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US Army Medical Research Acquisition Activity (USAMRAA)


  • The US Army Medical Research Acquisition Activity (USAMRAA) provides the following: Quality, timely, and cost effective business advice and solutions for our customers and other stakeholders.
  • Respect, personal growth and well being for ourselves.
  • Public trust and good citizenship for our community.


To be the most cost effective acquisition activity in providing relevant, high quality, and timely business solutions for our customers

USAMRAA is the contracting and assistance agreement element of the USAMRMC and provides support to the Command headquarters and its worldwide network of laboratories and medical logistics organizations.

USAMRAA also supports the Fort Detrick Garrison and its military tenant activities, Army-wide projects sponsored by the Army Surgeon General, and numerous Congressionally mandated programs.

Last Modified Date: 22-Mar-2010