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June 17, 2010


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DOT extends protections to maritime passengers


This is really great news. I am a member of People First, California, Orange County Chapter and a client of the Regional Center of Orange County. They work with and for disabled persons . And I know that at least one of Orange County's major independent living programs for disabled persons has a travel component that includes travel by ship and boat. So this will be great news for the disability community in Orange County. And great that it comes at the same time we celebrate the 20th Anniversery of the ADA. Thank you Mr. Secretery and the DOT staff for a great Anniversery present and best wishes, Michael E. Bailey.

As one of five Petitioners who sought access aboard cruise vessels, though it took an additional five years since the US Supreme Court Justices made their ruling, (Spector, et. al VS Norwegian Cruise Line), to read this news; I cannot begin to express my feelings of gratitude. Not just for myself, but for millions of Americans with disabilities using mobility devices and wanting to enjoy cruise travel. During the past few years, I have noticed improvements, but more are needed for these floating hotels and the land tours only offered to passengers without mobility devices. I have experienced wonderful transportation services on several ferries. Thank you DOT!

Well said: "First and foremost, we want to make sure that boat and ship operators don't deny access to passengers based on their disability".

Most have old or infirm relatives for whom this is welcome news.

Public boat carriers are now on notice to comply with the ADA for boats.

Please keep up the good work.

Capt Jack

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