Tool to Conduct Capital Markets Assessments in Developing Countries

Document Type: 
January 1, 2009
This tool was developed to assist with capital markets diagnoses in developing countries. It is based on a comprehensive questionnaire developed by Robert Strahota with support from USAID EGAT.

Design and Methodology

This tool is designed to be used independently to obtain and assess information considered necessary for the development and regulation of markets for equity or corporate debt securities.

The tool may also be used for a broader financial sector assessment. In such circumstances, it may not be necessary to use some of the questions that pertain to topics addressed in other components of the broader assessment process.

The tool has four sections: Sections 1 and 2 assess the existence or potential to develop organized public markets for equity and corporate debt securities. Sections 3 and 4 pertain to legal and regulatory infrastructure conditions and developing market components. Depending on the answer to Sections 1 and 2, it may not be necessary to complete all of Sections 3 and 4.