Inspector General
1301 N. MacArthur Blvd., Springfield, IL 62702
Toll-Free: 866-204-7704 / Commercial: 217-761-3730 / DSN: 555-3730

The Inspector General (IG) System is unique in both scope and implementation. In the Illinois National Guard, the IG works only for The Adjutant General (directing authority), but also responds to Secretary of the Army and Chief of Staff regarding Army requirements.  The IG is an extension of the eyes, ears, voice and conscience of the Commander, our mission being to assist the Commander with improving readiness and war fighting capability.  IGs are confidential advisors to the Commander, and serve as fair, impartial and objective fact-finders and problem solvers.

Photo Courtesy of DoD, U.S. Army
Establishment of a full-time IG office within the Illinois National Guard headquarters has increased both the responsiveness and effectiveness of the IG system within our state.  The result has been a decrease in the number of National Guard members who believe congressional or legislative inquiries are required to resolve internal problems.  The reliability and credibility of the IG system was enhanced by ensuring that each individual, regardless of rank or status, was treated equitably by the system and that all Soldiers and Airmen comply with established laws, regulations and policies.

All IGs serve their Commanders and their commands by performing four primary IG functions - inspections, assistance, investigations, and teaching and training. IGs use these functions to seek out systemic issues that adversely affect the command. IGs then inspect those systemic issues to identify the problem areas and make recommendations to directly address the cause of those problem areas.  The IG is not a policy maker and has no inherent command authority.

Photo Courtesy of DoD, U.S. Army

            Before Calling the IG - FAQs IG Action Request Form - (PureEdge Doc)