AW2 Federal Résumé Workshop—Finding the Path Forward

By Julie O’Rourke, WTC Stratcom

Last Thursday and Friday, eight Warriors in Transition and AW2 Veterans participated in a two-day résumé workshop to prepare applications for federal jobs.  Experienced human resources counselors from the Office of Personnel Management provided tailored advice to Soldiers in hands-on sessions.  Participants were also provided online resources that help translate military experience into civilian terms.  This week, these Soldiers and Veterans will have the opportunity to network with federal officials at the 2011 Wounded Warrior Federal Employment Conference.

Beyond identifying the correct words to express their experience, last week’s session helped participants better value the skills they had acquired during their military careers.  They were coached in reading federal job listings and pairing position requirements with their own skills.  The Soldiers and Veterans who attended the program were enthusiastic to continue serving their country, to provide for themselves and their Families, and to become independent despite their injuries.

I met with some of these Soldiers and Veterans on the second day of the résumé workshop.  I asked them to share with me their message to hiring managers.  MAJ Johnny Agbi asked that we look past physical issues to see what a Veteran has to offer, “The largest handicap we face is the limit society places on us.”  MAJ Agbi is proud of his training and experience in the medical field, his multilingual skills, and his ability to learn and to be adaptable.

Active duty reservist MAJ Stacy Haag realized through the résumé writing seminar that some skills she took for granted in the military are valuable in the private sector–such as the ability to work well on a team, self responsibility, and attention to detail.  MAJ Haag is a logistics specialist, responsible for establishing base camps.  MAJ Haag requests hiring managers to look beyond keywords and search terms, and to consider life experience.

SGT William Thomas is a chemical specialist who was deployed to Iraq and experienced multiple improvised explosive device attacks.  The résumé workshop was particularly useful to him; this is his first résumé.  Although they often do not have private sector experience, Veterans are used to arriving to work on time, presentable, and ready for duty.

Being so close to a number of IED explosions, SGT Thomas suffered a traumatic brain injury (TBI) and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).  He asks that hiring officials be patient, because often they cannot see every wounded Soldier’s injuries; not all wounds are physically apparent.  But, he stressed, “The potential is still there.”

Reservist SFC Danny Zirkle hoped the skills learned at the résumé workshop will open new avenues to a better job.  SFC Zirkle added that its hard to talk solely about his personal work because in the Army, almost every task is completed as part of a team.

The strength to overcome their injuries and the resilience to start over in the civilian workforce are skills in themselves.  Each of the Veterans I spoke with embraced new learning and flexibility to build on their strong military foundation.  With very different skills, specialties, and experiences, I hope the Soldiers attending the résumé workshop will settle into distinct roles, where their individual abilities match the needs of a federal agency.

2011 Wounded Warrior Federal Employment Conference Kicks Off Tomorrow

By Sarah Greer, WTC Stratcom

For wounded warriors who separate from the service, finding gainful employment is a vital next step.  It’s not just about the paycheck and health care, though—it’s about contributing to an organization, finding professional fulfillment, and building a better life for themselves and their Families.

For the next two days, AW2 is hosting the 2011 Wounded Warrior Federal Employment Conference, in coordination with other service wounded warrior programs.  For two days, federal agency officials will learn about the importance of hiring wounded warriors and the skills they bring to any organization.  They’ll also learn about the resources they can use to place qualified Veterans in open positions and to ensure a successful result once the Veterans starts working–resources like special hiring authorities, Veterans preference, Operation Warfighter internships, non-paid work experience, and accommodations.

On the second day, local wounded warriors from all branches of the military will also have the opportunity to network with the officials attending the conference. 

AW2 is here to help severely wounded, ill, and injured Soldiers find their path to independence.  And this conference is one more example of the way AW2 paves the way for wounded warriors to succeed.

Check back to the AW2 blog over the next two days for more information about the conference.  We’ll keep you posted on the updates from keynote speakers, including several Assistant Secretaries and AW2 Veteran Alvin Shell, who is now working at the Department of Homeland Security.

Wounded in Action Exhibition Allows Women Veterans to Share Experiences

By Laura Castillo, AW2 Advocate

(left to right) AW2 Veteran Leslie Wohlfeld and AW2 Advocate Laura Castillo traveled from New York to Washington, DC, to see Wohlfeld’s photography on display at the “Wounded in Action” exhibition.

Recently, I had the honor of attending the “Wounded in Action” art exhibition with several accomplished female Veterans at the National Museum of Health and Medicine at Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Washington, DC. It was truly amazing to share in their experiences, accomplishments, and passion to help wounded Veterans.

The exhibition is a tribute to those who served their countries in wars throughout the world. The art celebrates the strength and spirit of injured servicemembers, wounded civilians, and their Families, as well as the commitment of the orthopedic surgeons who assist them on their journey to recovery. The artists featured in “Wounded in Action: An Art Exhibition of Orthopedic Advancements” explore their feelings toward their wounds. The artists include military personnel who live with orthopedic injuries, Family members who helped during the recovery process, and orthopedic surgeons who treat wounded military members and civilians.

First, I met up with two of my AW2 Veterans, Leslie Wohlfeld and Paula Rivera, at Penn Station in New York City to begin our journey to Washington, DC. Having a degree in photography, Leslie escaped the stress from combat in Afghanistan through her artwork. One of her pieces, “Peace,” was submitted in the exhibit. Leslie’s mother recently passed away, and her mother was never able to go see her work at the museum. It meant the world for Leslie to experience that moment with fellow Veteran women who understand her pain and trauma.

Paula Rivera served 20 years in the Army, with two tours in Iraq. Paula suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and many other medical conditions triggered by combat. However, Paula is one of the strongest people I’ve ever met. She is brave and has overcome war wounds and trauma, while raising a Family and maintaining a healthy relationship with her husband of 30 years.

Once we reached Union Station, the Wounded Warrior Project van picked us up and I met the gifted women in our group. Once in the van, I noticed a photo of group member Nancy Schiliro. Nancy is a former Marine who was hit by a mortar in Iraq. As a result, she lost her eye and sustained shrapnel wounds to her face. Nancy now works with the Wounded Warrior Project and is in charge of Project Odyssey, a series of rehabilitative retreats for women, men, and couples in various locations throughout the country.

Cara Hammer, another Veteran woman, also accompanied us. She served in Iraq and is now a representative for Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA). Cara communicates local issues to higher chains of command, and identifies them on Capitol Hill in order to facilitate changes in warrior care—as well as address current needs, such as employment.

Maria Canales, an Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) Veteran, participates in wounded warrior support activities, such as the 10K marathon for wounded Veterans in New York. Maria has met many wounded Veterans and provides a shoulder to cry on and a listening ear.

Megan Gingrich worked as a nurse in the Air Force. She has provided medical care for our wounded Veterans and has seen first hand the trauma of war. She is a Reservist and continues her education as a pre-medicine student.

It was such an honor to be surrounded by phenomenal women. All have served this country and continue to serve our population as civilians. They were very well aware of AW2 and its mission. They have met AW2 Advocates throughout their journeys and believe in our program. It felt great to know that our mission is being executed nationwide. I was also amazed at their strength. I see how these women have taken matters into their own hands and have made a difference in the lives of others. We all share a passion to assist wounded Veterans.

Whether it is through art, personal sacrifice, Family and friend support, or individual drive, Veteran women are making a difference. I am thankful for the opportunity to meet these women and look forward to connecting with them in the future on our journey to accomplish our common mission—to help wounded warriors.

Editor’s Note: Wounded in Action: An Art Exhibition of Orthopedic Advancements is a traveling exhibit, if you are interested in viewing it visit their website at for locations and dates. 

Educating and Informing Others on AW2 through Hockey

By Stephen Lew, AW2 Advocate 

(left to right) AW2 Veteran Robert Casler and his AW2 Advocate Stephen Lew catch up during Military Appreciation Night at Hershey Park Arena.

As an AW2 Advocate, we attend events to support AW2 Soldiers, Veterans, and Families and to educate others on the support that AW2 provides for them. I attended the first ever Military Appreciation Night where the Lebanon Valley College (Dutchmen) Ice Hockey Team came to face off the Naval Academy Ice Hockey Team at the Hershey Park Arena in Hershey, PA.

Hershey Park Arena hosted this event as a fundraiser for wounded warriors through the nonprofit organization the Wounded Warrior Project, also known as WWP. This organization organizes fundraising activities and provides services and resources for wounded warriors.

As I stood at my AW2 table, I realized there is a common misconception that the Wounded Warrior Project (WWP) is the same thing as AW2. AW2, the Army Wounded Warrior Program, is the official U.S. Army program serving severely wounded, ill, and injured Soldiers since 9/11. AW2 is Army lead and designed by the Soldier for the Soldier. AW2 works inside the network of Army, government, and local and national resources to help Soldiers, Veterans, and their Families resolve many issues. Wounded warriors may be eligible for a wide array of benefits in order to help them recover physically, prepare financially, and build their skills for a rewarding career. AW2 Advocates will ensure that AW2 Soldiers, Veterans, and their Families are connected with these benefits and services, which span:

  • Career & Education
  • Insurance
  • Finance
  • Retirement and transition
  • Healthcare
  • Services for Families
  • Human Resources

It was a great opportunity to inform and educate numerous Veterans and non-Veterans about AW2 and great to see Veterans, active military, and civilians gather together. One of my AW2 Veterans, Robert Casler really enjoyed the game with his Family and seeing Veterans from all branches. In the end, Lebanon Valley Dutchmen rolled over the Naval Academy with a six to one final score and thousands of dollars were donated to support wounded warriors.

Thank you to the Lebanon Valley College Ice Hockey Team Head Coach, Tony Horacek and Assistant Coach, Spiros Anastasiadis, for connecting wounded warriors with this opportunity and future opportunities. I also thank the Wounded Warrior Project for complimenting the Army Wounded Warrior Program—we can’t do it alone.

Veterans Affairs Caregiver Support Line Opens

By Alan Morales, WTC Stratcom

Day in and day out caregivers provide the support and care necessary to assist wounded warriors in achieving a successful transition post injury. However, it’s no secret that sometimes those we rely on for support are the ones that need support themselves—including those that support Army wounded warriors.

Last week the Department of Veteran Affairs opened the National Caregiver Support Line to serve as the resource and referral center for caregivers, Veterans, and others seeking caregiver information. The support line provides referrals to local VA medical center caregiver support coordinators who can provide information, education, and referrals to appropriate VA and community resources.

AW2 caregivers deserve additional support and, thanks to the Department of Veterans Affairs, there is now one more resource for them to access. The National Caregiver Support Line is open Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. and Saturday 10:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. The National Caregiver Support Line Toll-free number is 1-855-260-3274.

What other resources do caregivers find helpful? If you have a resource in mind and would like to share this information with the Army wounded warrior community, please comment below or send your suggestions to

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