3-PT-2 Jan 1994 AGARD This report is available to all customers.
Basic principles of flight test instrumentation engineering, volume 1, issue 2 AGARD-AG-160-VOL-1-ISSUE-2 Jan 1994 AGARD This report is available to all customers.
Advanced methods for cascade testing AGARD-AG-328 Aug 1993 AGARD This report is available to all customers.
The testing of fixed wing tanker and receiver aircraft to establish their air-to-air refuelling capabilities AGARD-AG-300-11 Dec 1992 AGARD This report is available to all customers.
Operational use of contact lenses by military aircrew AGARD-AG-334 Oct 1992 AGARD This report is available to all customers.
Weapon Delivery Analysis I and Ballistic Flight Testing AGARD-AG-300-VOL-10 Jul 1992 AGARD This report is available to all customers.
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The publications are subdivided into several categories as follows:

AGARDographs (Advanced Guidance for Alliance Research and Development) - AG: Constitute the principal formal category of publications for work prepared by, or on behalf of, STO panels. An AGARDograph must pertain to a single, clearly defined subject and comprise material generally agreed to be of lasting interest. This material may be either the work of a single author or the coordinated and edited contributions of several authors. Often the preparation time for AGARDographs is measured in years rather than months.

Meeting Proceedings - MP: Papers presented at non-educational meetings where the attendance may not be limited to members of STO bodies. This will include Symposia, Specialistsâ?T Meetings and Workshops. Such publications generally include a Technical Evaluation Report of the meeting and edited transcripts of any discussions following the meeting.

Educational Notes - EN: Papers presented at lecture series or courses.

Technical Reports - TR: Technical publications given a full distribution throughout the NATO nations (within any limitations due to their classification).

Technical Memoranda - TM: Other technical publications not given a full distribution, e.g. because they are of ephemeral value only or because the results of the study that produced them may be released only to the nations that participated in it.

UNCLASSIFIED/UNLIMITED reports are available without any particular authentication.
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