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June 23, 2009


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With the way the economy is, isn't there a better use for for $12 million dollars. Also, where did this money come from???? This country is in debt already, why are we as the Administration promises "Going to fix this place up?"

About time they invested in kings point. USMMA provides approx 80% of licensced officers obligated to provide logistical support in time of national emergency/war for the nation. USMMA is one of the undisputed world leaders in maritime education. The school lends credibility to the United States. As one of the major international maritime leaders.

Consider this. The stimulus package included about 50 million dollars for the National Endowment for the Arts. The 12 million for the USMMA is money far better spent. In fact they should have reversed the two. The USMMA (like the other Federal Academies) produces a fine product. Graduates are of a strong character with a commitment to service.

This is great news. An investment in USMMA is an investment in our nation and the strength of its economy. The bulk of the world and the nation's economy is driven by maritime trade. If the US fails in this vast economic area, our military cannot protect us. A belated thank you to the president who had the foresight to see this long ago and commissioned this school as a federal academy. A thank you to our current Commander in Chief who realizes the need to continue supporting this fine institution. The USMMA is America's best kept secret. Few people know how much we all owe to the men and women it has turned out over the years. These graduates do not get the recognition given to military personnel, but they are just as vital to our nation's security.

A belated thank you to the president who had the foresight to see this long ago and commissioned this school as a federal academy. A thank you to our current Commander in Chief who realizes the need to continue supporting this fine institution. The USMMA is America's best kept secret.

Why are we subsidizing graduates who will work at NAPA Auto Parts to pay back their service obligation? The USMMA has outlived its usefulness and should be closed. I just took a look at the budget for this upcoming year. Are you kidding? While the private industry, including the maritime industry, suffers cut backs, lay-offs and lower profits, the USMMA is increasing its budget by millions of dollars?
Why is it that the federal government and its employees are not part-taking in this recession which by all accounts and in all honesty was caused by the federal government (e.g Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Neighborhood Redevelopment, other wealth transfers, TARPI, II, Bailouts, over spending the budget, high interest payments of 40% of the budget,and so on)? Further, I know of no other institution that is such a hot bed of nepotism as the USMMA. The school produces very little for our nation as was its intended purpose when it was established.

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