Press Releases

February 2013

Senate Democrats’ Sequester-Replacement Plan Includes Whitehouse’s Buffett Rule
Sen. Whitehouse to Speak at “Forward on Climate” Rally in Washington
Sen. Whitehouse Statement on President’s State of the Union Address
Senate Passes Legislation to Protect Women from Abuse
Whitehouse Introduces Sequester Replacement Plan to Preserve Jobs
With Blizzard Approaching, Delegation Requests Federal Emergency Declaration for RI
Whitehouse to Support Lew Nomination for Treasury
New England Senators Applaud Regional Effort to Reduce Carbon Pollution
RI Oceans Leader to Join Sen. Whitehouse for State of the Union Address
RI Delegation Announces Federal Funding to Help State Prepare for Effects of Climate Change
Whitehouse Stands Up for Social Security Benefits

January 2013

Bicameral Task Force Asks for Best Ideas to Address Climate Change
Whitehouse Statement on Passage of Sandy Relief Bill
Time to Wake Up: Weekly Climate Speech
Rep. Waxman and Sen. Whitehouse Form Bicameral Climate Change Task Force
Senators reintroduce the FAST Voting Act to help states improve their elections
Whitehouse and Blumenthal Statement on Visit to Afghanistan
Whitehouse in Egypt with McCain
U.S. Department of Justice Grants RI Cities Flexibility to Use Google Settlement Funds to Stabilize Pensions
Whitehouse Statement on Federal Climate Assessment