enterprise development

New Economy Project

Title: New Economy Project

Country: Jamaica

Primary Focus: Job Creation
Start Date: 2004

Objective: The project offers training, technical assistance, and promotional support to private service/product providers and government agencies targeting the SME sector. The NEP approach is to seek out, package and implement deals with local companies and organizations in a way that benefits the small and medium business sector.

Key Implementing Partner: Carana Corporation

End Date: 2008

Small Businesses for a Better Future course

Title: Small Businesses for a Better Future course

Country: Georgia

Primary Focus: Entrepreneurship
Start Date: 2007

Objective: The training program aims to increase opportunities for adult employment by teaching students how to create and manage a business, create business plans, and market their services or products. The program provides 21 hours of training over the course of a month for 12 people.

Key Implementing Partner: Akhaltsikhe Center for Social Development

End Date: 2007

Georgia: Enterprise Growth Initiative Project

Title: Georgia: Enterprise Growth Initiative Project

Country: Georgia

Primary Focus: Business Environment

Start Date: 2002

Objective: The goal of the Georgia Enterprise Growth Initiative (GEGI) is to create a free market business environment, further develop the financial sector infrastructure and to facilitate the rate of enterprise growth in Georgia.

Key Implementing Partner: Bearing Point

End Date: 2007

Rural Enterprise Investment Partnership

Title: Rural Enterprise Investment Partnership.

Country: Eritrea

Primary Focus: Business Environment

Start Date: 1997

Objective: To accelerate the growth of both agricultural and non-agricultural rural enterprises.

Key Implementing Partner: ACDI/VOCA

End Date: 2006

Enterprise Support Program

Title: Enterprise Support Program

Country: Croatia

Primary Focus: Supply Response Export
Start Date: 2004

Objective: To improve performance, increase production, reach new foreign and domestic markets, increase exports, obtain financing from commercial financial institutions, and attract foreign investment.

Key Implementing Partner: Nathan Associates, Inc.

End Date: 2008

Colombia Enterprise Development (CED) Program

Title: Colombia Enterprise Development (CED) Program

Country: Colombia

Primary Focus: Business Centers
Start Date:
Objective: To promote economic and social alternatives to illicit crop production, improve municipal governance through strengthening urban economies, and to assist displaced populations through increased employment in outlying departments.

Key Implementing Partner: Carana Corporation

End Date: 2006

Enterprise Growth and Investment Project

Title: Enterprise Growth and Investment Project

Country: Bulgaria

Primary Focus: Business Environment

Start Date: 2000

Objective: A project to work with the government of Bulgaria, business associations and other private sector stakeholders to create an enabling environment for trade, investment and private sector economic development.

Key Implementing Partner: MSI

End Date: 2005

Business Assistance and Development

Title: Business Assistance and Development

Country: Azerbaijan

Primary Focus: Business Environment

Start Date: 2004

Objective: To work with Azeri enterprises and producers to spur economic growth.

Key Implementing Partner: International Rescue Committee/Chemonics

End Date: 2009

Review of Evaluations of Selected Enterprise Development Projects

Document Type: 
July 13, 2004

To present the findings from a review of evaluations of enterprise development projects with a business development service (BDS) component.

Evaluation of Dynaenterprises Activities in Senegal

Document Type: 
June 16, 2004

To assess the work of DynaEnterprises in Senegal by analyzing the impact of microfinance and business development activities; identifying lessons learned; and making recommendations regarding the nature, scope and approach
of possible future activities.

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